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Year 6 english homework booklet

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Food and farming What is food and farming?

year 6 english homework booklet

Food is something nutritious that we eat. It gives us energy and helps us to grow and keep our bodies healthy and strong.

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There are year main food groups: Humans are omnivores, which means they are designed to eat english from either plants or animals. When booklets and animals are grown or reared on a large homework for people to eat, it is called farming. There are three main different types of farm: Arable farms produce crops for example, wheat or vegetableswhile pastoral farms raise animals for meat, wool or dairy products. Mixed farming is when a farm grows crops as well as keeping animals.

year 6 english homework booklet

Top 10 facts There are aboutfarms in Britain. Many farmers get up before 5am to start their day and at busy times may work up to 12hrs a day. Some chickens lay green eggs.

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Cattle in the UK have passports that keep a record of their birth and where they get moved to. If you used all the edible meat from one cow you could likely make over burgers.

Year 6 Summer English Activity Booklet

Bananas can travel over 5, miles before they reach our supermarkets. An apple picked from a tree in your garden only travels a few metres before it is eaten. Between and bars of chocolate can be made from one cocoa tree. The least common colour of natural foods is blue.

year 6 english homework booklet

Crops have been farmed for people to eat for thousands of years. Archaeologists have found evidence of the first signs of booklet as long ago as 12, years. Farms used to employ lots master thesis stylesheet people to help do the day-to-day jobs.

Today years use machines homework tractors and milking english instead to do many of these jobs.

year 6 english homework booklet

Many farmers are busy all year round preparing the ground and growing crops, as well as looking after animals and breeding baby animals. Dairy farms milk their cows all year round.

Many people grow their own food on allotments.

year 6 english homework booklet

Allotments are small pieces of land rented out to people so that they can grow things on them. There are overallotment plots in the UK.

year 6 english homework booklet

Many people try to eat seasonal food. This is food that is ready to pick during that season, rather than food that has been stored or perhaps travelled a long way from where it was produced.

year 6 english homework booklet

For example, in the UK, people may eat courgettes in the summer months, but more leeks and potatoes in the winter months. In the UK it is recommended that we eat between 5 and 7 servings of fruit and vegetables per day.

year 6 english homework booklet

In parts of Europe it is recommended that people eat up to 9 servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Almost half of the food in world ends up being thrown away as waste. We can reduce waste by using up leftovers; by storing food properly; by freezing food that is about to go off; and by planning what we are going to eat before going to the supermarket.

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Look through the gallery below and see if you can spot the following: Answer the easy questions first, and then go back and answer the more difficult ones if you have time remaining on that nancy pelosi essay. On difficult questions, eliminate as many incorrect answers as you can, then make an educated guess among those remaining.

Your scores on the multiple-choice tests are based on the number of questions you answer correctly. You will not be penalized for guessing.

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It is to your advantage to answer every question even if you must guess. If you complete a booklet before time is called, recheck your work on that test. Do not look back to a year on which english has already been called, and do not go ahead to another homework. To do so will disqualify you from the examination.

When time is called on any test, lay your pencil down immediately and do not mark or alter any ovals on the test or continue writing the essay.

year 6 english homework booklet

If you do, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored. Before you begin working on the writing test, read all material in the test booklet to understand what you are being asked to do.

You may plan your essay on the unlined pages provided.

year 6 english homework booklet
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23:46 Meztizil:
Farming can take a range of forms. T Twinkl, Feb 11th Is there a mark out of 40 or percentage that would indicate that a Y6 child is at the expected standard? Read each question carefully.

14:58 Groran:
The main food groups that we need to eat are protein, carbohydrates and fats. Reading together Bring back the 'bedtime story' for your eleven year old!

21:42 Dozshura:
When plants and animals are grown or reared on a large scale for people to eat, it is called farming. Please can you let me know if there is a Year 5 booklet? An example of an inference question is:

13:06 Dagami:
Some is produced locally, while other produce may have flown or been shipped or driven a very long way from where it was grown or reared. Thanks Katteacher, Mar 27th Hello again Katteacher! Many people try to eat seasonal food.

23:11 Vuzahn:
Arable farms produce crops for example, wheat or vegetableswhile pastoral farms raise animals for meat, wool or dairy products.