09.03.2010 Public by Maugar

Starting line for cover letter

7 "Interview-Getting" Cover Letter Tips. It's no secret in today's economy: hiring managers are bombarded by resumes, cover letters, and job applications on a daily.

You must make it stand out above the rest.

starting line for cover letter

By following these 7 interview-getting, attention-grabbing cover letter tips. Put only three paragraphs on one page: Keep each paragraph to just three or four punchy, well-written sentences.

starting line for cover letter

Make it "easy on the eyes. Allow your text to breathe by including plenty of white space. This means big margins, and double spacing between paragraphs, and one and a half spaces between lines.

starting line for cover letter

Create bullets and numbered lists to help readers scan quickly. Use bolding occasionally to emphasize important points, and to increase readability. Don't use too much——just a few important lines throughout to break things up a little.

starting line for cover letter

Proofread your cover letter and correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. This is an obvious one, but if it's not handled, it can ruin any chance you have of landing the interview. Double check your contact information, and don't forget to hand sign the letter.

starting line for cover letter

Nothing is more embarrassing and deal-breaking than getting your own phone number or address wrong. Your Cover Letter Writing Process: By implementing new social media marketing tactics, in the past year, I have doubled our audience on Facebook and tripled our followers on Twitter.

starting line for cover letter

Another approach is to begin your letter by expressing your excitement for the job opportunity. I was excited to find an opening in human resources with Company Y because your work with y be specific has been important to me for a long time.

Sample resumes and cover letters

I am the perfect candidate for this position because it combines my experience with human resources and y. When applying for a larger company where you know an applicant tracking system will be used, a smart idea is to make your opening lines keyword-heavy. The right keywords will make sure your cover letter gets read, and will immediately highlight many of your most relevant skills.

starting line for cover letter

Written and verbal communications are two of my strongest areas of expertise. Through my years of experience in public relations, I have perfected my skills in social media, media relations, community engagement, and leading a team.

starting line for cover letter

It is the combination of these skills that makes me the best candidate for your public relations manager. If someone in your professional network is refers you to a position, company, or specific hiring manager, the best approach is to use this right away in your cover letter. Name-dropping your mutual contact will provide the employer with a point of reference to go from.

starting line for cover letter

My name is Jane Doe and recently I spoke to your communications coordinator John Smith, who informed me about the opening in your IT staff. He recommended I contact you about the job because of my strong interest in the field. Another unique option to impress employers is to demonstrate your knowledge of current events in your opening lines.

starting line for cover letter
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14:30 Moogugal:
Thankfully, my career goals have become a little more aspirational over the years, but I love to draw a crowd and entertain the masses—passions that make me the perfect community manager.

12:46 Kajilmaran:
Joe Famous, engineering department chair.

15:18 Faejora:
Upon completion, the website was updated with information about a tour celebrating the year anniversary of their debut album Say It Like You Mean It. The band completed the Warped Tour and began their nationwide headlining tour the following September. Be succinct, and pack a punch.

21:12 Kajihn:
More Cover Letter Examples Here are more examples for each section of a cover letter, plus samples of complete cover letters. Check out these great articles. Unfortunately, many job postings do not include a contact name.

22:31 Dazil:
Or do you use a title when you address the person?