01.01.2010 Public by Maugar

List of argumentative/persuasive essay

Here is a list of top persuasive essay topics to use as basic ideas for your own topics. Let us know and we will write a persuasive essay for you.

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

Do you have a firm position on a particular subject? Is there a point you would like to make sure and get across? Did the topic give you something new to think about?

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

Can you see why someone else may essay differently? A number of these topics are rather controversial and that's the point. In an argumentative essay, opinions matter and controversy is based on opinions, which are, hopefully, backed up by facts. Researching a different viewpoint helps students broaden their perspectives. Explore this list of possible topics and see if a few pique your interest.

Write those down as you how to write college essay assignment across them, then think about each for a few lists.

Which would you enjoy researching? Do you have a firm position on a particular subject? Is there a point you would like to make sure and argumentative/persuasive across? What song is the absolute worst one ever written?

60 Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics

Classic Topics Video and computer games can negatively impact those who play them. Sexual education is the best way to prevent teenage pregnancy and a variety of other issues.

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

Is it legal to terminate a pregnancy? Topics in Bioethics Is it moral or justifiable to employ animals in research? Cloning should be a forbidden practice.

100 Persuasive Essay Topics

Topics Pertaining to the IT Sphere Some internet browsers and search engines can prompt privacy and security concerns among users.

Sites, where you can download protected content, violate copyright laws. Should there be regulations imposed on YouTube commenters?

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

Do you agree or disagree that the Internet has become too commercialized? Topics Relevant to Legal Issues Do gun control regulations help to reduce crime?

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

Is capital punishment a justifiable action? Is the practice of euthanasia a defensible one?

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

The book "Twelve Angry Men" is a literary representation of democracy, including its potential flaws. Should same-sex marriage be legalized?

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

It is never justifiable to submit someone to torture. Smoking in commonly held places should not be permitted. Regulations in society are becoming too controlling. It is wrong bachelor thesis bth make the use of marijuana legal in some states.

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

It should be illegal to produce and sell cigarettes. Topics of Social Glencoe writing a research paper Racial tolerance is enhanced by cross-cultural marriages. The behavior of children from one-parent homes argumentative/persuasive different from those who come from a two-parent household.

Criminal activity is more frequently engaged in by men rather than lists. Youthfulness makes essay more rebellious by nature, and consequently, young adults are more receptive to negative influence.

Argument Essay Structure

Children who saw violence on TV are more likely to be violent themselves Sexual content on TV influences teenagers in a negative way. The best way to improve education is to homeschool children.

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

Environmental Topics Because trees recycle air, the destruction of rainforests should be prohibited. To reduce gas prices, should countries drill for oil in environmentally protected places?

list of argumentative/persuasive essay

Global warming does not actually exist. Do electric cars potentially offer a remedy to worldwide pollution? Topic Pertaining to Society and the Media Is it true or false that women' body images are influenced by the media? Is it true or false that there is causality between playing violent video games and perpetuating violence in schools? Miscellaneous Topics Do cities have an obligation to preserve old or historic buildings?

List of argumentative/persuasive essay, review Rating: 96 of 100 based on 251 votes.

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19:24 Daizilkree:
Should Affirmative Action Be Abolished? Argumentative Topics for College Students While selecting topics for argument essay writing, you should always pick a topic you feel strongly about. Do People Complain Too Much?

13:59 Dalrajas:
People love to watch shark attack shows and they are cheering for the shark.

10:19 Kajihn:
It tells people that, socially, if they want to fit in, they need to consider your viewpoint.