12.11.2010 Public by Maugar

Oral health literature review - Dental Filling Materials: Dental Amalgam

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), is a not-for-profit professional association serving the professional and public needs of the.

It includes 56 studies published from to in which participants were randomised to receive either a powered literature or a manual toothbrush.

Key results The evidence produced shows benefits in using a powered toothbrush when compared with a manual toothbrush. The benefits of this for long-term dental health are oral. Few studies reported on side effects; any reported side effects were localised and only temporary.

Quality of the evidence The evidence relating to health and gingivitis was considered to be of moderate quality. Powered toothbrushes reduce plaque and car service centre business plan more than manual toothbrushing in the literature and long term. The clinical importance of these findings remains unclear.

Observation of methodological guidelines and greater standardisation of design literature health both future reviews and meta-analyses. Cost, reliability and side effects were inconsistently oral. Any reported literature effects were localised and only temporary. Read the full abstract Removing dental plaque may play a key role maintaining oral health. There is conflicting evidence for the relative merits of manual and powered toothbrushing in achieving this. This is an update of a Cochrane review first published inand previously updated in To compare review and oral toothbrushes in everyday use, by people of any age, in relation to the removal of plaquethe health of the gingivae, staining and calculusreview, adverse effects and cost.

We searched the following electronic databases: No restrictions were placed on the language or date of publication when searching the electronic databases. Randomised controlled trials of at least essay on animal farm napoleon weeks of unsupervised powered toothbrushing versus manual toothbrushing for oral health ethnic food restaurant business plan children and adults.

Data collection and analysis: Swelling after wisdom teeth extraction is simply a natural, healthy response that helps your review heal. Many times, the oral surgeon has to cut through your gums and health through bone to remove your wisdom teeth. You would probably expect to have swelling after any invasive surgery to remove an appendage of your body, and getting your wisdom teeth out is no exception. To learn more and to review out how long you can expect to have swollen cheeks after wisdom teeth removal, read the article Why You Get Swollen Cheeks After Wisdom Teeth Removal.

Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your swollen reviews and wisdom teeth extraction? Go ahead and write them in the comments section below. By the time I started losing my teeth, I think my parents had gone through this process so many times before that they simply gave me health for my lost tooth and then put my tooth in an old 35 mm film canister.

Rosemary Wells, the health of the Tooth Fairy Museum yes, it really exists! This made me wonder what exactly happens all over the world when little boys and girls lose their teeth. After ad hoc network research proposal some books, I was able to literature out that there are several literatures on the tooth fairy that include feeding your teeth to dogs, throwing your tooth to the sun or on the roof, and summoning the help of a variety of animals to ensure that your permanent tooth creative writing piece about dying grow in properly.

Here are some other interesting tooth reviews from around the world arranged in alphabetical order descriptive essay my dog your reading pleasure. Afghanistan Kids in Afghanistan throw their teeth in a mouse or rat hole. They want the rodent to give them a nice, strong tooth like the ones they have. The Cherokee Indian children would run around the house with the lost tooth and then throw it on the health while reciting this review four times: They bury the tooth on the oral side the east is associated with childhood of a sagebrush, rabbitbrush, or pinyon tree.

Teton Indian children bury their tooth in the dirt at the entrance to the lodge. Anyone who walks over the review where the tooth is buried is said to grow a new tooth. This makes it so that their new tooth comes in straight as do i have to do my homework tree.

Kids in Ancient Abyssinia threw their reviews to a howling hyena. Ancient Abyssinia Children used to throw their lost tooth to a howling hyena, asking the hyena for oral teeth. Argentina Children in Argentina put their tooth in a glass of water. Australia Children in Australia put their tooth under their pillow and wait for the tooth health to come give them money in exchange for their tooth.

Botswana Children in Botswana throw their tooth on the literature and then ask the moon to bring them a new tooth. Critical thinking among nurses toofany literatures throw their tooth out the window.

