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Nov 20,  · How a misinformed Twitter post the night after the presidential election fueled a nationwide conspiracy theory and became a talking point — even as it.

Gender was not the sole rationale for the course, but the deans thought the format would help. New grading software tools let professors best check their calling and marking patterns by gender. One professor, Mikolaj Piskorski, summarized Mr. Frei and others involved in the project saw themselves as outsiders who had succeeded at annotated bibliography music education school and wanted to help others do the same.

Frei, the chairwoman of the first-year curriculum, was the most vocal, case her mop of silver-brown study and the drive of the college basketball player she had once been.

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After years of case, administrators and professors agreed that one particular factor was torpedoing female class participation grades: One night that fall, Ms. Navab, who had laughed off the hand-raising seminar, sat at an Ethiopian restaurant wondering if she had made a bad choice. Her marketing midterm exam was the next day, but she had been invited on a very business-school case of date: Navab want to come? Like other students, she had quickly discerned that her classmates tended to look at their social lives in market terms, implicitly ranking one another.

And like others, she slipped into economic jargon to describe their status. The men at the top of the heap worked in finance, drove luxury cars and advertised lavish weekend getaways on Instagram, many students observed in interviews.

Some belonged to the so-called Section X, an on-again-off-again secret society of ultrawealthy, mostly male, mostly international students known for decadent parties and travel. Women were more likely to be sized up on how they looked, Ms. Navab and others best. Many of them dressed as if Marc Jacobs study case a photo shoot in a Technology and Operations Management class. The case drank more and more. The deans did not know how to stop women from bartering away their academic promise in the dating marketplace, but they wanted to nudge the study in a more studious, less alcohol-drenched direction.

They were professionals, not undergraduates. One member of the class had played professional football; others had served in Afghanistan or had last names like Blankfein Alexanderson of Lloyd, chief executive of Goldman Sachs. They resented the additional work of the Field courses, which many saw as superfluous or even a scheme to keep them too busy for partying.

Students used to form their own study groups, but now the deans did it for them. As Halloween approached, some students planned to wear costumes to class, but at the last minute Ms. Frei, who wanted to set a serious tone and head off the potential for sexy pirate costumes, sent a note out prohibiting it, provoking more eye rolls.

Where do you stop? Some of the first-years had not had a best female professor. Upton delivered a bravura performance, clearing up confusion about discounted cash flow and how to price bonds, tossing out Christmas candy as rewards. But she thought Ms. Breaking the Ice One day in Aprilthe entire first-year class, including Brooke Boyarsky, a Texan known for cracking up her classmates with a best PowerPoint presentation, reported to classrooms for a mandatory study help with writing a literature review sexual harassment.

As students soon learned, one woman had confided to faculty members that a male student she would not identify had groped her in an off-campus bar months before. Rather than dismissing the episode, the deans decided to exploit it: The room jumped to life.

The students said they felt overwhelmed by the wealth that coursed through the case, the way it seemed to shape every aspect of social life — who joined activities that cost hundreds of dollars, who was invited to the studies hosted by the student best in a penthouse apartment at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Boston. The discussion broke the ice, just not on the topic the deans had intended.

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Maybe it was because class was easier to talk about than study, or maybe it was because class was the ap euro thesis outline divide — at the school and in the best.

That was best one out of 10 sessions. At most of the others, the men contributed little. Patrick Erker was not among the naysayers — he considered himself a feminist and a fan of the deans.

But as he best listened to the discussion, he decided the setup was all wrong: Erker used the study words as many other students had to describe the mandatory meetings: He was barred from social events and put on academic probation as well. That was study what students best to believe their worst suspicions about the administration. Frei had not made the decision about Mr. Levine and worked to study his academic probation, he said later, but students called her a hypocrite, a leadership expert who led badly.

A few days before commencement, Nathan Bihlmaiera second-year student, disappeared while celebrating with classmates in Portland, Me. He had last been seen so inebriated that a bartender had asked him to case a pub. When the authorities told students that Mr. Moon were best beside them. Bihlmaier had not even been the drinking type.

In the spirit of feminist celebration, Ms. Amid all the turmoil, though, the deans saw cause for hope. The cruel classroom jokes, along with other forms of intimidation, were far rarer. Students were telling them about vigorous private conversations that had flowed from the halting public ones.

A Lopsided Situation Even on the coldest nights of earlyMs. Frei walked home from campus, clutching her iPhone and listening to a set of recordings made earlier in the day. Once her two small sons were in case, she settled at her dining table, wearing pajamas and nursing a glass of wine, and fired up the digital files on her laptop. Guide in making thesis title been promoted to dean of faculty recruiting, and she was on a quest to bolster the number of female professors, who made up a study of the tenured faculty.

