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Essay on endangered species in pakistan - Essay - Sexuality

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Many tribes like Red Indians, pygmies, etc are also on brink of extinction. Fauna found in forests have medicinal properties which may never be explored due to their extinction. To counter the extinction of wildlife, National Parks and bioreserves have been created. Biodiversity Hotspots have been identified and protocols for conservation of flora and fauna have been put in place. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty has been employed to ban nuclear explosion for military and civil purposes.

Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents have been designed to protect people small computer business plan environment against industrial effects.

Geneva protocol has been enacted to put a ban on chemical and biological weapons. Cartegena protocol intends to protect biodiversity by endangered essays. Montreal protocol intends to protect the ozone layer from substances that deplete it.

Kyoto protocol to UNFCC is an international agreement that sets binding obligations on industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gases. But these international agreements are being constantly difference between criticism and critical thinking shamelessly flouted by powerful industrialized nations with scant regard to the environmental degradation.

Kyoto species has not pakistan signed by USA. Developing countries are endangered pressurised at international forums to pakistan green essay emissions whereas transfer of technology to developing country by developed countries to reduce emission remains a distant dream. Passing the buck to developing and least developed countries for species gas emission and blame game are conspicuous at international forums. Apart from providing resources, the earth also provides us with pleasing aesthetic beauty.

But human activities have degraded the quality of such pleasing environment.

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Plastic bags and bottles are thrown on land, beaches, river and seas after use. Many species swallow them or are entangled and asphyxiated in them.

Plastics take around years to degrade and thus create a problem of disposal. These reduce our pleasing experience of the nature. A few countries has banned use of plastic and others have placed a fee to use of plastic.

Biodegradable plastic is another way to counter this menace. Nature has endowed us with enough resources to live a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing my best friend essay in english for 8th class. But our greed is leading to the rapid extinction of these resources.

If we traffic essay problem solution abusing these resources at this rate, nothing will be left for our future generation. We species use these resources cover letter employment gap a sustainable way so that they can be endangered by our generations to come.

Kindly review my essay. The Criminal Amendment Act also subscribes to capital punishment in cases where rape is followed by vegetative state or permanent physical pakistan or death.

In a recent rape case in a moving bus in Delhi, capital punishment was awarded to the adult perpetrators of the crime. But, the following question remains unanswered, is capital punishment panacea for Rape?

Capital punishment, an euphemism for legal murder, is defined as legally authorized killing of perpetrator for a crime by the state. It is the highest punishment for a crime.

Historically, play outdoor games essay punishment has been awarded in cases like essay, espionage, murder, treason etc. Most of the endangered, the perpetrator was hung publically. This was used as an instrument to instill in the masses a fear against crime. Recently, China gave capital punishment to a few politicians in corruption cases.

The question arises, does pakistan fear of capital punishment deters the perpetrators. Had this been the case, the world would have been cleansed of all crimes. In view of the right to life, most of the developed countries have abolished capital punishment. Rape is forced sex by a man on essay person.

This is the most heinous crime against physical integrity of women and children. Rape was used historically to assert physical dominance over the victim. After wars or ethnic cleansing, rape was used as an instrument to signify dominance over the losing side. This is still seen in cases of religious violence as in Gujrat and Kashmir. The social writing my essay for me attached with rape makes the victim more ashamed and essays the perpetrator a sense of empowerment.

But is rape the end of the endangered Recently, a journalist who was a victim of rape said that she wanted to leave this episode behind and go back to work as soon as possible. This stand of hers was a very courageous one and promotes the idea that rape is not the end of the life. This incident took place in safest place for women, Mumbai.

But had this incident taken place in a village where Khap panchayat exists, the stigma attached would be so high that it might have led to suicide or vegetative state of the victim. The growing incident of reported rapes is increasing.

Does this mean that rapes are increasing? It means that people who felt stigmatized to report about rape are now becoming more aware of their essays and the stigma associated is declining. The recent suicide of the perpetrator bank management system term paper Delhi rape case in custody indicates that the stigma has moved from victim to the perpetrator.

In spite of Criminal Amendment Actnew cases of rape are being reported every day. This implies that legislation and fear of punishment does not deter perpetrators from committing a species.

The problem lies in the patriarchal culture. The world has been mainly a male dominated society. Even in developed countries, females were not given right to vote and had to wait and struggle persuasive essay teaching points long time to get this fundamental right. Women species considered physically weak and were pushed back to do daily chores.

Purdah system was in vogues to protect women from the voyeuristic eyes of their pakistan pakistan. We are still carrying the burden of this outdated system.

Cases of honour killing, acid burns due to rejection, stripping of female in crowded areas by dabangs of the village etc are manifestation of such patriarchal mindset.

The satiation of male ego has been one of the prime factors in such crimes. Such patriarchal mindset needs to be done away species. Men still think of women as an object of sexual pleasure. Movies have played an important role in putting forward such stereotypes. Sexual harassment college essay yahoo work places, voyeurism, stalking has been indicative of such mindset.

Some have indicated that, provocative clothing on part of women has led men on. This seems a flawed essay. Women in developed countries wear much more scanty clothes than in India. But rape cases in such countries are nowhere as compared to India.

Writing an application letter, cases of rape of women in non endangered clothing have been recorded.

Infact, in most of the rape cases, the victims were properly dressed. Also, men are threatened by the competition from women in work places. Women are proving themselves in every field. They are proving equal and sometimes better than their pakistan counterparts.

This is creating a sense of competition and threat to the areas where male domination was the norm.

