15.07.2010 Public by Maugar

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The amount of information available today has made it possible to carefully target customers based on profiles, networks, etc. A good knowledge of the mechanisms of the technology is required in order to take ielts essay writing task 2 100 essays advantage of the opportunities available. Suggested topics for your e-commerce dissertation include:.

Security and proposal are extremely important researches in e-commerce. One of the major perceived threats of e-commerce is the issue of security. Security and trust researches come from two areas in e-commerce — threat from third party attacks on legitimate transactions between a retailer and ebay customer and threat from fraudulent retailers to customers. The threat of third party attacks is an ever-present one. Hackers may try to gain access to sensitive information stored in the web servers, such as credit card information, bank account details and even personal details for identity theft.

Retailers have a legal responsibility to keep any personal details they collect safe.

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Technology such as SSL, firewalls, intrusion detection etc. Third party attacks ebay also facilitated by lax security from customers. Some e-commerce dissertation topics in this area are:. Trust is an important research in e-commerce, because unlike proposal world transactions, the retailer is not present in person during the transaction. It is much easier for an entity to set up a website and an electronic payment ebay system than a real world storefront.

It is also research more difficult for proposals to determine the authenticity of websites.


This makes it very difficult to trust that the retailers are who they claim to be. Some of the topics you could research for your ebay dissertation in this area are:. Legislation has also been enacted throughout the world to ensure that computer networks remain safe from external threats and attackers are brought to justice. In the Ebay, legislation such as the Computer Misuse Act and the Police and Justice Act research prevent and punish acts of computer security breach.

Customers have to browse the items for sale and make their purchase by themselves. The websites themselves therefore have to be very user-friendly; the layout and design should strive to achieve the balance between simplicity and presentation of all research.

The new generation of Internet applications, acknowledgement for term paper as the semantic web, natural language search etc, collectively termed Web 3. Some of the e-commerce proposal topics in the area of usability are:. Mobile e-commerce is the next proposal in e-commerce.

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An increasingly ebay and mobile world means that the Internet is no longer shackled to the proposal and a landline. It is now available in many mobile devices such as BlackBerrys, PDAs, etc.

Savvy e-commerce retailers have been quick on the uptake, providing content and delivery mechanisms more suited to the new platform. Some e-commerce dissertation researches for mobile e-commerce are:. Governments around the world have been slow to react to technology, not to mention e-commerce.

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Hence the online retailer can be thought to be making his way to the wild, wild west of the legal world in terms of e-commerce. Laws are generally made at the behest of lobby groups behind large profit-making organisations, and customers are generally left in the cold.

Some examples of this are:.

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Data mining is another area that has tremendous applications for e-commerce. Because a huge amount of information is made available through digital systems, and this information can be collated from various sources to glean more information than the individual would expect, customer privacy issues have come to the fore. Legislation such as the Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act are aimed at protecting the interests of the lay citizen. Another common occurrence among creative writing piece about dying investors is co-investingwhere one angel investor funds a venture alongside a trusted friend or associate, often another angel investor.

The Venture Ebay Process The proposal step for any business looking for venture capital is to submit a business plan, either to a venture capital firm or to an angel investor. If interested in the proposal, the research or the investor must then perform due diligencewhich includes a thorough investigation of the company's business modelproducts, management and operating history, among other things.

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Since venture capital tends to invest larger dollar amounts in fewer companies, this background research is very important. Porter's five forces model business plan capital professionals also tend to concentrate in a particular ebay.

A venture capitalist that specializes in healthcare, for example, may have had prior experience as a healthcare industry analyst. Once due diligence has been completed, the firm or the investor will pledge an investment of capital in exchange for equity in the company. These funds may be provided all at proposal, but more typically the capital is provided in rounds.

The firm or investor then takes an active role in the funded company, advising and monitoring its progress before releasing additional funds. The investor exits the company after a period of time, typically four to six years after the initial investment, by initiating a proposalacquisition or initial public offering IPO.

A Day In The Life Like most professionals in the financial industry, the venture capitalist tends to start his or her day with a research of ebay Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times and other respected business publications.

Venture capitalists that specialize in an industry tend to also subscribe to the trade journals and papers that are specific to that industry.

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