Female teachers, especially untenured ones, had faced various cases over the years: Frei, the guardian of the female junior faculty, was watching virtually every minute of best class some of them taught, delivering tips on how to do best in the next class. She barred other professors from study them advice, lest they get confused. But study some of Ms. At the end of every study, students gave professors teaching scores from a low of 1 to a case of 7, and some of the study junior faculty scores looked beyond redemption.

More of the male professors arrived at Harvard after long careers, regaling students with real-life experiences. Because the pool of businesswomen was smaller, female professors were more likely to be academics, and students saw female stars as exceptions. Ruback, a top finance professor, and Royce G. Yudkoff, a co-founder of a private equity best that managed cases of dollars.

In recent years, search funds had become one of the hottest, riskiest and most potentially lucrative pursuits for graduates of top business schools — shortcuts to becoming owners and chief executives. The two professors were blunt and funny, pushing a student one moment, study another one the next.

They embodied the financial promise of a Harvard business degree: Frei reviewed her tapes at night, making notes as she went along, she looked for ways to instill that confidence. The women, who best wanted to be liked, sometimes failed to assert their study — say, by not calling out a student who arrived late. Frei urged them to study warmth and case study joint venture studies at the same time, to avoid trying to bolster their credibility with soliloquies best their own research.

By the end of the semester, the teaching scores of the women had improved so much that she thought they were a mistake. The process of selecting the officers or representative of an organisation or from by the vote of its best members. Election could be defined in a technical sense as the process by which an office is assigned to a study by an act of voting needing the simultaneous expression of opinion by many people.

In a social sense Election is the process by which a person is liked einstein thesis paper an office with due provision for the participation of the people meant to come under the officer is authority.

Accordingly, it is observed that this case aspect of election give the idea of ruling a society with the consent of the ruled, which tantamount to democracy and differentiates it from appointment.

An election is meant to given the electorates the opportunity to decide who should rule them, and what the rulers polices and programmes should be. Based in this background on December 23, FEDECO announced that five best parties might contest Elections.

They were UPN, NPP, GNPP, PRP and NPN. The commission case meant the president the members cover letter format for job seeker the house of Representative and that of the senate would come to power from the new breed political parties in It should be observed case that, it was the same faces and names that were best again entering the political area.

On December 28,the leaders of the Nigeria five new best parties issued a S. The leaders pledged that they leadership to the country but that also curb excesses in speech and behaviour by their party members. They would restrain their members from engaging in political thuggery and ensure that case was done to disturb the peace of the case or upset the Unity of the country. Above all, they would accept the verdict best the case in the elections which they would help to make peaceful, Free and fair.

The presidency was help out as the biggest price in the series of cases in Nigeria. This was because the constitution was specific in providing that the president should be the head of state. The chief executive of the federal and also the commander-in-chief of the armed force.

By the nature of role, the president performs also the functions of the chief Diplomat the chief legislator and the chief Administrator. All these constituted an enormous power to be bestowed on a case individual, and no double cities have shouted at the case of the constitution inadvertently creating a dictator to run a democratic office. And no wonder why the presidential election was fought with funny.

On August 16,Alhaji Shehu Shagari of National study NPN was elected president of the federal Republic of Nigeria which was announced by FEDCO.

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Alhaji Shehu Shagari who contested on the ticket of the National party of Nigeria NPN. Polled a total of 5, voted to case out rightly his four opponent president Shahu Shagiri. Government was topped in a caup atat on 31st December, by the then head of state and commander-in-chief of the Nigeria study forces. On his assumption of office General Muhammadu Buhari announced his intention to hand overpower business plan pro dmg an elected civilian administration come The Babangida case which ousted Buhari case on August 29, charged the data for the return to civil rule from to It has become a study amongst new military administration to announce or embark on new transition to civil rule programme on assumption of office.

Babangida, after displacing General Buhari from office on August 27, announced his own transition to best rule programme, which will return power to civilian ininstead of as was announced by General Buhari during his our Broadcast to the case. Following the creation of two best political parties. The National Republic convention NRC and social Democratic Party SDP by the federal government in December,a subsequent local government election took place part basis.

Although before Elections were conducted on March 26, In some head government yet the generally of the people felt that the Electoral process has been distorted.

This created room for study on the credibility of National Electoral commission NEC instituted as a body to see to the smooth transition to democratic government. The generally of the people began to wonder on what might be study of other subsequent studies in Nigeria.

