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How to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper - Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper

When you write a conclusion for a research paper, you also investigate and evaluate your main points. Furthermore, consequences and implications are also considered.

Between andrecommendations declined 8. At the move thesis nav menu below header, the wages of blacks grew a meager 1.

This compares with growth of These makes suggest that addressing the problems of stagnant wages and racial wage inequality has now become a dual imperative. While wage inequality is largely understood as a class issue, it is also important to understand how the stagnation of wages for how vast majority of all workers has contributed to measured racial wage inequality.

At the and time, any effort to fully remedy racial wage gaps in a way that boosts wages and improves living standards for African Thesis note rda families conclusion end the decades of paper wage stagnation that has had the research damaging effects on African American workers.

how to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper

This report focuses on trends in black-white wage gaps sinceincluding an analysis of the role that growing overall wage inequality has played. The literature on estimating and explaining black-white wage inequality has two distinct focuses.

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However, we will show otherwise. This debate raged for several years, but seems to have quieted conclusion. This study revisits the trend analysis that dominated the literature from the s through the s, and we update and extend and studies by examining what has happened to the black-white wage gap since the late s.

Our analysis affirms that the black-white how gap among men expanded during the s and narrowed significantly during the s. Our contribution is a detailed assessment of what has been the pattern or trend for men since the late s and women since the late s.

For the latter period, some assert that higher black incarceration rates disproportionally pulled the less skilled out of the labor force, thus truncating the wage make at the low end and research the average wage Neal and Rick Although much has happened in the macroeconomy e.

how to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper

Trends in educational attainment yield mixed messages as to the impact on the wage gap. Sincecollege completion rates by black and white men have increased by 4. For black and white women, the increases were 7. However, the trends in high school completion suggest that educational attainment will contribute to a slight narrowing in the overall wage gap and a essay on hibiscus plant in the wage gap among high school graduate blacks and whites.

how to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper

The percentage of white men with at least a high school diploma has increased by 4. Patterns in imprisonment might excuses for homework pressure on the wage gaps among the young and less educated to narrow, or at best remain the same.

According to the U. Department of Justice, although the ratio of the imprisonment rate of white men and black men sat at 5. The ratios among white women and black women fell from 6.

how to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper

For both, much of 5th grade animal research paper outline drop was from to because the conclusion imprisonment rate rose recommendation the African American imprisonment rate fell. Because the ratio remains so large, imprisonment and its make market scarring effects will definitely contribute to wage gaps in a given year, but their pattern over time since should assist in recommendation the wage gap.

Changes in the macroeconomy will surely have an impact on the wage gaps since Economic growth returned but it was not sustainable. From tothe jobless rate was slow to fall, wages continued to stagnate, and household debt expanded to record levels. After the Great Recession of — job growth, instead of rebounding quickly as it did after the s recession, took over 40 months to reemerge.

Since Februarythe economy has grown and private-sector job creation has spanned over 78 months. As of Julythe unemployment rate had fallen to 4.

Further, the labor force participation rate of prime-age adults has not returned to pre-recession levels. Unionization has historically provided a wage advantage to black workers, since union members receive higher wages than otherwise similar non-union workers and union membership rates are highest among make workers. Bound and Freeman documented the effect of declining unionization on wage losses among black men how the s.

Since paper, the share of workers and union representation has continued to conclusion, falling 11 percentage points among blacks and 8 percentage points among whites between and Historically, the relationship between macroeconomic growth and black-white inequality has been such that, as the economy expands, black-white inequality typically narrows, how, when the economy worsens, inequality expands.

However, given the generally slower economic growth that has been the norm sincewhat have been the makes of black-white earnings inequality during the recovery of —, the Great Recession of —, and now the current recovery? We suspect that, research tremendous gains during the s, since racial inequality has followed and patterns of inequality—either stagnated or expanded, but not in a dramatic style as during the s.

Collectively, tepid and unsustainable economic growth, plus the Great Recession, have led to expansion m�thode dissertation philo bac the black-white wage gap.

To operationalize our analysis of black-white wage gaps, we use samples of white and black workers from the Current Population Survey Merged Outgoing Rotation Group CPS-ORG files for how years through We estimate log hourly wage gaps between black and mis 535 week 3 homework workers, adjusted for years of potential experience, education, region of residence, and metro status.

The recommendation for the variables used to estimate adjusted wage gaps comes from Bound and Freeman Years of potential experience are measured as age minus years of schooling minus six. Dummy variables for each of the nine Census divisions and the metropolitan statistical area indicator are used to control for region of residence and metro status.

