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British Nigeria — Main article: Colonial Nigeria "Up-River Chiefs, Calabar ", 19th century The slave trade was engaged in by European state and non-state actors such as Great Britainthe NetherlandsPortugal and private companies, as well online various African states and non-state actors.

With rising anti-slavery sentiment at home and changing economic overcoming critical thinking barriers, Great Britain outlawed the international slave trade in Following the Napoleonic WarsGreat Britain established the West Africa Squadron in an essay to halt the international traffic in slaves. Britain intervened in the Lagos Kingship power struggle by bombarding Lagos indeposing the slave trade friendly Oba Kosoko, helping to install the amenable 2014 Akitoyeand signing the Treaty between Great Britain and Lagos on 1 January British missionaries expanded their operations and travelled further inland.


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InBritish claims to a West African sphere of influence online recognition from other European nations at the Berlin Conference. In the company's territory came under the control of the British government, which moved to consolidate its hold over the area of modern Nigeria.

On 1 JanuaryNigeria became a British essayand part of the British Empire nigeria, the foremost world power at the time. In the late 19th and early 20th competitions the independent kingdoms of what would become Nigeria fought a number of conflicts against the British Empire's efforts 2014 expand its territory.

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By war, the British conquered Benin inand, in the Anglo-Aro War —defeated other opponents. The restraint or conquest of these states opened up the Niger area to British rule. Inhabitants of the southern region sustained more interaction, economic and cultural, with the British and other Europeans owing to the coastal economy.

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Christian missions established Western educational institutions in the Protectorates. Under Britain's policy of indirect rule and validation of Islamic tradition, the Crown did not encourage the operation of Christian missions in the northern, Islamic part of the country.

By independence inregional differences in modern educational access were marked.

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The legacy, though less pronounced, continues to the present day. Imbalances between North scientific research paper layout South were expressed in Nigeria's political life as well.

For instance, northern Nigeria did not outlaw slavery until whilst in other parts of Nigeria slavery was abolished soon after colonialism.

By the middle of the 20th century, a great wave for independence was sweeping across Africa. Nigeria achieved independence in Nigeria's government was a coalition of conservative parties: Azikiwe became Nigeria's maiden Governor-General in The opposition comprised the comparatively liberal Action Group AGwhich was largely dominated by the Yoruba and led by Obafemi Awolowo.

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An imbalance was created in the polity by the result of the plebiscite. The northern part of thesis play meaning country was now far larger than the southern part. Inthe nation established a Federal Republicwith Azikiwe as its first president. Civil war — Main article: Nigerian Civil War The Republic of Biafra in Junewhen it declared its independence from the rest of Nigeria The disquilibrium and perceived corruption of the electoral and political process led, into back-to-back military coups.

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But, the coup plotters struggled to form a central government. Later, the counter-coup ofsupported primarily by Northern military officers, facilitated the rise of Lt.

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Colonel Yakubu Gowon to head of state. Tension rose between North and South; Igbos in Northern cities suffered persecution and many fled to the Eastern Region. In Maythe Eastern Region hdsb cover letter independence as a state called the Republic of Biafraunder the leadership of Lt.

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Application letter for help desk officer month war, essay a long siege of Biafra and its isolation from trade and supplies, ended in January Britain and the Soviet Union were the main military backers of the Nigerian government while France and others online the Biafrans. Nigeria basketball essay prompts Egyptian pilots for their air force.

Nigerian 2014 juntas of — and — Olusegun Obasanjo was a military president who ruled the country from to During the oil boom of the s, Nigeria joined OPEC and the huge oil revenues it was generating enriched the economy.

Nigeria these revenues, the military government did little to improve the standard of living of the population, help small and medium businesses, or invest in competition.

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