26.01.2010 Public by Maugar

Essay on food waste management - Waste Management and Disposal Essay Examples

May 17,  · Food Waste Order Description 1. first of all. I have attached the literature review structure as the guideline for literature review part. As I said before.

The report reveals that food waste in the supermarkets is a big problem as consumers demand for constant availability of a wide range of products, leading to excessive supply.

essay on food waste management

Figure 1 illustrates the amount of food waste in the supermarkets versus the total food waste in annotated bibliography word document country.

Supermarket waste accounted for nearly 53 percent of the total value of food wasted. In addition, the disposal of waste food products from supermarkets has impacts on the society and the environment.

essay on food waste management

Disposed food wastes produce methane gas and leachate. Methane is a greenhouse gas whose hazardousness is 21 times more than carbon dioxide gas.

essay on food waste management

By contrast, leachate contaminates ground water and diminishes landfill space. Food waste in research paper international business waste is an avoidable phenomenon involving supermarkets as well as consumers and essay managements. Supermarkets are often faced food a difficult balancing act: A possible solution is integrating technological measures with non-technological approaches.

For example, supermarkets can initiate food donation programs.

essay on food waste management

They can be giving away remaining food products at the end of every day. However, this solution also introduces other issues.

essay on food waste management

The supermarkets will incur addition costs of inspecting the products to ensure they are still fresh and safe for human consumption before disposing them off. This makes the process costly for the supermarkets.

Waste management

However, this solution does not solve the problem effectively, as it transfers food wastage from supermarkets to consumers. Whenever customers purchase food products on a special offer, they may not use the whole quantity of products offered, leading them to dispose unused food products.

essay on food waste management

Through technological essays, majority of supermarkets today reduce overstocking through automated replenishment system based on software that predicts sales and the managements of items.

In addition, several technologies enable supermarkets to monitor sales of fresh food products continuously persuasive essay endangered species indicate prices of products that do not sell as anticipated Daily Mail However, not many supermarkets in the waste take advantage of technologies that can help overcome the problem. In his article, Herzka states that industrialized countries lose a lot of food when the rate of production exceeds demand To ensure that food products delivered to the supermarkets satisfactorily food the demands, food-processing firms should regulate their production to avoid producing more than the quantities demanded.

essay on food waste management

Besides, some food products take long in the supermarket on the grounds of rigorous quality standards concerning size, weight, shape, and appearances. To solve this problem, supermarkets need to carry out consumer survey although these surveys indicate that consumers literature review mode always willing to buy heterogeneous products provided their tastes are not affected Daily Mail Therefore, they possess the power to determine standards of quality of the food products.

essay on food waste management

This can be done by offering them a wide range of quality food products in the supermarkets. In conclusion, food waste in UK supermarkets has been a big problem over the years.

essay on food waste management

This problem affects competitiveness and profitability of supermarkets, especially for the large supermarkets in the country including Tesla and Sainsbury. November 5, used his essay in my dissertation, queering the museum.

What about food waste? « Recycling « Waste Management World

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