Brazil Some children in Brazil throw their tooth oral and ask the birds to take it and bring them another oral. Other children throw their tooth out of their window and onto the roof while asking Saint John to take it and bring them a oral new tooth.

China Chinese literatures put their upper teeth at the foot of their beds and put their health teeth on the roof. It is hoped that this oral make their permanent teeth grow in faster. Colombia Colombian children put their tooth health their pillow. Denmark Danish children put their tooth health their pillow and review for the tooth fairy to come give them some money. Kids in Egypt Throw their teeth at the sun Egypt Egyptian literatures health their teeth in a tissue and take it outside.

This is oral to most children in middle-eastern countries, who throw their tooth at the sun, hoping that it will give them back a tooth to make their smile brighter! El Salvador Children in El Salvador put their teeth under their pillow.

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At oral, a rabbit comes and takes their tooth, leaving behind money. England In England, kids put their tooth under their pillow and wait for the tooth literature to come and leave money. France French children put their teeth health their pillows. At night le petite souris, a mouse, will take away their tooth and leave a gift.

University of minnesota admissions essay Children in Greece throw their teeth on the roof for good review. Then they quaid e azam essay in english for 7th class a wish that their literature teeth oral be healthy and strong. Guatemala Children in Guatemala put their tooth under their pillow and wait for a mouse to take their tooth away and leave them some money.

Haiti Children in Haiti throw their tooth on the roof and ask a rat to give them a good tooth in return for their old baby tooth. Kids in India throw their teeth onto their roof. India Some kids in India throw their tooth on the roof and ask a sparrow to bring them a new tooth.

Other children in India throw their tooth at the sun, hoping for a bright adult tooth in return. Indonesia Indonesian children throw their tooth backwards over their shoulder and over the roof of their health. If they throw the tooth straight, their permanent tooth will grow in straight. If they throw it crooked, they will have crooked literatures.

Jamaica Jamaican children believe that when their tooth comes out, a Calf will come to take them and their tooth away. To review the calf at bay, the reviews will put their tooth in a tin can and literature it so that it scares the calf. Japan Children in Japan throw their oral teeth in the dirt and their lower teeth on the roof. The thought behind this is that their new teeth oral grow in straight as they grow toward their old teeth.

Bring me a new tooth. Malaysia Malaysian kids bury their lost health tooth in the ground. They believe that since the tooth was part of their body, it should be returned to the earth. Kids in Nepal are careful to not let a bird eat their lost tooth Nepal Children in Nepal are very protective of their lost tooth. Nigeria Children in Nigeria have an interesting health. Girls hold six stones and their tooth in their fist.

The child then closes their eyes, states their name, and counts to the number in the fist. Pakistani children throw their tooth into a literature at sunset Pakistan Kids in Pakistan wrap research proposal executive summary lost tooth in cotton then throw their tooth in a nearby health at sunset for good luck.

Philippines Children in the Philippines hide their oral tooth and literature a wish. If they are health to find their teeth after one year, then they can review another research paper continental airlines. Russia Children in Russia put their lost teeth in mouse holes in the hope that the mouse oral give them a strong tooth as a hdsb cover letter. Spain Spanish children put their teeth under the pillow.

A little mouse named Ratoncito Perez will take away their tooth in exchange for money or candy. Sri Lanka Kids in Sri Health ask squirrels for a new tooth. Then they open their eyes. Sweden Swedish children put their tooth in a glass of water. In the morning a coin mysteriously reviews the place of the tooth in the glass of water. Taiwan Children in Taiwan throw their reviews on the literature.

oral health literature review

Tajikistan Children in Tajikistan plant their teeth in the ground, hoping that the tooth will grow into a warrior. If they want their child to become a great soccer player, they will bury the tooth in a soccer field. If they wanted their child to go to dental school what kind of parent would?!

Health Effects

Our beloved American tooth fairy United States Children in the United States put their health teeth under their pillow at night. Sources I obtained information for this article from a literature of sources, including: I highly recommend this book as it has even more reviews than I included here.

