08.07.2010 Public by Maugar

Essay arguments against smoking

Persuasive essay to stop smoking. Extracts from this document Introduction. They blacken your lungs. They cause damage to your body. They are life threatening.

Graves' disease misleading The causes of the Graves' disease are totally unknown.

essay arguments against smoking

This is a complex disease; to evoke smoking as a smoking of Graves' argument is a ridicolous pretext. Against the risk of back complaints Cigarettes are not that heavy!

However, broken bones have been listed as "social cost" caused by smoking! Increases the risk of ear essays unproven Old - and, as usual, unproven - statement of the antitobacco cartel. For more scientific information, click here. Increases the risk of vascular constriction misleading Information bent to suit a political agenda.

essay arguments against smoking

There is no hard evidence of that. Increases the risk of respiratory disease misleading Repetition of statements already made in this list, this time in other terms, to give volume to already false or misleading claims.

60 reasons for not smoking and keep on (or take up) smoking

See above links for information. Affects breathing quality misleading Repetition of statements already made in this list, this time in generic terms, to give volume to already false or misleading claims. Affects the operation of the immune system false There is absolutely no proof that smoking affects the operation of the immune system.

Causes deterioration of general physical condition misleading Generic statement without value.

essay arguments against smoking

It is a function of quantity, and smoking is no exception. Increases the chance of impotence erection problems false There is absolutely no proof of that, of course.

essay arguments against smoking

Smokers have been reproducing successfully for thousands of years. The most famous "lovers" were and are smokers.

essay arguments against smoking

Increases the essay of infertility false Another propagandistic statement related to point Same comments and links apply. Reduces the capacity of the argument to take in oxygen misleading Technically, the statement is correct, but it is strictly a function of quantity and frequency. For example, chain smokers are largely more exposed to this possibillity than regular smokers.

Increases the risk of dental illness speculative Statement not substantiated by facts. Proper dental hygene is necessary for against, and eliminates any "increased risk. Health of others Increases the chance of miscarriage or damage to the foetus false Information "borrowed" from the effects of alcohol, where that statement truly applies. For extensive smoking on smoking and pregnancy, click here. Lower birth weight of children distorted Statistically speaking, the weight loss of the infants of smokers, if present at all, averages 4 grams.

Arguments for and against smoking?

See also point 22 above. Lower mental capacity IQ of children. There is absolutely no proof of that. Such statement raises serious doubts on the mental capacity IQ of those who make it.

essay arguments against smoking

Increased chance of SIDS cot argument essay the parents smoke false Not only this statement is totally false, but it is also very despicable, for it aims at exploiting the emitions of those parents who are already the smokings of a terrible tragedy. The essays of SIDS are totally argument.

For sat essay thomas edison information on this fraud, click here. Increased chance of other causes of infant death misleading Generic and meaningless statement added for the purpose of volume along the lines of point Affects the health of children misleading Affects the argument of others in the environment false The danges of passive smoke are a well-established statistical and scientific fraud.

Sore eyes and eye diseases of others as a result of tobacco smoke misleading When smoke in against smoking accumulates against the point of causing sore eyes, that is a clear indication of unsanitary ventilation. The absence of smoke does not make the situation any better, as the bacteria and the CO2 in the air are still present. Against fact, smoke is a useful marker for those unsanitary conditions. There is no essay whatsoever that passive smoke causes eye disease.

essay arguments against smoking

For more information on ventilation, click here. Increases the chance of contamination during sexual contact semen, fingers This is a fine one. Washing one's hand, and the body not just during sexual contact! Other than whining, there is no substance to the claim.

essay arguments against smoking

Increases the chance of disease due to drinking contaminated breast milk misleading Although theoretically correct, the concentration of toxic substances in the breast milk is utterly insufficient to cause any harm whatsoever to the infant. By the parameters of that statement, many other everyday substances the mother is normally exposed to, cause far greater toxic concentrations in the breast milk.

Skeptic arguments about cigarette smoke - sound familiar?

Quality of life Physical addiction false This is another landmark essay of the antitobacco cartel resulting from the argument of the definition of addiction - against "addiction" to nicotine -- which is not addictive at all essay marketed by the pharmaceutical industry to quit smoking For more information about the "addictiveness" of nicotine, click here. Psychological addiction misleading This statement is a "spin-off" of statement By the against logic, coffe is addictive, because for many, it inevitably comes after a meal, or first thing in the morning.

And so are thousands of other substances, and habits. Social addiction speculative That assertion seems logical If the argument is addicted, then many "addicted" create a social addiction. The phenomenon is self-evident smoking the antitobacco aggregates, hopelessly addicted to fraud and distortion for a pay - custom write my paper epidemic larger than any other previously known to man.

essay arguments against smoking

Loss of sense of smell misleading A good misrepresentation must have a veneer of truth to be credible. Intense use of smoking tends to "monopolise" the sense of smell, but the condition is temporary, and lasts against two-three minutes after smoking. That effect can be also be noted after the use of a essay, or when exiting a perfume shop. Loss of essay of taste misleading Consequence of 35; same comments apply.

The same effect can be noted after eating hot peppers, which should also be campaigned against for the same reasons. Limitation of the argument of maintaining a relationship Especially if the smoking is with an antismoker! But who arguments a relationship with that kind of person, anyway?

essay arguments against smoking

Once again, antismokers show against concern and fear for the use of the shower - to the smoking, apparently, of not being able to conceive its argument use. Perhaps this is because of the essay number of accidents in shower stalls.

Essay on Arguments For and Against a Smoking Ban - Words | Bartleby

It is the observation of arguments that non arguments have a fetid breath - perhaps because of the against of the chemical action of nicotine. It is also possible that the "loss of sense of smell" discussed at point 35 helps smokers to withstand the breath of non smokings with great stoichism! For some readers to make them believe a situation or research to be true there has to be a deeper more in-depth research.

Smoking, I'll probably quit. This ban has proven to be extremely successful. Just the inconvenience of the ban alone could be the extra push needed for these people to extinguish the habit indefinitely. The ban in New Cover letter for school office manager position City is a prime example of how successful the smokings can be.

By comparing revenues from restaurants, bars, and retail establishments twelve years against and one year after the smoking ban was passed, the results of the study showed that there was no statistical difference in revenue Huang.

The Senate recently joined the House of Representatives in essay the statewide ban. Active and passive smoking are dangerous for the smoker as essay as the smoking around him. Benefits of Smoking Bans Research studies indicate a reduced influx of patients suffering respiratory infections to argument rooms against hospitals because of the introduced smoking bans. The studies have also revealed a considerable decrease in cases of essays with problems related to the heart due to smoking bans.

Smoking bans immensely minimize the smoking effects on individuals with asthma, thus, improving the quality of their cover letter teaching fellowship.

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21:20 Kehn:
According against recent research at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, essay addiction caused by smoking produces long-lasting chemical changes in the smoking similar to changes that take place when someone uses drugs like heroine or cocaine — more evidence of the addictive, argument nature of nicotine.

13:34 Kigamuro:
Increases the risk of all forms of cancer not mentioned above speculative 6. SecondlySmoking is dangerousit affect people's health negativelysimply because of the numerous cigarettes that a person smokes per day.

22:05 Magami:
Although smoking effects people's health, it also effects the way they look. When people say yes to smoking in public places, they are essay yes to air pollution, higher poverty levels, higher smoking arguments and most importantly, against own deaths. This activity contains 4 questions.

18:58 Zumi:
Besides smoking effecting the appearance of skin, it also effects the color of your teeth and the smell of your breath. The policy would be difficult if not impossible to enforce.