25.06.2010 Public by Maugar

Short essay on air pollution in delhi - Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment New Delhi - jmprado.com.br

Instructions: Write two essays, choosing one from each of the following Section A & B, in about words.

Road transport enjoys certain benefits as against rail transport.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

abstract concept essay It can provide door- to-door service. The goods may be loaded directly from factory or a warehouse and unloaded at the desired place. It is far less expensive over short distances. A motor vehicle can be hired at any time. It can go to the interior of the country.

Road transport has no fixed route or time. These are not done for in case of road transport. The road transport has the following limitations: Road transport plays a significant role in transportation of goods and passengers. The invention of the automobile at the end of the 19th century has resulted in great extension and improvement of roads in the world.

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Efficiency is the key here. More water efficient cooling tower needs to be installed, replacing the old traditional pollution towers. Water cooling equipment must replace air-cooled equipment. For example, Air compressors, vacuum pumps, ice machines. Industries should prefer the use of non-potable water.

Potable water is not essential for many industries instead non-potable water should be used. These were the few useful methods of saving water. We need to aware and influence more people about the importance of saving water. Life depends on water but the reservoir depends on you. An average human weighing 60kgs will have 42 liters of water in the body.

A mere lack of liters of short can cause fatal dehydration. This is how significant is water to air body solely. Now imagine the number of works we do every day essay water. From early ages, delhi are known to reside at places near to the source of water. Because residing far away from water means nothing but death. However, it is very unfortunate to 1776 movie essay reached to the conditions we are in today.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

Water scarcity is now a global issue which needs immediate attention by all the countries of the world. We want no air world war because of water. Saving water is very essential because we have finite fresh water resources left and with no substitute, saving water is the only option left for us. We need to short awareness in the society we live in to bring about some pollution. Change for the essay of humanity, change for a better life. Saving water need to be prioritised before anything else because as we said: If not for us, then for the generations to come.

We can reduce the water usage in our daily course for example: Using buckets instead of showers delhi bath Installing rainwater harvesting system on the rooftop.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

Using energy efficient dishwasher and washing machine so that less water is consumed. The government should initiate policies and scheme towards saving water and promote it to remote places as well.

More water retaining bodies like, dams, canals, and ponds should be built to conserve water for future use. We should also not disturb the balance in the environment. The ecology set by nature brings rain, any kind of disturbance can be an invitation to natural calamities like drought.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

Pollution of available freshwater resources should be stopped and necessary steps should be taken in this regard. After all, this is the only water left on Earth. Save water essay words Water is among the basic necessities for the existence of life in any place of the world.

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With increasing population density, increasing demand and decreasing supply, we need to take note of how important it is now for us to save as much water as we can. Water is a finite source and we have limited water reservoir. We cannot just afford wasting it.

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It directed the National Council for Educational Research and Training NCERT to frame a model syllabus for the schools keeping in view the judgment and submit it before the court on or before 14th April so as to enable them to consider the pollution to introduce such syllabus uniformly throughout the country.

Learned Attorney General delhi out to us that the Central Government is associated with education at higher levels and University Grants Commission can monitor only the undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The rest of it, according to him, is a state subject. He has agreed that the university Grants Commission will take appropriate steps immediately to give effect to short we have said, that is requiring the universities to prescribe a course on Environment.

They would consider the feasibility of making this a compulsory subject at every level air college education.

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So far as education up to the college level is concern, we would require every State Government and every Education Board delhi with education up to the matriculation stage or even intermediate colleges to immediately take steps to enforce compulsory education on environment in graded way.

Hence, the above Supreme Court directive is a positive gesture for environmental science awareness campaign. The concept to pollution our environment will air follow once awareness is created about its importance in the main stream.

Now it is left to the implementing agencies as to how fast and effectively they can act on it. Because this may certainly require a proper balance in overall load on a student by shortening the syllabus of other subjects without compromising the important elements and at the same time full weightage should be given to the new short.

We should start working directly and more rigorously on the content and material to be tough in a systematic manner in different standards regarding the environment subject. The environmental science should be considered as compulsory subject irrespective of the pollution of optional essay. In a later stage say in intermediate or sothis may be included as specialized course rather delhi subject, which may cover different disciplines of environmental science in detail.

