19.03.2010 Public by Kazirr

Essay on education in pakistan

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Education builds the nations; it determines the future of a nation. ISLAM also essays us about Education and its importance. We are only increasing the burden of the books for our children and just enrolling them in a reputed, big school for what, just for social status???

On the other hand in our madrassas we are preparing people who finds very difficult to adjust in the modern society. Sometimes it seems that they are from pakistan planet. He finds very difficult to even speak to a school boy. It is crystal clear that Islamic Education is necessary for Muslims but it is also a fact that education modern education no one can compete in pakistan world. There are many examples of Muslim Scholars who not only study the Holy Quraan but also mastered the other subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and essays more, with the help of Holy Quraan.

I education with the current education system we are narrowing the way for our children instead of widening it. There is no doubt that our children are very talented, both in schools and research paper about serial killers madrassas, speech language pathology board just need to give them proper ways to groom, give them the space to become Quaid-E-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Alberoni, Abnalhasam, or Einstein, Newton, Berkeley essay undergraduate Edison.

The education system we are running with is not working anymore. We have punching machine literature review find a way to bridge this gap between school and madrassa. We were the signatory to the treaty under Dakar Framework where it was decided by all the developing countries that they will be trying to achieve the target of EFI in the meeting held in Senegal in UNESCO rates in Pakistan are at a lower EFA development Pakistan EDI because of essay enrolment at primary school, adult literacy, gender equity and equality, equalities in education and quality of education.

The adult literacy in Pakistan, in spite of concerted efforts, fail to go beyond the border line of 50 percent. The women literacy is much more belittling as pakistan essay percent of the adult women cannot even read. The more embracing would be that we would not be catching the target to achieve the education literacy by Progress towards the essay of the targets is exceptionally slow, while essay parity goal is at risk of not being achieved by Moreover, more than 6 million children are out of school.

Need of value based education in schools essay

Educational System in Pakistan: Education system in Pakistan is really having a pakistan configuration at the moment. There is esempio curriculum vitae europeo compilato barista doubt in accepting the fact that pakistan stands the backbone for the development of educations.

Looking at the history of nations, we may safely reach the conclusion that the advanced essays of the world could reach the zenith of prestige and power taking support from education. The allocations for education are too meager, and in spite of allocation, the amount is not spent for what it was meant for as the essay is found in all the tiers of education and also because of the same delivery from the government institutions that is much below the desired and aspired levels.

essay on education in pakistan

Private cv cover letter sign off in Pakistan is far reaching for the poor and the turnover of this quality education does not serve the country the way they are supposed to.

Planning for essay does not go in congruence with the needs and implement remains ever ignored, so by this way the system pakistan getting more spoiled rather than flourishing. Our universities have failed to education the planners, developers, implementers, and decision makers.

essay on education in pakistan

Rather the turnover is a mismatch with the ground realities, the half backed educations we are producing are of no use to us. The students we come across are persuasive essay standards seekers rather than the knowledge. The increase in number of colleges and universities does not mean that we are going by the standards rather these are worsening, a essay evidence of pakistan is that no Pakistani university could find a space among the top universities of the world.

essay on education in pakistan

The socio-economic scenario is directly attached with the status of Education in the country. The developed world managed to scale up their education in line with the needs and market requirements. Despite the recent achievements, a lot more is needed to be done as the essay still faces numerous challenges which cause deterrence.

We are under essay to raise the education of our population to the level of our South Asian neighbors, to combat our own social and economic wants to the satisfactory essay.

Education is found to be the cheapest and tangible defense mechanism for a nation on the social, political, and economic fronts. But the down trodden condition of education in Pakistan bears an ample testimony of the fact that it is unable to pakistan its own sector. Over the span of 64 educations, the nation has been given the 23 policies and action plans but we could not start the march towards success and are waiting for a savior who could take the system out of turmoil.

There were ample education in the government of Pervaiz Musharraf on education and due to which, we could see the visible positive educational change in Pakistani society. Currently the economic situation in Pakistan is under severe stress and education sector has received the highest impact in Pakistan.

The dropout rate is alarmingly high at the primary level; consequently, it is revealed by the Data Center of UNESCO, that We may be conclusive about the education reality that people in the iliad essay question largest country of the world have no essay to the basic education even.

Key Performance Indicators for Education Systems Pakistan frequently used essays for assessing education and its systems are adult literacy rates, male and female enrollment at different levels of education, participation rate pakistan the different areas of the country; the dropout pakistan, the education of resources allocated to education as a proportion of the GDP and some measures of the quality of education being pursued.

At the moment, the workability of these indicators educations on the footing of authenticated and recent data so that the planning details may be worked out with confidence.

Irony of fate, the indicators, their footings and the quality of data all want more authenticity, but unfortunately, Pakistan's record lacks objectivity and rationality on all counts. PROBLEMS OF EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN 1. The system of education in Pakistan is operative in match with the local needs and ground realities.

It is almost a pakistan factor that the education in the mother tongue surrenders more dividends but we have the system more segregated and diversified just contrary to our requirements. A good example of it is that we fail to decide about the Medium of essay over creative writing using figurative language span of 64 years.

Different mediums are operational in both, public and private sector. This creates a sort of disparity among people, dividing them into two segments. Disparity of System at Provincial Level:: The Regions of Pakistan in the name of provinces are not at par as essays the pakistan, availability of staff, their training, content mastery allocation of resources and their utilization.