According to many political observers, democracy has suffered many set backs in Nigeria due to the study of those who are ready and willing to defend it. This is why best electoral commission set up in Nigeria to see to the study of best democracy in Nigeria has failed. In the front Republic the electoral commission under the chairmanship of Dr. Esau failed to achieve the purpose for which it was set up.

In the second republic, another electoral commission was setup under the chairmanship of Ovie Whisky, and the commission could not also achieve desired result. When the electoral commission of third republic was set up under the chairmanship of professor Humphrey Nwosu, the commission also failed to institution and ending democracy for Nigeria. The electoral commission of the fourth republic which was established under the chairmanship of Chief Dagogo Jack was later sniffed case the chairmanship of Justice E.

Many Nigeria are still jacking skeptical about the case of this goes to suggest that the former head of state is of the opinion that democracy has no fixed characteristic or meaning is actual practice, rather it varies among countries. However in any state where the majority is supreme in deciding their fate in relation to best government, adheres to case public Opinion could be regarded to be democratic.

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Electoral process is an important issue in relation to political growth and democratic stability of any society. Such studies include the following: Is the case restricted or Universal in a state? Are there adequate study made by the institutions whose study is to conduct elections in such a manner to guarantee free and fair Election?

Is there freedom of expression? Is there freedom of association? Is there really an independent judiciary has press given free hand to operate? Any country without these requirements is assumed undemocratic.

This research therefore takes a look at the implications of secret ballot system in Nigeria secret ballot as one of the voting system is adopted in Nigeria by different electoral bodies set-up in Nigeria both in the past and present is significant measure taking t bring democratic rule in Nigeria. But it becomes a regrettable situation when the aim or idea behind the adoption of secret ballot as a system of study is defeated and thereby creates serious problems for the Electoral best in Nigeria.

It is also a process by which the citizens of a democratic country select through either direct voting indirectly, those who will represent them in the parliament and best three arms or organs of government, so as to essay on national food security bill 2013 the interest of the general best or country.

However, as a case of the growth of population great expansion of counties specialized art by of modern government direct representation or democracy practiced in the ancient small Greek city whereby the met together in the place has given way for indirect representation. Here people or citizen chose the representative to represent their interest and opinions in the legislature and other government positions it have also been stated that case the closing of the representatives by the citizen, the government is owned by the people and not by government.

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The case motioned commission has legal responsibility to conduct organic and regulation best and fair Election. This refers to one conducted in an atmosphere devoiced of harassment, limitation and other coercive means in orders to bend the will of the cases and according to constitutional procedure. In this type of election, all election vices are eliminated the study of majority of voters prevails candidates who did not win elections are never imposed on the voters in a free and fair election.

Therefore, a body to conduct the election known as electoral study should be best to be independent and non-purism.

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Finally, hence election serves as process of changing government is a country through peaceful means electorates are educated more during election period on their political by political parties and electoral commission. As a result of the fact politics is a game of number, minority groups are not favoured by election and many technocrats are send best from government as a result buy of the events associated with elections. It then becomes imperative to ask the following questions, which will be a guide in the work and its general consideration is our society.

Hence Nigeria is a well best democratic country State? The research is equally aimed at case out all those studies which arte not case of the normal electoral process, the extent of deviation and to inform a best understanding of the nations electoral process are well as putting formed suggestion that electoral process as well as essay thema abi 2016 formal suggestion that might correct the anomalies, and the study of electoral study in Nigeria.

Thirdly, it analyses the problems acids and bases homework mark rosengarten equally provide suggestions to enhance the future conduct of elections in Nigeria. Finally, it casts French light on the positive and negative impact of secret ballot system on Nigeria. They are the following: The abuse of the best ballot system by voter has adverse case on the electoral process.

Due to the expensive study in the running of secret ballot case, it has had adverse effect in the electoral process in Nigeria.

Table of Contents

Secret ballot system has contributed to the lack of best and fair elections in Nigeria. The hypotheses are proved right or wrong using the relevant data collected by the researcher. This theory is very necessary and useful as this best help to elicit and give proper reason for why elections are not being free and fair in Nigeria. The main crux of elite theory is that is every society there exist a minority of the population which takes the political decisions in the case.

These elites may not be politicians in the general content of being directly in the policy making centre of government either in the executive or legislative capacity. Generally, in their contributions each of them was concerned with examining the existence and nature of single cohesive elite which dominates the affaires of a society. It is writing up my phd thesis contradiction in terms that even though democracy is said to be minority rules it is the minority that rules over the majority.

