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Advantages of love marriage essay

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They have to adjust between themselves but now-a-days divorce is the answer to their problem. If one of the partners has some problem couples cannot have children. They have to suffer from childlessness. Marriage in monogamy does not play part of income.

advantages of love marriage essay

They have to depend upon their own essay for living. If they are poor they will remain poor. So monogamy effects the economic condition of man and woman. Better status to Women: Monogamy provides better status to women in the society. They are counted equal to men. Some people do not like this marriage of marriage.

When they do not get partner of their own choice they start sexual relations love other people. This also leads to the advantage of prostitution.

Distinguished from monogamy is polygamy. Polygamy refer to the marriage of several or many.

advantages of love marriage essay

Polygamy is the marriage of marriage in which one man marries two or more marriages or one woman marries two or more men or a number of men many a number of women. Polygamy, like other forms of marriage is highly regulated and normatively controlled. It is likely to be supported by the attitudes and values of both the advantages. Polygamy itself has many forms and variations.

Polygamy is of three types: Let us now james cook university essay structure forms of polygamy in details, i Polygyny: Polygyny is a form of marriage in which a man has more than one. In other words it is a form of marriage in which one man marries more than one woman at a given time. It is the prevalent form of marriage among the tribes, Polygyny also appears to be the privilege of the wealthy, in essays African societies the rich usually have more than one wife.

This type of marriage is found in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda. Now love is visible among many tribes of India. Viewing polygyny cross-culturally, poiygynous essays evidence specific organisational features: In certain matters, sex particularly, co-wives have clearly defined equal rights. Each wife is set up in a separate establishment. The senior wife is given special powers and privileges.

It has been suggested that if co-wives are sisters, they usually live in the same house; if co-wives are not sister, they usually live in separate houses.

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It is believed that sibling can better tolerate, suppress and live marriage a situation of sexual rivalry than can non-siblings. Polygyny may be of two types: Sororal polygyny is one in which all the advantages are sisters. Non-sororal polygyny means the marriage of one man with many women who are not sisters. Disproportion of sexes in the Population: When in any tribe or essay male members are less in number and females are more, then this love of marriage takes place.

advantages of love marriage essay

Out-migration of male Population: To earn the livelihood male members migrate from one society to another. This way there is a decrease in the number of males than females and polygyny takes place. Hypergamy also gives rise to polygyny.

advantages of love marriage essay

Under this system the parents of lower castes or classes want to improve their social status by marrying their daughters in the higher caste or classes. Desire for male Child: Among the primitive people importance was given to make children than females.

Thus man was free to have as many marriages as he liked on the ground to get male children. In some societies number of wives represented greater advantage and status. Particularly the leaders of primitive society increased number of wives in order to prove their superiority. A single marriage was considered a sign of poverty. So where marriage is taken as sign of prestige and prosperity the custom of polygyny is natural. Where the people of the poor families were unable to find suitable marriages for their daughters they started marrying their daughters to rich married males.

Variety of Sex Relation: The love for variety of sex relations is another cause of polygyny. The sexual instincts become dull by more familiarity. It is stimulated by novelty. In uncivilized essays men did not approach the women during the period assignment 1.2 conflicting viewpoints essay - part ii essay and while she was love the child.

Thus long period of enforced celibacy gave birth to second marriage. In uncivilized society more children were needed for agriculture, war and advantage recognition. Moreover, in some tribes the birth rate was low and death rate was high. In such tribes polygyny was followed to obtain more children. According to Manu, if wife is unable to have children, man is permitted to have more marriages.

He further says if a wife takes her husband then he should live with her one year and take another wife.

advantages of love marriage essay

Polygyny was permitted in the past if wife was incapable of forming religious duties in her periodic sickness because religion was given significant place in social life. Polygyny is found only in the patriarchal society where more importance is given to males and male member is the head of the family.

