06.09.2010 Public by Maugar

Problem solving strategico da tasca

Problem Books in Mathematics Edited by K. Bencsath P.R. Halmos Springer New York Berlin Heidelberg Barcelona Problem - Solving Strategies by Arthur Engel.

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Cavalcare la propria tigre. La mente contro la natura. Ipnosi e terapie ipnotiche. Cambiare occhi toccare il cuore.

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Guardarsi dentro rende ciechi. Le scoperte e le invenzione della psicologia.

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Solcare il mare all'insaputa del cielo. Problem solving strategico da tasca. Gli errori delle donne in amore. Aiutare i genitori ad aiutare i figli.

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Dizionario Internazionale di Psicoterapia. La paura delle decisioni.

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Dieta o non dieta. L'arte di mentire a se stessi e agli altri. How actions create—not just reveal— preferences.

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Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12 1 Effects of Subliminal Priming of Self and God on Self-attribution of Authorship for Events. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44 1 Psychological Science, 18 5 Journal of Consumer Research, 36 4 How Credit Card Payments Increase Unhealthy Food Purchases: Visceral Regulation of Vices.

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Journal of Consumer Research, 38 1 The meaning of default options for potential organ donors. PNAS, 38 Comparison, Grouping, and Preference.

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Psychological Science, 10 3 Dread Risk, September 11, and Fatal Traffic Accidents. Psychological Science, 15 4 Failure to Detect Mismatches Between Intention and Outcome in a Simple Decision Task.

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