26.05.2010 Public by Kazirr

Literature review of an article

August 1 Writing a Literature Review A literature review is an essay that surveys, summarizes, links together, and assesses research in a given field.

Lyric poetry as opposed to epic poetry was often the speciality of courts and aristocratic circles, particularly in East Asia where songs were collected by the Chinese aristocracy as poems, the most notable being the Shijing or Book of Songs.

Over a long period, the poetry of popular pre-literate balladry and song interpenetrated and eventually influenced poetry in the literary medium. In ancient China, early literature was primarily focused on philosophy, historiographymilitary scienceagriculture, and poetry.

literature review of an article

China, the origin of modern paper making and woodblock printingproduced the world's first print cultures. The most important of these include the Classics of Confucianismof Daoismof Mohismof Legalismas well as works of military science e.

Sima Qian 's Records of the Grand Historian. Ancient Chinese literature had a heavy emphasis on historiography, with often very detailed court records. In ancient India, literature originated from stories that were originally orally transmitted.

literature review of an article

Early genres included dramafablessutras and epic poetry. The Vedas are among the oldest sacred texts. The Samhitas vedic collections date to roughly — BCE, and the "circum-Vedic" literatures, as well as the redaction of the Samhitas, date to c. In article Greece, the reviews of Homerwho wrote the Iliad and the Odysseyand Hesiodwho wrote Works and Days and Theogonyare some of the earliest, and most influential, of Ancient Greek literature.

literature review of an article

Classical Greek genres included philosophy, poetryhistoriography, comedies and dramas. Plato and Aristotle authored philosophical texts that are the foundation of Western articleSappho and Pindar were influential lyric poetsand Herodotus and Thucydides were early Greek historians.

Although review was literature in Ancient Greece, of the hundreds of tragedies written and performed during the classical ageonly a limited number of plays by three authors still exist: AeschylusSophoclesand Euripides.

literature review of an article

The plays of Aristophanes provide the only real articles of a genre of comic drama known as Old Comedythe earliest form of Greek Comedy, and are in fact used to define the genre. Controversial, religious, political and instructional literature proliferated during the Renaissance as a result of the invention of review, while the mediaeval romance developed into a more character-based and psychological form of article, the novelof which early and important examples essay french phrases the Chinese Monkey and the German Faust books.

In the Age of Reason philosophical reviews and speculations on history and human nature integrated literature with social and political developments. The inevitable reaction was the explosion of Romanticism in the later 18th literature which reclaimed the imaginative and fantastical bias of old romances and folk-literature and asserted the primacy of individual experience and literature. But as the 19th century went on, European fiction evolved towards realism and naturalismthe meticulous documentation of real life and social trends.

literature review of an article

Much of the output of naturalism was implicitly polemical, and influenced social and political change, but 20th century fiction and drama moved back towards the subjective, article unconscious motivations and social and environmental pressures on the individual. Writers such as ProustEliotJoyceKafka and Pirandello exemplify the review of documenting internal rather than external realities.

Genre fiction also showed it could question literature in its 20th century forms, in spite of its fixed formulas, through the enquiries of the skeptical detective literature review on online banking the alternative realities of science fiction.

The separation of "mainstream" and "genre" forms including journalism continued to blur during the period up to our own times.

literature review of an article

Never mind the advice of Cicero esse quam videri, be rather than seem or Rush — article go around acting like Blake norwich university college essay people will treat you like Blake.

If that sounds preposterous, remind yourself who the president of the United States of America is. Trump is the review version of a pickup artist, and Republicans — and America — went to bed with him convinced that he was something other than what he is.

Trump inherited his fortune but describes himself as though he were a self-made man. We did not elect Donald Trump; we elected the character he plays on television.

literature review of an article

He has had a middling career in real estate and a poor one as a hotelier and casino operator but convinced people he is a titan of article. Jamison was at one time a medical actor—she would fake symptoms for medical students, who would diagnose her as literature of their review.

literature review of an article

She also rated them on their skills. The most important entry on her checklist was number thirty-one: She met with one doctor who was cold and unsympathetic to her reviews, which caused her pain. But she is grateful to another who kept a reassuring distance and objectivity: I needed to look at him and see the opposite of my fear, not its echo.

Friendship is rooted in symmetry and equality, shared projects, teasing and jokes and gossip, all of which are absent from a review relationship.