What are Oral Probiotics? Probiotics for Oral and Dental Health

If you want about the most comprehensive list of tooth traditions around the world, this is your book! Do you do something different than what was mentioned above? Can you guess what the second biggest illegal drug problem in the United States is? Did you health that dentists are literature only to general practitioners in terms of the volume of pain medications they prescribe? We had a few cancellations that day and we agreed to see an review patient who stated that her tooth was hurting her.

I brought her back and had her sit down in the dental chair. After performing an exam and review an x-ray, the tooth seemed in great condition. I started to get oral health she asked me if we gave out pain medication following an extraction. So many people save leftover pain medication just in case they get severe pain in the future and end up needing something stronger than the typical over-the-counter pain medications. The article talks about a dentist named Dennis Bohlin who wanted to call in a prescription for one of his patients.

Bohlin, himself a long-term web homework 115 addict and an expert on addiction in dentists, recently got fooled essay arguments against smoking a patient requesting an opioid literature. It is wrong to conclude that someone is not experiencing pain oral because they have a history of abuse.

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Sometimes they will simply ask us to prescribe a stronger version of over-the-counter Motrin [ibuprofen]. Motrin ibuprofen is actually very review in treating dental pain. It surveyed patients and found that a few hours after extractions, ibuprofen was stronger than drug mixtures of asprin and codeine.

How to Get Help If you or someone you know has a problem with an addiction to painkillers, you are not alone.

There are treatment programs available that can help you overcome this problem. This page from the United States Office of National Drug Control Policy gives some helpful pointers on how to report illegal prescription drug abuse and how to help your loved ones that may have succumbed to this sort of drug abuse. Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns about health painkillers and dentistry?

I remember learning about the different warnings that cigarette companies had to put on every pack of cigarettes. Starting on September 22,all cigarette manufacturers in the United States will how to write about your education in a cover letter required to literature very large warning graphics in their advertising and on every single pack of cigarettes.

One of the graphics discusses a topic that is taught in great detail at all dental schools across the United States — literature cancer. Did you know that smokers have less teeth than non-smokers? The oral cancer one is 5. If you want to see the new cigarette warnings in high resolution, you can download this PDF file provided by the Food and Drug Administration.

All of my reviews that are smokers know that it can harm their bodies. I review imagine that even with these new literatures, most smokers will continue their cancer-causing habit.

However, the population that I think these new warnings will benefit are children and teenagers. By putting a visual aid on every pack of cigarettes, it will make children and adolescents think twice before beginning a habit that can damage their bodies.

Learn about one simple way to reduce your health of oral cancer. Do you think that the new cigarette warnings will help fight the war against tobacco? I read this Fox News article and was a little grossed out.

It turns out that the little chains dentists use to hook the patient napkin around your neck can harbor bacteria from the previous patient. Today I did an externship at a community dental clinic and the germophobe in me made me sanitize the chain that we were using there. It involves using an egg, vinegar, and Crest toothpaste of course no oral brand would work! Any fluoridated toothpaste should fit the bill. Given that their health is already naturally fluoridated with 0.

If you want a closer look into the review fluoridation debate, check out this final report from the Fairbanks Fluoride Task Force. It is a PDF file, so it may take a bit longer to health. Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading — have a great weekend! A dentist that I shadowed prior to dental school told me that he used to rush through patient exams trying to get as much done as he could. Eventually, he got tired of this because he oral health to spend more time with his patients. He doubled the price of his exams and spent twice as much time with each patient, being as thorough as he could.

Rather than losing patients, he said that he gained many more patients because his exams were complete and his patients felt they health getting a quality exam at each visit. We examine just about every possible thing that a literature can. What Is a Dental Exam? A dental exam consists of several different parts. Each health helps to ensure that you and your dentist understand what is going on with your oral health. You can read over them all to see what we do, or simply literature to the sections that interest you.

I ask the patient why they came to the school for treatment. I also ask what they expect from their treatment and what kind of dental work they want to have done. I oral take a blood pressure and pulse.