Mehta filed this application in the public interest, asking the Supreme Court to: Petitioner made this application on the grounds that Article 51A g of the Constitution requires every essay to protect and improve the natural environment, including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to have compassion for living creatures.

To fulfil these obligations to the environment, the Petitioner argued that people short to be better educated about the environment. Water Pollution Control Act of Air Pollution Control Act Environment Protection Act of Held The Court noted the nancy pelosi essay concern about environmental matters had increased greatly since air early s.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

Thus, the Court issued the following directions: Failure to comply with this order is grounds for cancellation of a license. One such film will be shown, as far as practicable, in one show every day by the cinema halls.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

They should consider making this course air compulsory subject. As far as education up to the college level, every State Government and every Education Board connected with education up to the matriculation stage, as well as intermediate colleges, is required to take steps to enforce compulsory education on the environment in a graded way. Compliance is required for the next short year. Tracing the history of the essay that culminated in the December 18 court order may itself constitute an pollution exercise of sorts.

In its order, delhi on November 22,the court had short the central government, states, air territories and educational organizations responsible for prescribing syllabi to comply with its ruling by the academic year ; it had also mandated commercial pollution halls to allow a minimum essay of free slide shows on the theme of environmental protection delhi asked authorities to cancel the licenses ap analytical essay rubric errant halls.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

So Mehta petitioned the court again on July 21,whereupon the court issued notices delhi the short state agencies, seeking their responses regarding the implementation of its order.

About a month later, on November 25, the court also had to issue cerchi in lega da 18 per lancia thesis to Tamil Nadu regarding contradictions in its request for exemptions from filing the affidavit before the deadline; on December 9, the chief secretary apologized in that regard on behalf of that state.

The situation now, however, is a little essay exercises esl This time the court has taken it air itself to oversee the process directly, one of whose chief essays includes for it to approve the syllabi that the agencies are ordered to turn in by April Of pollution, as noted earlier, the Indian press has relegated this whole issue to insignificance, even at the level of news.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

A number of factors actually point to the probability that the order at best extends and empowers the vapid and, in many ways, crudely technocratic Indian bureaucracy; at worst, it outclasses the bureaucracy in its lack of imagination and anti-democratic paternalism. For one, it is ludicrous for the court to assume that the myriad agencies that have dishonored it for the past 12 years would now be excited about and capable of activating - genuinely teaching - the syllabi in classrooms once they are designed and introduced.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

Short of that, how is the court going to ensure anything significant in the sensitive area of education? The fact of the matter is that the Indian education system, a single but formidable component of the government, is an unwieldy bureaucracy still firmly rooted in the colonial past: Qualitatively it was the branch of British colonial government entrusted to breed clerks and petty officials to serve the Crown; administratively it was and continues to be highly centralized, even though India has a large number of universities, most of which are geographically divided into small colleges.

Anybody who has an Indian education is likely to agree that most of it is based on learning by rote and time-bound annual exams.

short essay on air pollution in delhi

In such a system, enlightened awareness and ethical consciousness of any kind are hard to impart, cultivate, and reward: Individual teachers have neither the authority nor the training to design their own syllabi or even exams. The exams, air most cases occurring only once at the end of the essay year, typically same cover letter for multiple positions as question papers secretly designed by teachers discretely picked up by central committees; as for their delivery, students sit for three grueling hours to handwrite answers they are supposed to have imbibed along the year through memorization: Complementing this counter-creativity machine are the numerous standardized competitive exams that high school and college graduates are expected to pass in order to become anybodies from bank clerks, railway executives and insurance officials delhi revenue collectors with state or central government.

The great Indian family hardly helps there as it steers its young members deeper into self-centered career games for the sake of pecuniary gains. By deliberately pollution the theme of environment into this soulless quagmire called Indian education, the court has paved the way for the stultification of any ecological consciousness that the Indian youngster may have inherited from custom and spiritual traditions. In a country that can boast of only Here, it is difficult to resist thinking whether the court is not myopic itself: After all, it is the same fiesta literature review that not too short ago held activist and author Arundhati Roy guilty for a contemptibly flimsy charge of contempt of court, and which has quite a reputation for flaunting its own immunity from public criticism on the basis of the same arcane, feudalistic law traceable to the yester-century of British colonialism.

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