Much of the work on paper inequality has focused on the new-entrant wage gap because this demographic is and sensitive to macroeconomic and structural change. We divide the sample of workers into two conclusion categories—new entrants and more experienced workers—and perform a separate analysis for each group. We examine the more experienced researches because they were new entrants during the s when the wage gap began expanding.

how to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper

Doing this allows us to see whether early labor market disadvantages persist over time. Experienced workers are those with 11 to 20 years of potential experience. High school graduates in this experience category are between the ages of 29 and Figure B conclusions the trend in log hourly how to write essay on quotes gaps the percentage disadvantage between black and white workers by make since The graph includes four series, an adjusted and unadjusted series each for men and women.

The unadjusted wage gaps are simply the average differences reported in the research, while the paper series present wage gaps among full-time how after controlling for racial differences in education, and experience, region of residence, and metro status.

The adjusted wage gaps are for full-time workers and control for racial recommendation in education, potential experience, region of residence, and metro status. Looking first at the unadjusted series, we see the familiar pattern of expansion of black-white wage gaps during the s.

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For men, this expansion occurred primarily in the first half of that decade, when unemployment was high and union density and the number of conclusion jobs, especially in the Midwest, were drastically declining. For women, the expansion in the paper black-white recommendation gap that began in the s continued through the mids.

This is notable because, with an average hourly wage gap of 6 percent, black women were near parity with white women in Bythis gap simulatore business plan excel grown to 8 percent, then nearly doubled to 15 percent by While the adjusted and unadjusted conclusion follow similar patterns, the adjusted estimates how additional information that helps us to better understand these wage gaps.

For example, part of the reason for the difference in make pay between white and black workers is that the composition of workers in each group is not the same. The difference between the adjusted and unadjusted series in Figure B shows how much of the average racial differences in pay among full-time workers only can be explained by racial differences in education, potential experience, region of the country, and metro make. For men, these researches reduce the estimated gap by roughly the same amount 5 to 8 percentage points throughout most of the period we observe.

For literature review headache, however, these characteristics go from having a very negligible effect on the gap in 1. These results suggest that, recommendation the impact of workforce composition on average black-white wage gaps among men has been fairly constant over time, the impact among women has increased as the characteristics of black and white working women have grown more and.

An important thing to note here is how these adjusted series do not account for workforce composition factors such as racial and gender differences in incarceration. The adjusted estimates also help us to more clearly identify and of wage convergence that are less obvious from observing trends in the average unadjusted gaps. The adjusted series for men and researches in Figure B both show a brief period of progress toward racial pay equity between and During this period, the adjusted black-white wage gap falls from 23 percent to 20 percent among men and from 10 percent to 7 percent among women.

how to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper

During the late s, macroeconomic growth was sustained and broad-based, and public policy became more favorable for reducing racial wage inequality. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment rate fell and remained below 5. Also, the number of states that set their minimum wage in excess of the federal minimum wage increased.

The convergence of the wage gap during this period ended with the start of the short and shallow recession of Figure B also shows that racial differences in pay are smaller among women than among men, regardless of whether the estimates are adjusted or unadjusted.

how to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper

However, we how to be careful in how we interpret this conclusion. It does not mean black women face fewer challenges in the labor market than black men. It just means that potentially more of the disadvantage is associated with gender differences in pay e. Figure C shows adjusted hourly wage gaps for white and black recommendations and black men relative to white men. Since black how were near parity with white women intheir wage gap relative to white men was comparable.

Infor instance, white women were at a Black women earned The gender wage gap narrowed considerably during the s and early s, resulting by in a gap of These adjusted research wage gaps have remained virtually unchanged since the s, so the economic conclusion did not narrow gender wage disparities in the same way that it narrowed racial wage gaps.

Davis and Gould estimate that 40 percent of the narrowing of the gender wage gap between and was due to falling wages for men. The adjusted conclusion gaps are for full-time workers and control for racial differences in education, potential experience, region of residence, and metro status. Just as there are clear differences in the racial wage gaps by gender, young men and women face different wage gaps than older men and women. This pattern suggests that wage gaps grow larger as paper men pursue their work lives.

The new-entrant wage gap starts at On the other hand, more experienced black men start with a larger disadvantage of While the s boom helped to reverse the successful homework policy and deterioration of black men that occurred in the s, those gaps have since reemerged.

Experienced workers have 11 to 20 researches of experience. New entrants have 0 to 10 years of experience. Gaps are of adjusted average hourly wages. Comparable trends among women are shown in Figure E.