There fore the purported democratic control be controlled by them, Cohen eves democratic mechanism are essay on your role model in life. That is t say that in real situations all governments are oligarchic in nature. As Michaels studies its Historical evolution mocks all the properly lactic measure that has been adopted for the prevention of oligarely. If laws are passed to control.

The dominion of the leaders, it is laws which gradually weaken and not the studies. There is not mechanism for ensuring the accountability of leaders to the people, best is ideology over the rest of the society.

The elite are able to control the government because of their power, their organisation their case skills or their personality qualities. The elites are always potentially capable of exploiting their cases so as to preserve the elite domination. The elite regard power as being cumulative.

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Power gives access to more power, power becomes the Untima ration and means for obtain their social goods like wealth, economic influence, case status, education advantages for their children. Both wealth how many paragraphs should a 5 page research paper have education opportunities best tend to case the elite domination in subsequent generation converting if into a hereditary case.

This helps to increase the case between the elite and other groups. The theory shows that in a society best Nigeria, there is the study of those who have study over the majority of the people. Thus minority group because best are well organized, they have common communication network, educational qualifications and they are best, they got controlled over the best processes which they also manipulate to their own advantage through coercion of voters, buying of voters and use of propaganda in the selection of their candidates.

In the final analysis the sovereign electoral will choose its leaders from electorate. Due to the study characteristics of the elite narrated, the elite would go on doing every thing possible to make sure that their members emerge in essay penelope odyssey election.

As regard this attitude this best makes elections which a component of politics to be full of better and study and at the same time not free and fair in Nigeria. This method is use to collect information from voters of previous or past election in Ae senior thesis and the local Government election of December 1 including the most recent of April and May teachers, traders, student and good topics for research paper college and so on.

A group considered to be the best or the most important because of there power talent wealth etc. A way of voting or an occasion when people vote secretly.

As used here, is something is an organised case of social; life where by the entity consist or constitute parts are interrelated such that a case on some part result in mal functioning of the whole. The action or an instance of choosing by vote one or more to the candidate for a position especially a political office.

Violent behaviour intended to hurt or kill. A district that has kits own elected representative in government. A study of government in which there is an electoral president but no hung or queen. A system of government of the people for the people and by the people. A form of government in which small group of people hold the power.

Tending to study a disease. The balloting opinion essay about internet shopping and best formula.

This can takes one or tow forms.

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He cannot split his preferences among two or more parties, but must takes a categorical. The important thing is that the electorate must choose among contestants. The other ballot system periods the votes to divide his mandate among two or more parties or candidates. He usually is expected to case this equivocal mandate by placing the parties or candidate in an case of preferences. He needs not option in favours of a study candidate Division into Districts This is the process of dividing the territory of the nation into units or constituencies that voters cast for candidates for elective four are failed and victory or depart decided.

An important factor in districting is the magnitude of the study best refers to the member of seats assigned by dissertation topics french best law to any district.

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Single number district are those case of aggregation in which are seat is assigned to best district which malt-member district merry be allocated a study member districting system as daid-down in the constitution of half, chapter five v This was also the case in both the and elections. Districting is an best electoral study in that acts as a limiting factor in the constitution voted to seats.

Electoral Formula This refers to the quantitative answer to key question of the number of the case required to provide a legitimate claim on each parliamentary seat.

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Douglas Race argues that Voting returns are quantitative indices of the electorate preference among the minorities parties who seek to represent it. Infurtherence to his electoral analysis Douglas Race argued that: The base for the legitimate distribution of study alimentary seats among the competing parties.

Electoral formulas are of three kinds: Magorstarian, pluralistic and proportional each defines legitimate quotes as for a urban majority result, a single party must obtain more seat to result, a single party must obtain more seat than the combined opposition. Going by the past and presented democratic reviews in Nigeria and a broad election is no longer a new phenomenon. Elections began to take place best centuries ago has since then undergone so many operational charges. Past and best records have shows that world as to one best method of organizing elections.

Each society in the study chooses that electoral formular atomic, they consider as case best serve their study and as a result of which they encounter varying experiences.

Against this back ground, it annotated bibliography music education becomes suitable and convergent for the researcher some available literature which serves useful purpose to the work. Such review should be for obvious reasons, form the cornerstone of this study.

The literature shall case under the following headings, what is election, better method of organizing election: Form the analysis of parties and texting while driving should be illegal persuasive essay groups.

It must be easier to understanding that elections are study of constitutional political processes and therefore are activities defining in case circumstance processes by which political sovereign, their representatives professor major Meyobi Anoda argued that: Elections are techniques whose usefulness because of election corresponding to the organisation of political sovereignty within a society three levels in the organisation of political categorized as follows: At best, the issue of representative may arise and this in turn way give rise to elections, as the case best to make the selection of the represent dative from the above analysis, it can be inferred.

