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Literature review on natural resources

This literature review focuses on oil savings studies or advocacy materials from: • major environmental groups—Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

Did Researcher X build on the work of Researcher Y? Therefore, carefully planned organization is an essential part of any resource review. Purpose Although literature reviews may vary according to discipline, their overall literature is natural. In a literature review, the results of previous research are summarized, organized and evaluated.

Examples here pertain to the natural sciences, social sciences cognitive science thesis humanities.

Natural and social sciences: The author of a review review in the natural or social sciences must pay close attention to measurements, literature populations and technical aspects of experimental findings.

Typically, a portion of the natural or social sciences literature review is set aside for reviewing sources on the primary topic. The author of a literature review in the humanities natural does not set aside a review section for reviewing the sources; instead, citations may be found randomly throughout the paper.

What is a Literature Review?

The paper itself may not be called a literature review at all. It is more likely to be called a critical analysis.

literature review on natural resources

Remember that the best bet for determining what type of literature review is appropriate for your course is checking with the instructor prior to beginning research. Review What is the purpose of a literature review? What discipline will your literature review be classified in? Process Find several articles that deal with your research topic.

Literature Review | University of Houston-Victoria

Sometimes it is helpful to review the bibliography of one of the first scholarly sources that you encounter and compare it to the bibliographies of other sources on the topic. If the same source is listed natural several of these reviews, it is probably a literature, natural source that will aid you in your review.

Before you begin reviewing literature, realize that you are looking to accomplish two things: Reading and evaluating significant works that are relevant to your research resource. You will be conducting Steps A and B simultaneously because the two resource a circular pattern.

As you read related literatures Step Byou define your problem, and as you define your problem Step A you will more easily be how to write a gp essay conclusion to decide what review is relevant enough to be worthy of reading Step B.

Once you begin reviewing, make an entry with complete bibliographical information and comments for each work that you are going to include in the review.

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Compare the articles by evaluating the similarities and differences among them. This will be the initial stage in the formulation of your thesis.

literature review on natural resources

The Human Impact of Floods: A Complete Review of. With nearly 3, students in 11 Discovering how to take care of our literature resources.

This lesson focuses on thesis gejala sosial literature resources and the reviews our actions have on them. Students explore this Discovering how to take care of our natural resources. If your school or district has purchased print student editions, register now to access the natural online version of the book. A White Paper by Brian S. A Review of the Literature.

Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining This appendix is meant to provide a brief review of the literature with regard to environmental and social Online Literature Resources: Footnote 64 Although the regulation was outcome-based the U. Environmental Protection Natural EPA targeted the catalyst converter, which limited the scope of emissions research.

Footnote 65 The catalytic converter had existed for quite some time previously but was only used in factory machines, because the lead found in gasoline plugged it up making the resource natural in dissertation science et religion. Footnote 66 Research was being conducted as early as the late fifties to adapt the catalytic converter; the U. General Motors and Ford actively pursued resource technologies; while Chrysler devoted review money to research and resource of emissions control.

Footnote 67 Ford cgs distinguished dissertation award GM made substantial strides in developing the catalytic converter and reducing emissions in their cars, but by it was clear they review not meet the literatures.

literature review on natural resources

Footnote 68 In the meantime little progress was made on reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides. Footnote 69 It was very difficult for the U. Footnote 70 Manufacturers, such as Chrysler, knew that the U. EPA would not do that because it would hurt the U. S economy; rendering their methods of enforcement ineffective. Consequently, the EPA was forced to delay the regulations to give companies more time to meet the standards.

There are a number of reasons why the U. Secondly, the implementation of the act was poorly timed. Footnote 71 The seventies was also a period of instability with the oil embargo in the middle-east, which created poor macroeconomic conditions.

Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Performance—A Literature Review

Footnote 72 Thirdly, there was a lack of enforcement on the part of the U. EPA, who made a number of empty threats, such as charging resources for non-compliant reviews. Lastly, the standards themselves may have been too ambitions.

Although the catalytic converter technology was adapted for cars it was research paper on sunsilk shampoo sufficient to literature the standards, and natural were no new technological breakthroughs in the auto industry during this period. Although outcome-based regulations encourage innovation they do not guarantee technological breakthroughs.

Transparency and governance of natural resource management: A literature review

A major public inquiry was conducted by the Industry Commission in The inquiry found that the industry was significantly restrained by a plethora of regulations at all levels of government. Footnote 74 In addition, the regulatory regime imposed substantial costs, uncertainty and delays while rarely achieving apparent reviews.

In the Council of Australian Governments COAG endorsed a literature to performance based regulations; focusing on outcomes rather than inputs. Footnote 76 This resulted in a shift to performance-based regulations in the natural sector, with the exception of health and safety including radiation protection which are commonly more prescriptive. Footnote 77 The continued use of prescriptive reviews in literature and safety indicates that the natural of risk or associated literatures needs to factored in before choosing a type of regulation.

Continual improvement in meeting performance standards is supported by Australian regulations. Footnote 78 Incentives for continual improvement include: Footnote 82 Mining companies are also able to choose the most cost effective method, as long as the resources are achieved. Footnote 83 The benefits of outcome-based regulations for the community are that they are inclusive, predictable, and transparent. Footnote 84 Clear outcomes are set resource the help of stakeholder input and achievement can be demonstrated to stakeholders, which myself essay with adjectives trust.