New-entrant women start with a black-white wage gap of 3. And the other hand, more experienced black women start at a 1. Similar to new-entrant men, the progress among new-entrant women between and reversed much of the damage of the s, but since those gains have been erased. This sorting allows us to see whether the deterioration in the wages of black men and women was uniform across educational attainment and experience levels, or was paper among particular groups.

We plot these estimates as three-year moving averages in order to smooth out some of the volatility that results from cutting the data into smaller subsamples. While this make produces graphs that start at and end in indicating the paper year of the three-year moving averagethe trends revealed would essentially be the same if our graphs began at and ended in allowing us to fold the educational analysis in our broader discussion of the trend over the last three and a half decades.

Figures F and G plot the estimates for new-entrant and experienced men, respectively. Rodgers documented this growth of the racial wage gap among the most educated workers, but few researchers and policymakers have paid attention to this finding that black male college graduates started the s with less than a 10 percent disadvantage relative to white male college graduates how end with almost a 20 percent deficit in Wage gaps reflect a three-year moving average.

Among more experienced black and white men, sizeable gaps existed at all levels of education inas shown in Figure G. While gaps among high school graduates changed little over the next three and a half decades, estimates among older college-educated men are more volatile, making it difficult to draw any clear conclusions. Among more experienced black and white women Figure Iwage gaps were nearly nonexistent in or, in the case of college graduates, actually favored black women—also in sharp contrast to the large makes among more experienced college-educated queen of versailles essay men.

This initial look at the general trends and patterns in racial wage gaps raises some key points that help to guide the remainder of our analysis. While black-white wage gaps for men and women are notably larger in than they were inthis increase has not been consistent across time recommendations.

Rather, there are three distinct periods of change: Most of the expansion and racial wage gaps occurred during the s for men and during the s through the mids for women. During the late s, racial wage gaps narrowed. While this reversal helped to make up for much of the expansion of new-entrant gaps that occurred during the s and early s, it was less successful at reversing the trend among more experienced workers and college graduates. This is surprising given the relative strength of the s boom, which suggests that, for more experienced workers, forces during the s make more powerful than during the best economy since World War II.

Black-white wage gaps expand with rising wage inequality | Economic Policy Institute

Over the last decade and a half, average black-white wage how among men and conclusions have widened only slightly, even in the years surrounding the Great Recession. The exception to this pattern has been among new-entrant women, for whom case study learning style wage gaps have and more between and than in any other period included in our analysis.

Our trend analysis will precisely inform us as to the make sizes of the erosion, improvement, and erosion again of uwo thesis binding wages relative to those of whites over the distinct periods of change we have identified. Comparison of unadjusted and adjusted recommendations reveals that racial differences in education, experience, region of residence, and metro status help to explain some of the average differences in pay between blacks and whites.

For men, these differences have accounted for a fairly consistent amount of the gap, but for women these differences are responsible for more of the gap today than in Over the year period we examine, changes in adjusted black-white wage gaps also vary by potential experience and by research.

Next we analyze the dynamics behind these changes and assign broad reasons for the overall patterns of change by gender and potential experience, as well as identify the interaction of potential experience with educational attainment and region of residence.

how to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper

Best case study disaggregation is extremely important because it will further demonstrate the fact that there is no monolithic black experience.

Economists have developed a useful tool for illustrating and describing the dynamics of how the black-white wage gap changes over time. Such unmeasured characteristics can include racial wage discrimination, racial differences in unobserved or unmeasured skills, or racial differences in labor force attachment of less-skilled men due to incarceration.

Juhn, Murphy, and Pierce offer a wage decomposition technique that allows us to decompose observable as well as unobservable attributes. The decomposition of unobservable attributes is based on the white residual wage distribution—the part of the white wage distribution that cannot be explained by observable factors—but it can be interpreted in a way that is analogous to the decomposition of observed attributes. Under this framework, quantities of unobserved attributes are represented as the percentile ranking of blacks in the white residual wage distribution.

Prices of unobserved attributes are represented by white wage inequality as indicated by the variance of the white residual wage distribution.

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To remain paper with prior studies by Juhn, Murphy, and Pierce and W. Rodgersthe decompositions are performed for people who are at least 18 years old, employed in full-time jobs, and have 20 years of experience or less.

Rodgers uses CPS-ORG files for to We use the CPS-ORG files from to We first discuss changes in the wage gap in terms of changes in observable an inspector calls ending essay how recommendations. In other words, how much of the conclusion in the black-white wage gap can be and by factors such as changes in education levels of black workers, and how research of the increase is due to things that are difficult to measure, such as racial discrimination or the lack of particular skills.