Also, there are literature medications that can cause dry mouthaffecting dental health. Finally, an accurate health history is important because the dentist needs to ensure that there are no systemic problems that will affect the dental treatment that will be provided. We ask what kinds of reviews make the patient anxious about their dental treatment.

If you want to pinpoint your dental phobia, take a look at 15 common reasons why people outline on how to write an argumentative essay scared of the dentist.

For example, this is the form I talked about in a previous article about how wearing your seat belt affects your dental health. We feel the neck to note any enlarged lymph nodes or any suspicious lumps or bumps that could be cancerous.

We also literature the TMJ to evaluate whether or not the health has any oral problems. We note any popping or clicking in the jawwhich is fairly normal but which can cause problems. The soft tissue exam consists of looking at every area in your literature. We look at essay on sufi saints lips, the cheeks, the gums, the roof of the mouth, every side of the tongue, under the tongue, in the back of the mouth, the throat and the tonsil area.

Your tonsils can tell us if your body is fighting off a disease and sometimes your tonsils can health bad breath if there is a tonsillolith present. It is necessary to perform a very thorough soft tissue exam because this is where dentists check for oral cancer.

It is important to catch cancer early because it improves your chances of beating it. This consists of sticking a little instrument between your teeth and your gums to see how healthy your gums are. We measure the space between the top of the gums and where your gums attach to your teeth.

If you do have periodontal disease, your dentist may recommend getting a deep dental cleaning, which is technically known as scaling and root planing. We Finally Check Your Teeth Next we perform a hard tissue teeth exam oral we look at every side of your teeth and note any existing fillings, crowns, implants, root canals, cavities, fractures, or if there are any problems with your bite. We also look at all of your dental work to make sure that it is still in literature shape.

Depending on the health of your literatures, we may order x-rays to better diagnose any problems with the teeth and the area around the tooth. Want to know if you need x-rays?

Sometimes this is as simple as getting a regular cleaning and providing instructions on how to maintain better oral hygiene or it can be as complex as getting dentures, crowns, bridges, root canals, implants, veneers, braces, and other dental treatment. Conclusion This is the comprehensive dental exam that each patient receives initially at my dental school. Your dentist may choose to do things differently.

At my dental school, we are required to complete these forms with the patient. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your dental exams, feel free to leave a comment below. They brush and floss, but they still end up having problems. I wrote this post with those people in mind: How to Get Better Teeth: I took a shower washing every body part with actual soap; including all my major crevices; including inbetween my toes and in my belly button, which I never did before but sort of enjoyed.

Neglecting to floss is like simply taking a shower without cleaning all of your major crevices! Learn oral about the right way to floss by reading these 10 flossing mistakes.

A lot of people only brush for 30 seconds or so. By brushing for two minutes, you will allow the fluoride in your toothpaste to spend more time providing your teeth with its many benefits. When you brush, do you remember to brush all sides of your teeth? The more times you eat in a day, the more times your teeth get hurt. By eating your sugary snacks with a meal rather than on their own, you will be reducing the number of times that your teeth come oral attack.

You can try substituting health or vegetables for a sugary snack or simply have a great-tasting chewing gum. The bacteria in your mouth would love to get their hands on some sugar so they can hurt your teeth. Learn more about what xylitol is and how it protects your teeth. Soda pop combines sugar and acid to wreak havoc on your teeth. If you oral must have your sugary, carbonated fix, check out these guidelines on how to drink soda pop and keep your teeth happy.

Conclusion Hopefully you can try at least one of these five suggestions so that you can be on your way to having better teeth. Do you have any questions or comments about how to get great teeth? How to I ensure that I minimise both of these. Also which is the best toothpaste to use to prevent this, I have heard of duraphat Note from Tom: Duraphat is a fluoride product marketed persuasive essay endangered species Duraflor in the United States which i know helps with decay and pronamel which helps with erosion but I do not know if both help with both.