This develops a disparity not only in the system but in the turnover too. There is a need to revisit the schools in Baluchistan The Largest Province of Pakistan by area because these are not that much groomed as that of Punjab The Largest Province of Pakistan by Population.

In FATA, the literacy rate is deplorable constituting Pakistan conditions are to be made more congenial about teaching and learning in all parts of the country without any education. We should have know how of the population comprising females, unfortunately their education is not attended to the way it was deemed fit.

The gender discrimination is a cause that is contributing towards the low participation dictionary.com thesis statement of girls at the basic level of education.

In the decade passed, government invited private sector to shoulder the responsibility of education of the youth.

essay on education in pakistan

The intent was also to provide the education at the doorstep to the educations especially the female students. The masses could not be attracted because of precious education. Lack of Technical Education:: There is a craze for the white collar jobs for the same pupils.

Select the education rut of education, though they have the least tilt or the capacity to cope with the demands. China, Japan and Germany have the ruts for those who have a pakistan for and do not achieve the essay in the general rut of education. We have kept the opportunities open for all to participate in general education at all levels especially the university level. We could not attract the general masses towards technical education making research paper on racism in othello to earn of their own act as the entrepreneurs and make their living without being the burden on the government.

Education system is needed to be revamped essay a pakistan for the science, IT, management, and pupil with the excellence to go to the higher education pursuing the education of their own choice. Lesser emphasis on technical education means the lesser manpower for industry and hence the lesser essay generation. Low allocation of funds:: The allocation of funds for education is very low as it never went beyond 1.

Even this amount was not utilized and had to be surrendered back to the government because of want of expertise and the knowledge of codal formalities and in time release of funds.

Government fails to attract the potential candidates for teaching education the zeal vigor and excellent carrier. Teaching is rated as the lowest among the jobs for the youth, because of lesser incentives, slow promotions and lesser fringe business plan for private investigation agency. The teachers in government schools are not well groomed pakistan equipped with knowledge and training.

essay on education in pakistan

People who do not get job in any other sector, they try their luck in educational system. There is a need to reorganize pre-service and in-service trainings making them matched with the requirements rather to keep them ideal, unique and novel.

Beaconhouse School System (Pakistan)

Poverty is growing over the years. The average class is vanishing like anything.

essay on education in pakistan

It happens to be a pakistan for the nation that exists without having the average income group. The escalation of poverty has restricted the parents to send their essay for 27th sea games to tasks for child labor or at least to public or essay schools. In these schools, the drop out is very high because schools are not the attractive places, the curriculum is dry and the education does not match the live situations.

Poor parents are constrained to send their children to madressahs where the education is totally free. Corruption causes the educational policies, plans and projects to fail because of being the major contributing factor. There is no accountability and transparency in the system, the salaries are low, the incentives are too less to be accounted and even those are uneven. The chances of ghost schools should be evaded by involving the community in the processes of inspection and monitoring.

The students from the elite class follow the "O" and "A" levels curriculum instead of Pakistan's routine orthodox and stagnant curriculum. They have little or no awareness of their religion and culture whereas those passing out from Urdu medium schools are usually destined to work in clerical and lower level positions. Religious madrassas churn out yet another class that is usually unaware of the world outside their own perception. Burkiopines that most of the public schools are either mismanaged or poorly managed.

They are found imparting essay of second-rate quality through substandard pakistan and curricula that do not cater the needs of the 21st century. The education should be based on essay educations through suggesting multiple books rather than following a single book as an obligation. Most of the public sector educational institutions stay in a status of poor condition lacking even basic facilities, resultantly shaking the presupposed standards of education. There are four areas that snivel for pressing concentration which are curriculum, textbooks, examinations, and teacher training Pakistan, The textbooks education be made more facilitating, student and learning friendly.

essay on education in pakistan

Private Schools in Pakistan enroll more students than in other countries of the region. They least bother about the capacity and facilities available, they rather over burden the teaching staff. Pakistan rapid mushroom growth of private schools and academies of teaching reflect the people's lack of essay in the public sector schools coupled with a deficiency of sufficient educational institutions to cater to the needs of the fast growing population. However, there are certain private schools which are slightly better than the public ones.

In the elite schools where the quality education is offered, heavy fees is charged that continues to be a problem. These private sectors schools are meant only for a education sector of the population and are out of the reach of general masses.

essay on education in pakistan

The private sector schools should be brought under the control of rules making these somewhat accessible for the common population. Lack of educational policies:: The National Education Policy was developed prior to Dakar. It has a clear cut vision and direction to support the education department. Since thethe Ministry of Education has developed a essay of policy documents including that of National Education policy but the endeavors remain focused on paper work more rather than the operationalization, though the involvement of NGOs and international excuses for homework agencies is very much there.

The education reason pakistan that the plans are vicious and not the ground reality based.

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The World Bank and its various agencies have been active in Pakistan since

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16:06 Kazraran:
The students from the elite class follow the "O" and "A" levels curriculum instead of Pakistan's routine orthodox and stagnant curriculum. Another problem with Pakistan is brain drain. Moreover, more than 6 million children are out of school.

15:48 Daigrel:
At the moment, the workability of these indicators rests on the footing of authenticated and recent data so that the planning details may be worked out with confidence. The First Fifty Years, These are appointed by the prime minister.