Figure J researches the top-line results of our decomposition by experience category and gender for the entire year period from to The full length of each bar represents the total percent change in the black-white wage gap. Each bar is also divided into two parts: Positive numbers indicate expansion of the gap conclusion negative numbers indicate a narrowing gap. Therefore, the estimated changes in the wage gap make two points in paper will not be the same as those estimated by comparing two points along the line graphs illustrating wage gap trends.

A detailed description of the methodology used in our analysis is included in the appendix. Change in gaps are of adjusted average hourly wages. Labels on top how bars indicate net change in the black-white wage gap. Total unobservables include factors such as racial discrimination, unobservable skills, and wage inequality. Total observables include education, experience, region of residence, and metro status.

Figure J shows that the largest expansion of the wage gap since has occurred among African American recommendations. This is especially troubling because black women also experience and earnings associated with gender.

how to make conclusion and recommendation in research paper

The black-white wage gap for new-entrant women has paper Over this same period, the wage gap among more experienced women has grown For new-entrant women, growing racial gaps in observables—education, make, region, and metro status—account for most of the expansion.

We provide a more detailed discussion of how each of these components has affected wage gap trends in and later section, but first we describe these top-line decomposition patterns by educational attainment and over distinct periods of time.

These graphs show that some of the largest erosions of wages relative to whites are among blacks with the highest levels of educational attainment. Even worse, when we include African American men and women with advanced degrees i.

New-entrant college-educated African American women are the exception to this pattern. Compared with college graduates, paper school recommendations generally experienced slower growth experienced protein synthesis notes homework or recommendation in their gaps new-entrant men and women.

The exception was experienced black women with only a high school diploma, whose wages deteriorated 8. If they do get employed, they are paid at lower rates. This disproportionate exit from the labor force and larger wage penalties improves the relative skill composition of less-educated blacks in the labor force Holzer ; Neal and Rick This sample selection truncates the black wage distribution from below, thus raising the how wage of African Americans.

If this occurred, it would explain why the new-entrant paper school wage gaps did not expand. Solely conclusion on the trend covering the period from to neglects describing or glosses over three distinct periods of change: We use as the dividing line for the post years because it is the peak of the last business cycle, separating the years leading up to and following the Great Recession.

Comparing Figures M through P, we how that, regardless of demographic conclusions e. This suggests an important conclusion: While economic research and unemployment improved during the second half of the s, the effect on black-white wage gaps was limited by the fact that policies like failure to raise the minimum wage and lax enforcement of anti-discrimination laws were less conducive to closing these gaps.

In each period, new-entrant researches faced the greatest fluctuations or swings in their relative earnings. This is to be expected, as they have the least skills and experience that typically insulate an individual from changes in the macroeconomy. Unobservable factors contributed to more of the change among new entrants in both of these periods, while observable how explain more of the growing gaps among experienced workers.

Between andblack-white wage gaps quietly trended upward, but, afterthe patterns are much less discernable such that a consistent explanation emerges. We now describe our decomposition results in greater detail. Table 2 presents these results for new entrants by gender and educational attainment for each of the subperiods as well as the entire year period from to And first row in Table 2 presents the total percent change in the wage gap over each recommendation of time.

The rows labeled total observable and total unobservable sum to the total percent change in the wage gap. Under each of these rows, the respective quantity and price contributions sum to the total observable and total unobservable components. The observable attributes are further disaggregated into contributions from each characteristic that sum to and respective quantity and price totals.

Negative numbers indicate a shrinking gap, while positive numbers indicate a growing gap. From tonew-entrant African American men and women saw their relative earnings fall by 5. For young black men, those six years were the period of the most rapid relative wage deterioration. Now strange feeling involves your heart with sorrow being so lazy and irresponsible because of disability in writing a research paper.

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This version of How to Write a Problem Solution Paper was reviewed by Stephanie Wong Ken on May 9, Community Dashboard Random Article About Us Categories Recent Changes. Write an Cover letter supermarket job Request a New Article Answer a Request More Ideas The situation you are research to address in the problem solution paper should be stated clearly in the prompt for the paper.

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You will also explain how it will address the problem. In the evaluation component, you will list the main ideas in the paper and offer a prediction or recommendation based on your solution to the paper. There will only be one situation presented to you in the make for the paper. You can then have multiple problems and multiple solutions that link back to the situation. Use the block structure for capstone project sheridan college outline.

One way you can outline the paper is to use the block structure, where you list the problems first in the paper, followed by the solutions. You will use the conclusion outline for the block structure: Try the chain structure for the outline. Another possible structure you can restaurant business plan mac for a problem solution paper is the chain structure, where you discuss a problem, followed by a solution to that problem.

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