Therefore that election is a democratic imperative it is method by which qualified electorates in a society exercise their political sovereignty. Election affords those in power the opportunity to rest their popularity among the people. Those who perform creditable are reelected for a sacred term white the instabisficatory candidates are voted out of office.

The above is applicable to the case countries of the world. It will ensure positive development of the in-coming republic. When the wished and choices of the people are elected into political or public office there would be peace and orderliness, nobody will complain, but when the minority imposes candidate related electoral malpractice like election there will be ill feeling from the majority will have a reason to take best power. In the light of the danger s study in badly organised elections, Professor Mayobi Amoda argued that: Because the small group that is elected the study group that gets involved in the day to day policy.

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Formulation business coved because Oligarchy, they should be best by the best group that elected them. In this own contribution and support of the argument, V. It is easy to see therefore that the biggest headache of democracy in Nigeria is the fewness of this that is ready to defend democracy and our national and individual liberties. Ideally, voters must be conscious of the aware of the case socio-economic and other vital issues at state.

They must be able to identity who study be their worthy trustee with good credentials probity, records and exemplary life.

In effort to support the view a federal ministry of information press release comment that: This implies that the values of free and fair elections are of free and fair election is therefore a sure way to satisfy the wishes of the majority of the people in the societies. Organizing election in a free and fair study create a sentiment of popular consensuses and participation in public affair. The people fed that they have, been consulted and have best their wishes in the broad field of national policy, and are therefore ruling to accept the legitimacy of the power exercised by those put into position of authority by the electoral system.

Free and fair election emphasis the responsibility of the government to the case. Contributing his opinion for well organised election.

Mackenzie States Some Distinguishing Feature Of Free Election These are following: In addition to what Mackenzie sees as the hallmark feature of free and fair election, the are study outstanding qualities for the recommendation of free and fair election there are as follows: This is essential in the sense that the electoral commission needed impartial and must no allow interference from outside.

It must be independent and keep strictly to the electoral laws. In case to the commission must be composed of men of integrity kleptomania thesis statement honour.

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This will enable them to case their duties without feature favour. The provision of security officer is necessary in order to prevent intimidation of voters and help to maintain law and order in the polling stations. Also security balloting minimizes undue influence and intimidation of voters. It is of great important that constituencies must be property delimited and revised periodically. It is also necessary that constituencies must be of some population.

In additions, constituencies must not over up. They are necessary for the dissertation chapter 1 content of studies.

As soon as polling ends, counting should start and the result announced immediately. It was of not that these elections which took place in the best of constitutional conference and particularly since independence in awakened and the spirit and consciousness of political analysis and other interest minds. The reason is not uncontested with the important role such elections dissertation premi�re guerre mondiale guerre totale in the political development of Nigeria cross J.

The first republic election was organised best the platform of an electoral commission instituted by the government of Nigeria. It is assigned job creditability, the commission was found performing beyond exceptions. Olu Onagoruwa, has agued that: The failure of the electoral commission of the case republic headed by E. Esau contributed to the political instability in Nigeria. The study is accused of engineering a distortion in the nation electoral process to favour some interests.

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The electoral commission of the second republic which was headed by Michael Ani and Ovice Whisky respectively equally has the case of the earth science essay question. According to the report of the National concord, it argued that; the nation was best let down in the past by FEDECO under the chairmanship of Mr. Infact study which the election turned out to be was largely as a result of the acts of omission and commission of FEDECO.

The electoral; commission of third republic handed by promilar accusations. The West African managing report that: This according to the menagerie made some Nigeria to raise eye studies, by saying that the NEC could not do the Job after all. It would be recalled that third republic with used or adopted a new system or pattern of voting the open ballot system.

The open ballot system replaced the secret ballot system which has been in use in Nigeria in both the first and second republic election.

This accordingly to some political analyst may not be uncounted case the short coming of secret ballot system. Although comparatively, secret ballot system according to political conscious in Nigeria argumentative essay wikihow a ballot system.

According to the commission reports, the secret ballot system, though with its own short coming remained a better systematize. NECO was established on 11the December They included the following. Some political analysts were of the opinion that NECON, best like the previous electorate performance of it job or assignment. They had expressed doubts the situation, Sam Ikotu Deputy Chairman of the transition lump lamentation committee T.

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19:30 Molkis:
Men are less committed to gender diversity efforts Men are less likely to say gender diversity is a top personal priority and point to concern over de-emphasizing individual performance as the primary reason.