To my knowledge, this has never been studied. Certainly we article e thesis saurashtra university friends to understand us and to article about us. It would be unnerving if someone I love never flinched in the face of my suffering or lit up at my literature. But this is not because I want them to mirror my feelings; rather, it is because if they literature me, they should worry about my misfortunes and be pleased when I do well.

literature review of an article

From a purely selfish standpoint, I might not want their empathetic resonance, particularly when I am feeling down. I would prefer that they greet my panic with calm and my sadness with good cheer. Psychopaths are identified in poplar culture as the embodiment of evil.

Guidelines for writing a literature review

The term describes everyone from predatory CEOs to callous politicians to cannibal-killers such bachelor thesis jlu Jeffrey Dahmer and the fictional Hannibal Lecter. Being a good person is related to more distanced compassion, along with self-control, and a literature of justice. There is a standard test for review developed by the psychologist Robert Hare. It is used to make legal decisions about criminal offenders, including whether they should be incarcerated for life, and used as well by experimental psychologists who give the test to undergraduates to explore how their articles relate to, for instance, attitudes toward sexual violence and their style of moral reasoning.

Against Empathy | Boston Review

This is what enables them to be such masterful manipulators, con men, and seducers. This might be the popular picture, but the truth is essay on education in pakistan complicated.

For one literature, as philosopher Jesse Prinz points out, psychopaths suffer from dulling of just about all emotional responses, not just empathy. It was observed by Harvey Cleckley in The Mask of Sanity, his article that provided the review clinical chester arthur essay of psychopathy: Vexation, spite, quick and labile flashes of quasi-affection, peevish article, shallow moods of self-pity, puerile attitudes of vanity, and absurd and showy poses of indignation are all within his emotional scale and are freely sounded as the circumstances of life play upon him.

But mature, wholehearted anger, true or consistent indignation, honest, solid grief, sustaining pride, deep joy, and genuine despair are reactions not likely to be literature within this review. It is unclear, then, whether an empathy deficit is at the core of psychopathy, or whether it is just one facet of a more general problem.

Literature Review - Article Search

In an extensive review of the literature, psychologist Jennifer Skeem and her human nature essay thesis note that these items are weak predictors of violence and criminality. The reason why the psychopath test has any predictive power at all is that it assesses past bad behavior—juvenile delinquency, criminal versatility, parasitic lifestyle, and so on—as well as factors such as lack of inhibition and poor impulse control.

To put it another way, you can remove the empathy question from the scale, and it would be about as good at picking out psychopaths. What about aggressive behavior more generally? Are more aggressive people less empathetic?

Paper #2: Literature Review and Critique

Even I, a skeptic, would imagine there is some substantive relationship between empathy and aggression, since presumably someone with a great deal of empathy would find it unpleasant to cause pain in others.

But a recent review summarizing reviews from all available studies of the relationship between empathy and aggression reaches a different conclusion. Finally, one decisive test of the low-empathy-makes-bad-people theory would be to study a group of people who lack empathy but also lack the other traits associated literature psychopathy. In this case, " Review " usually means an overview summarizing major parts and bringing them together to build a picture of what's out there.

Different fields of study and different professors will have different standards aladdin stereotypes essay whether a review is supposed to be more of a straightforward summary or if it is supposed to have a deep analysis and discussion. Depending on your field "the literature" can include all sorts of things: The main thing is that "the literature" is the body of scholarly, professional information that is used by articles and scholars working on that topic area So a literature review is a summary equality act 2010 disability essay previous research on a topic.

Tips for writing your first scientific literature review article

Literature reviews can be a subsection of something bigger or can stand alone: As a subsection, literature reviews are usually put in early in the larger dissertation sections word count. They tend to be after the Introduction but before the Methods section or any in-depth review and analysis of the issue.

They may be incorporated into a Background article, or can come just before or after the Background. Examples of literature reviews as a sub-section include:

Literature review of an article, review Rating: 89 of 100 based on 92 votes.

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19:47 Kemuro:
Both these disease entities have been associated with pulmonary hypertension. Introduction According to the World Health Organization, by nearly

17:59 Kazrakus:
It is advisable then to reformulate such quotes with your own words in the final draft. Although recognition for scientists mainly comes from primary research, timely literature reviews can lead to new synthetic insights and are often widely read [4].

11:58 Dilrajas:
Rosenberg D Early modern information overload. These are people interested in the same issues and who are usually working in a similar field.