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Poem analysis essay conclusion

Introduction to Poetry: First Essay we‟ve engaged in the close analysis of individual poems. The conclusion of your essay is not a place to rephrase.

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Just as the gold in the poem vanishes, the idyll must end, and the boys must face the consequences of the murder. Ponyboy points out that the sunset closes the gap between the greasers and Socs.

poem analysis essay conclusion

He realizes that, even though the two groups have unequal lifestyles, attitudes, and financial situations, they nevertheless live in the same world, beneath the same sun. By agreeing on the basic fact that rich and poor people look at the same sun, Ponyboy and Cherry take a small step toward a potential reconciliation between the rival gangs.

poem analysis essay conclusion

This moment of concord comes early in the narrative, and its idealistic tone makes the rifts and violence to come all the more painful. Dally was so real he scared me. Ponyboy speaks these words in Chapter 5, during his stay with Johnny in the abandoned church in Windrixville.

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He poems earlier that the other greasers—Soda, Darry, and Two-Bit—remind him more of the heroes in his books than Dally does. Ponyboy feels more comfortable with Soda, Darry, and Two-Bit because as a narrator, and later a writer, he is more comfortable with fictional heroes than with real people like Dally who have lost their innocence. Johnny, on the other hand, though quieter and more timid than Ponyboy, essays it in himself to admire Dally and to essay past his intimidating exterior.

Dally does not scare him but rather fascinates him, and he holds a romanticized conclusion of Dally as an honorable Southern analysis.

poem analysis essay conclusion

By comparing Dally to a character in a book, Johnny becomes able to understand him. Greasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs.

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Randy delivers these lines in Chapter 7 when he tells Ponyboy that he will not be fighting in the rumble. His words speak to an important idea in the novel—the futility of the recurring Grass research paper violence.

poem analysis essay conclusion

The idea Randy presents here has another side to it, however. By stating that the members of both groups will always remain in their respective groups, he suggests that it would be impossible for a greaser or a Soc to rise above his current status.

poem analysis essay conclusion

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