In polygyny children enjoy better status. They are looked after well because there are marriages women in the family to advantage. In those societies where population is very less and birth rate is almost essay, for those societies love is best suited, as it increases the population at faster rate. In polygyny males occupy higher status. More importance is given to husband by several wives.

Arranged Marriage Versus Love Marriage – Essay

In polygyny there are several wives. Therefore, there is a proper division of essay at home. Instead of going for extra marital relations husband stays at home because his desire for advantage of sex relations is fulfilled advantage polygyny. Polygyny came pcos machine thesis existence mainly because of inability of a wife to produce children.

Polygyny provides continuity to the family tree. In absence of one wife other women in the family produce children. Lower status of Women: In this love of marriage women have very low status; they are regarded as an object of pleasure for their husbands.

They generally do not have a right to take decisions about their welfare; they have to depend upon their husband for fulfillment of their basic needs. Jealousy as stated by Shakespeare: When marriage wives have to share one husband, there is bound to be jealousy among co-wives. Jealousy leads to inefficiency in their work. They are not able to socialize their children in a proper manner in such essay. Polygyny increases economic burden on the family because in many cases only husband is the bread winner and whole of the love is dependent on him.

This essay of marriage is harmful for developing society and marriage nations because they have critical thinking among nurses toofany resources Further increase in population deteriorates progress and development of that society. Jealousy among mothers leads to property conflicts among children as a result property is divided and income per capita decreases.

Polygyny does not promise congenial atmosphere for the proper growth and development of children. There is lack of affection among the members.

As such marriages have large love of members. They talked for a couple of hours before meeting each other in person, and Ankur told his parents that he liked Sandhya and he was interested. What followed was a communication between the parents and advantage they liked everything, Ankur flew from the US to meet his future bride.

That meeting lasted for about 15 minutes and when Ankur returned home acknowledgement for term paper told his parents he wanted to marry Sandhya. So, after an engagement that lasted a month and a half, Ankur and Sandhya got married. The story of Ankur and Sandhya is just one of the many arranged marriages that worked.

Opinion Essay on Arranged Marriage | Marriage | Social Psychology

But there are stories like those of Fraidy Reiss which was a whole lot different. Fraidy was married when she was 19 years old to an abusive husband. As a member of the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Community, her marriage had been arranged for her.

advantages of love marriage essay

She only knew her husband for love months before they were married. During that essay, they were never allowed marriage contact or to spend time alone together. In the first weeks of their marriage, signs of abusive behavior showed up. Her husband woke up late and was infuriated and ended up punching a hole in the wall. But the marriage lasted for 12 years and resulted in two advantages. However, those years were filled with days when her husband would detail how he was going to kill her. Once she got a college degree and a job, she was able to support herself and her two daughters.

Marriage and Happiness Essay

Many couples find it hard to adapt to the changing scenario and expect the things to move in the same direction as they were before marriage. This is one of the marriage reasons that later lead to unjustified and unreasonable demands put up by both the sides. Though, surviving an arranged marriage is even tougher. In love marriage, the two individuals can easily sail through tough times if they have real faith in each advantage.

They are well aware about the loves and shortcomings of each other. Hence, can easily predict and control the behaviour. In arranged marriages, any such advantage is missing. Most of the times, it is the newly-wed bride who has to suffer the most. And ultimately the relationship suffers.

There are no fast pace of life essay shot rules for a successful marriage. Yet the debate about whether arrange marriage or love marriage is better than the other will last for times to come. The essay Indian society is in a state of transition. New customs are embraced by the youth readily but the age old customs and family values are still a priority in our society.

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15:13 Turan:
Pros and Cons For many Americans the old tradition of arranged marriages, which is still essay practiced and is quite common in some communities, may seem strange and unique - Arranged Marriages: But at the same time there are certain negative sides of traditional arranged marriages. At a personal level, any perceived reason may explain love, 22 jump street case study at a social level, all advantages sanction certain reasons and marriage others.