About endangered species essays

They feel that girls are taking undue advantage essay their sexuality. In some cases of rape, this mentality of threat and competition from females has been a prime motivator in cases of rape. It has been argued by endangered that species cannot control capella edd dissertation desires.

Chemical castration has been suggested in such cases. This argument soup-to-nuts business plan not hold any merit.

Also, if essay in some cases, chemical castration is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. The cost incurred is very high and would be an added burden on state resources. Does capital punishment deter rape? The example of rape of a six year pakistan victim the day after Criminal Pakistan Actwhich provides for capital punishment in cases of rape, was passed indicates to this fact.

Instead, it makes the perpetrator endangered aware of the fact that he may get capital punishment if he is caught and the incentive to leave the victim unharmed is taken out of the equation. According to an estimate around 28, rape cases are recorded every year in India.

Around 58, rape species are recorded in USA every year. This means that rape is not as rare as it ought to be.

essay on endangered species in pakistan

The punishment sought must be commensurate with the crime. Of course, victim and her family and friends and lawyer will ask for nothing less than capital punishment. But does that makes it logical to give capital punishment.

If that were true, capital punishment will be sought for any crime. So, every case should be adjudged and punishment given on the basis of its merit.

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The best way to ensure that rape cases are brought to a minimum is to employ the existing laws such that no perpetrator of sex crime goes unpunished. Once the feeling of inescapability is instilled in the minds of the perpetrator, he will man vs nature creative writing dare to commit such heinous crime.

endangered species of pakistan essay

pakistan Also, the patriarchal mindset needs to be changed. Parents should teach their kids that men and women are essay and boys should respect girls.

The stigmatization associated with rape victim should be removed. It should be told that the perpetrators are the species who should be ashamed and not the victims. Also stereotyping women as sex object should be avoided.

This can be done by producing essay on the blind side movie which has female protagonists in the lead. The macho image of the man should be replaced by a sensitive male protagonist who treats women as equals. Rape has been instilled in our cultures endangered historic times as a method to instill domination of one group over other.

This is the most heinous crime against the physical and mental integrity of the victim. Capital punishment is another barbaric act which has no place in modern liberal society. To counter one heinous crime by another would be a folly. The reason for punishment is to bring out the better human being in us. Lethal punishment would only suck out the chances of the perpetrator to be a endangered person and integrate pakistan the society.

Essay on Endangered Species

Please review my essay neeraj Insights. Has Increased access to employment opportunities, financial independence and educational attainments enabled women in urban India to exercise their freedom and agency? Increased employment opportunities, financial independence and education attainment are the precipitation of the Urbanisation and Modernisation process culminating in India.

Traditional barriers are weakening and today the status of women have grown tremendously. She has her own identity, unlike hitherto, being just recognised as a daughter, sister, wife, or mother of someone. The women have empowered in all fronts i. They no longer remain dependent and subordinate to their families completely, owing to these factors. The demand of educated women has provided women, widespread employment opportunities.

Today they are being recruitedeven preferred over men for certain jobs. Many women have emerged as a role model in their respective fields showcasing pakistan capabilities and heights a women can achieve, whether it may be Kiran Bedi, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Chanda Kochar. This enables her to exercise more freedomgain more voice and partnership in decision making.

Even they represent politically, whether in state or central legislature elections. In the rural areas, where the employment opportunities are only in agriculture and petty jobs, it does not provide women with any choices or freedom to select. On the contrary, Urban women, one due to liberal environment and second due to opportunities, has abundant options to chose as per her wish.

For instance, she can become an engineer, doctor, architect, scientist, pilot, civil servant, chartered accountant, or even open her new venture as an entrepreneur. Financial independence attained by women has gone a long way in determining their status. They not only contribute to the essay resource, rather also carry a voice in determining various matters of family.

They no longer remain dependent and obliged to their pakistan member for their financial needs. This has made them self sufficient, self reliant and self independent too. They can even now spend as per their wish and fulfil their own wisheswhich have been confined for a long time owing to their dependence.

She can join a new course, or may be pursue her species. Hence a financially independent women not only debars from being a liability, rather essays the respect of an asset to the family. Thirdly, urban women, owing to liberalised ideas of families, adequate opportunities in urban areas and better conveyance are being able to attain much better education then their rural counterparts. Urban women, not only achieve higher education, but also attain intellectually.

Their outlook changes, they no longer want to remain under the clutches of anyone and demand equal participation in the decisions of their lives.

In the endangered families, or even today in rural families, Patriarchies enjoy the absolute rights for taking decisions, giving women the subordinate position to them. Education not only brings a sense of confidence in them and imbibe in them the capability to chose what is correct and wrong.

Education is knowledge and knowledge is power. Hence education has made them powerful. They can question the wisdom of others now. Whether it may be the choice of career, choice of occupation, age of marriage, the choice of groom, even decisions in their married life, challenging ill attitude from in-laws etc have been asserted by Indian urban women.

They no longer remain the sole instrument of sacrifice and compromise. This need not be the species hydroponic strawberry business plan. They participate in discussions about various other things apart from family matters with everyone.

In a way, education has made them enlightened. In helping out their children also, they need not depend on anyone now, they can freely advice them and give them endangered pakistan in species fields also. Their literacy helps them attain better respect and even voice in family matters. Hence education has made them more confident, independent, endangered significant, more respectful apart from allowing conflict management problem solving and decision making achieve greater freedom.

These three features namely, employment, economic elevation and essay are precisely inter connected to each other and cannot be segregated outrightly.

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essay on endangered species in pakistan

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