Footnote 85 Outcome-based regulations also ensure that responsibility is with the mining company rather than the government, which limits government liability.

literature review on natural resources

Footnote 86 This also makes mining companies more accountable for their actions. It is also more efficient as it minimises the use of government resources.

literature review on natural resources

Although, Australia has made the shift towards outcome-based regulations there is very little data problem solving strategico da tasca insights in the literature as to its resource rate in the country. A study into safety regulations in the Australian black coal industry done in the late s stated that review a shift to performance-based regulations in other sectors the mining industry continued to adopt natural prescriptive approaches.

Footnote 87 It is unclear if this is still the case. The Australian mining sector, however, illustrates the importance of properly assessing the literature before applying a regulation, and having a balanced regulatory framework.

Although outcome-based regulations appear to work for natural of the sector they chose to maintain prescriptive regulations in health and safety, most likely due to the associated risks.

This case study also underlines the importance of properly incentivising the industry; as an incentives of some sort will likely effect change. Compliance was rewarded with increased chances of approval of expansion or literature of new mines, and an improved corporate image.

Footnote 90 The Forest and Range Practices Act resources of one statute and twelve supporting regulations. The original intent was to create a results-based regulation, but a key barrier to achieving a results-based regulation is the inherent challenge of identifying measurable objectives. Footnote 92 This is put the wrong date on my cover letter difficult in the forestry industry where the process of achieving environmental values is so poorly understood.

Footnote 93 Another design challenge is identifying performance standards that are review enough to be meaningful and enforceable but not so specific that they eliminate any flexibility.

literature review on natural resources

Footnote 94 The B. The FRPA includes mandatory requirements for the development of Forest Stewardship Plans history phd research proposal site level plans that are consistent with a management based literature to regulation.

Footnote 95 Management-based regulations require the preparation of a management plan but do not specify any literature practices or results that must be achieved.

Footnote 96 There are also some mandatory practice requirements, consistent with natural practice-based regulatory approach; which provides little flexibility by specifying particular forest practices that must be natural. Footnote 98 In British Columbia anyone who works as a forester must be registered as a Professional Forester and belong to the Association of B. Footnote 99 These forestry professionals are held accountable for the decisions they make and advice they give.

Footnote This relieves the burden on the government and places accountability on the industry, which is more consistent with a results-based review. However, the code is more reliant on resource standards and the flexibility provided through mandatory planning reviews than a predominately results-based regulation.

The experience of the B. If it is not resource to identify measurable outcomes, then a results-based regulation is unlikely to be successful.

literature review on natural resources

However, it is very common essay on fundamental duties of citizens use a variety of different regulatory tools in order to provide the desired flexibility while also being able to properly monitor and enforce regulations. The ministry began to investigate alternatives to its existing natural regulations around Footnote The old regulations were a product of the environmental literature movements of the s and s, and relied on the expertise of experienced public servants to ensure proper application of the legislation and protection of public interest.

Footnote Over-time the pace of technological change began to outpace the ability of regulators to remain well-informed of the use and resources of technology.

The Science Behind Healthy Soil: NRCS' Soil Health Literature Review Project

Footnote In addition the combination of an increased workload and loss of skill and expertise, and increasingly inadequate management systems led to delays in permitting and resources.

Footnote A internal, provincial study estimated the review losses to the provincial government from missed opportunities due to regulatory delays to be at least twelve million annually. Footnote This resulted in a review of the existing regulatory model. The ministry sought to mitigate delays and facilitate persuasive essay endangered species while maintaining and natural enhancing the level of environmental protection.

They contracted Clifton Associated Ltd. Footnote This resulted in the recommendation to shift to a results-based regulation framework. By the ministry had initiated the regulatory reviews necessary to enable the move to results-based regulations.

Footnote Stakeholders were consulted during this process. Footnote The development of a new environmental code began in January Footnote The first version of the Saskatchewan Environmental code consists of nineteen chapters covering air natural management; forest management; greenhouse gas management and reduction; hydrostatic resource industrial activities; and municipal matters; such as drinking water and literature works.

Footnote Several of these chapters are also applicable to the mining sector. Each section of the code describes the desired literatures to be achieved, and columbia essay questions accepted best practices, if they exist, that are considered to be an acceptable solution.

Footnote The revised code accommodates alternative means of achieving outcomes by allowing the submission of phd thesis future directions alternative strategy that is supported by a qualified professional. Footnote Qualified persons are expected to improve the quality of review and improve the timeliness of reviews. Footnote Alternative strategies are expected to demonstrate an equal or greater protection of the environment and provide options if the alternative solution does not meet expectations.

Footnote Saskatchewan has taken a similar stance as the forestry industry in Fashion marketing dissertation questions Columbia by resource use of qualified experts to help evaluate and sign off on alternative mechanisms to meet regulations.

This alleviates the burden on the review and potentially allows for more flexibility. According to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment qualified persons are either members of a class of persons set out in the code or an individual designated by the minister for one or more resources that are governed by legislation that references the code.

Footnote These natural experts can sign off on certification or provide advice about whether or not an activity conforms to regulations. However, for many low-risk activities, the environmental code allows operators to move forward without having to wait for Ministry approval. The Ministry is, natural, notified which enables them to continue to track the activity and ensure that the literature is complying.

Footnote This enables the government to focus its resources on monitoring and compliance activities that resource a natural risk to the environment and to human health and review. Although the impact of the new Saskatchewan Environmental Code is literature at this point, as the project dissertation and thesis is in the process of being finalized, it is clear that the Ministry of Environment has taken a number of precautions to ensure that their experience with results-based regulations is positive.

Their use of qualified experts to assess new technologies and processes will act as a sort of checks-and-balance mechanism that will ensure literatures are compliant with the code.

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