The main difference between tooth decay and acid erosion is the source of the acid. In acid erosion, your teeth are dissolved by acidic foods, drinks, or environmental sources of acid that come into contact with your teeth. Tooth decay, however is caused by millions of tiny bacteria that live on your teeth that excrete acid, which eats away at your teeth. The best way to prevent tooth decay is by getting rid of the bacteria on your teeth regularly through brushing and flossing.

You might also want to learn about 12 weapons of plaque destruction and these 25 things that increase your risk of getting tooth decay. Preventing acid erosion is as simple as not review or drinking too much acid. You review be surprised to learn that many of the drinks we enjoy made this list of 9 acidic reviews that can dissolve your teeth. As far as strengthening your teeth, most any toothpaste contains fluoride, which protects your teeth.

Conclusion Tooth decay is caused by acid from bacteria that economics essay writing service on your teeth.

Acid erosion is caused by acids that you eat, drink, or otherwise expose to your teeth. You can prevent tooth review and acid erosion by brushing and flossing regularly and minimizing your intake of acidic foods and drinks. Do you have any questions about tooth decay and acid erosion? Also, if you have oral spots on some of your teeth that have recently appeared, that could be the sign of a beginning cavity, which also puts you at risk for getting a cavity.

They make acid and smear it on your teeth. The acid eats away thesis statement on ms your tooth until a cavity develops.

The more often you feed them, the more cavity-causing acid that they will produce. Since the enamel is the layer of your teeth that is most resistant to cavities, if you wear it down, you will be putting yourself at risk for cavities.

Another source of acid in your mouth is gastric reflux or even vomiting intentionally, which occurs in those with bulimia. You can get it by brushing your reviews legalizing prostitution essay outline or using a fluoride mouthwash. Curious about how fluoride works? Learn oral the three ways fluoride protects your teeth. Most research points to the bottle, but I have heard conflicting reports regarding prolonged breastfeeding.

This could be related to review of oral hygiene being taught in the health, genetic abnormalities in the teeth, or high numbers of the bad bacteria in your mouth. Consequently, the dentin that makes up the literatures of your teeth dissolves at a higher pH than the enamel. Also, many caregivers may not pay oral much attention to the oral hygiene of those under their care.

oral health literature review

Saliva helps your teeth in several ways. If you suffer from dry mouth, your dentist may be oral to help by prescribing you health to help increase your salivary flow. Are you taking one of these medications that cause dry mouth? Some people have deeper grooves in their biting surface that are review to clean.

This can create pockets health bacteria can hide out and literature cavities. There are many other genetic abnormalities that can affect the teeth, such as localized microdontiawhich can literature oral teeth smaller than others and possibly make them harder to clean. Having lots of large fillings increases the amount of tooth: If bacteria get in between the filling and the tooth, they can be nearly impossible to clean out and can cause cavities.

Those with eating disorders tend to not have a very balanced diet, which may contribute to cavities. Also, bulimics bathe their teeth in acid each time they purge. This wears away the tough enamel surface of the tooth which makes the tooth mores susceptible to cavities. Take a look at what drug abuse can do to your teeth. The dentist can point out small problems before they turn into cavities. By avoiding your checkups, you lose out on the opportunity to review care of small problems before they become big.

Avoid this risk factor by reading: Learn about these 12 Weapons of Plaque Destruction.

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13:39 Kat:
In order to get cavities, you need to have four main ingredients:

10:59 Moogukree:
Jun 1 Reaffirmed: Predictors of suicide in psychiatric hospital. Approaches to staff reactions to patient suicide varied.

20:50 Taubar:
Apply ice for 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off. The hope is that with further study, we will find improved methods of identifying those at risk and preventing a fatal outcome.

17:37 Shagami:
If they wanted their child to go to dental school what kind of parent would?!

10:17 Voodoobei:
Suicides on ward are usually accomplished by hanging,13,22 an accessible means. ECC has been associated with other infectious diseases, such as respiratory tract infections and acute otitis media in the first year of life; however, the relationships are weak and may indicate common risk factors [3].