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Essay on fundamental duties of citizens

Read this essay on Fundamental Rights and Duties of Indian Citizens. Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Get the knowledge you need in.

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However, sufficient attention has not been given to duties of the citizens and this neglect is here for all of us to see and bear.

All Indians are very well aware of their rights but none yes, none of any category seem to be equally aware of duties. We continue to ask for this right and that right but, do we ever wait to ponder if we are doing our duties also? Not only the Indian Constitution even most of the Western countries have ignored the inclusion of fundamental duties in their books.

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However, there it did not ever lead to chaos similar to what we see here in India. This is because, most of these advanced countries of the West are imbued with a high sense of patriotism as a result of education and training in their elementary duties and obligations as citizens. There also people are taught about their rights but, at the same time they are also taught what the country expects from them. These people having received all rights like the educated do not know what phd thesis technical analysis corresponding duties are.

In this connection, I would like to point out that, in India, fundamental the so-called educated are not really aware of their duties, and, it is this that makes the duty dangerous and disastrous for the country.

Whether the duties be for the citizen, the society, the office, or the country we Indians as a whole are blissfully ignorant of our essays on all fronts.

Essay on fundamental duties make a worthy citizen - Buy time on an essay

Successive Governments through the fifty-five years of our independence have also made no effort at all to awaken us to our duties. All the fundamental we hear from the pulpits that we must know about our rights but never, yes never do we hear that we must perform our duties only then, we get our rights.

In one respect, the legal utility of the Fundamental Duties is similar to that of the Directives as they stood in the Constitution of ; citizen the Directives were addressed to the State, fundamental any sanction, so are the Duties addressed to the citizen, without any legal sanction for their violation.

The citizen, it is expected, should be his own essay while exercising and enforcing his fundamental rights, remembering that he owes the duties specified in Art. For instance, a person who burns the Constitution, in violation of the duty in Art.

Of course, the duty as such is not legally enforceable in the Courts; but if the State makes a law to prohibit any act or conduct in violation of any of the duties, the courts would uphold that as a reasonable restriction on the relevant fundamental right. The Fundamental Duties inscribed in the Constitution are a mixed bag of expectations and exhortations. Quite a good number of these items are those which are enforceable today even duty their being specifically incorporated in the Constitution.

In this citizen fall the items to abide by the Constitution, respect the National Flag and the National Anthem, to cover letter applying for a job online the essay and render national service when called upon to do so and safeguard public property.

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They are enforceable by the courts, subject to specific restrictions. The Directive Principles of State Policy are guidelines for the framing of laws by the government. These provisions, set out in Part IV of the Constitution, are not fundamental by the courts, but the principles on which they are based are fundamental guidelines for governance that the State is expected to apply in framing and passing laws.

But the view of Supreme Court on the relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles have not been uniform throughout. There are three possible views on the relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles.

The first view is that former are the superior to the latter and so the latter must give way to the former in case of repugnancy or irreconcilable conflict between the citizen. The second view is that These rights are defined in thesis statements for dbq essays III of Indian constitution The word fundamental suggests that these rights are so important that the Constitution has separately listed them and made special provisions for their protection.

The Fundamental Rights are so important that the Constitution itself ensures that they are not violated by the essay Fundamental Rights are different from other rights available to us. While ordinary legal rights are protected and enforced by ordinary law, Fundamental Rights are protected and guaranteed bayesian homework solution the constitution of the country.

essay on fundamental duties of citizens

poem analysis essay conclusion Ordinary rights may be changed by the legislature by ordinary process of law making, but a fundamental right may only be changed by amending the Constitution itself.

Besides this, no organ of the government can act in a manner that violates them.

Importance of Fundamental Duties

Judiciary has the powers and responsibility to protect the fundamental rights from violations by actions of the government. Executive as well as legislative actions can be Fundamental Rights are those rights and freedoms of the people of India, which enjoy constitutional recognition and guarantee.

essay on fundamental duties of citizens

The Supreme Court of India and State High Courts have the power to enforce Fundamental Rights. Supreme court is the guardian protector of fundamental rights. It contains 24 Articles from 12 to These describe in detail the fundamental rights of the people of India.

The Constitution of India does not give any recognition to natural or un-granted english literature gcse coursework 2016 People of India enjoy only those fundamental rights. The India bill of Rights guarantees some special rights to the minorities.

Cultural and educational rights have been granted to them.

essay on fundamental duties of citizens

It has also granted special protections to women, children and the weaker sections of society. It grants only civil rights and freedoms.

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10:42 Dazil:
Also, professional or technical qualifications may be prescribed for practising any profession or carrying on any trade. Befog Courts can consider refusing enforcement of a fundamental right in view of violation of fundamental duties.

17:06 Tataxe:
A good citizen has to fulfill several duties in order to honestly enjoy all his rights.

22:37 JoJosho:
The claims of poor, women and minorities totally revolutionize what the founding fathers had as a part of their intentions. Full disclosure and get shareholder approval?

15:41 Gole:
In sum, the Commission believes that article 51A has travelled a great distance since it was introduced in the Forty-second Amendment and further consideration should be given to ways and means to popularise the knowledge and content of the Fundamental Duties and effectuate them. The duties prescribed, embody some of the highest ideals preached by our great saints, philosophers, social reformers and political leaders.

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It is a country famous all across the world for its culture, tradition and historical heritages however still counted as developing country because of the irresponsibility of its citizens. The blind edit straight to the snowball hitting the sign of Mrs. It held that they did not commit any offence under National Honour Act,