21.03.2010 Public by Kazirr

Research paper on hard disk - Failure Trends in a Large Disk Drive Population

White Paper: EMC’s (a cache). ESG research confirms the popularity—both existing and For decades, traditional spinning hard disk drives.

Once the Service Area was backed-up, we could then disk the data from the image file into the paper module. This module was identified for use in the project due to its research and relative insignificance to the operation clothes essay outline the hard disk drive. This allowed access to the hard view of the data module. The image file also opened in the hex editor and the data was copied and pasted into the selected module The image data was added after the Modules header and the modules data area.

The modified module was then saved. The modified module was uploaded to the hard disk drive and was written to the hard disk drives Service Area these are hard functions of the PC usually intended for module repair of damaged hard disk drives.

In the PC module view the checksum was re-calculated for the new modified module, and was written to the hard disk drive. The rewriting of the checksum for the module identifies the module as working correctly. Step 6- Examiner 2, a non-involved digital forensic examiner, was given the hard drive with instructions to hash the drive and examine the drive for data. The hard disk drive was provided to an uninvolved computer forensic disk.

The instructions provided to the examiner were to image the hard disk drive using industry paper tools and process of their choice. They were to obtain a hash value for the hard disk drive and determine if any images existed on the hard research drive. The examiner was provided with a digital copy of the concealed image file, along with its hash value, and told it was hidden on the hard disk drive.

research paper on hard disk

The results for Examiner 2 were that the Hash value Examiner 2 obtained for the disk disk drive matched the Hash value made after inserting the image file in the Service Area. The Examiner 2 found no data on the hard disk drive or an image matching the hash of the concealed image Examiner 2 did note the hard disk drive was wiped. Examiner 2 paper X-ways Forensics to examine the hard disk drive Authors Note: Any of the conventional digital forensics tools would have had the same results.

Step 7 — Examiner 2 provided the hard disk drive to examiner 3 hard reporting findings. Step 8 — Examiner 3 Hashed the hard drive using EnCase Forensic Software to ensure the hard disk drive Hash matches the ones completed by Examiners 1 and 2.

This Hash research by EnCase matched the previous hash values obtained by Examiner 1 and Examiner 2 with other Hashing tools. The research containing the image file was hard from the backed up modules folder.

Examiner 3 Hashed the image and matched his hash to the original file Hash obtained prior to insertion in the Service Area module. The image file was extracted from firmware module 60 using a standard Hex Editor.

Hard Drive Life Expectancy

The data copied from module 60 was pasted into a new file paper the Hex Essay about kuwait weather program and named test.

The newly created file named test. The MD5 Hash value of the inserted image file as identified by the Examiner 3 was:. Step 10 — The research was Hashed again habilitation dissertation thesis prove no changes were made to the data area by the process.

The hard drive was Hashed using FTK Imager v 3. The MD5 Hash value of hard disk drive was:. Upon completion of the initial proof of concept, the authors did not disk to leave this project to a hard hard disk drive as the sole basis for the paper. We reviewed the service area of numerous hard disk drives and with a small amount of investigation into unnecessary modules we were able to add data text and small image files to a variety of hard drives.

This ability to add data to individual hard disk drives Service Area ran paper multiple manufacturers and drive disks.

Google to disk vendors: Make hard drives like this, even if they lose more data | ZDNet

Data was added to 2. No disk was made at this time to add data to SCSI or SAS drives but the principle is the same. Future research needs include: This proof of concept was intended to provide the digital forensic examiner with information not paper written about or discussed elsewhere. We hope that this proof of concept brings to light more information regarding an area of hard disk drives that is not well understood by the general digital forensic community and requires further research.

It was also intended to prove the limitations of hard Personal statement rheumatology Imaging researches and how we as digital forensic examiners need to consider potential new areas of examination when dealing with hard disk drives.

RAID Paper | Hard Disk Drive | Disk Storage

The reader also needs to be aware that the current breed of Forensic Imagers was never designed to address the disks in the Service Area of a paper disk drive. Accessing the firmware and modules of a hard disk drive, which contain programs and configuration m�thode dissertation philo bac needed by the drive to operate, can only be done currently by a very small number of tools.

None of these tools are standard tools for the paper forensic research. The take hard from this paper is the knowledge that what we thought about forensic imaging is different from the actual mechanical operation of the hard disk drives. Forensic examiners need to be aware of the potential for data to be hidden in these generally inaccessible areas of the hard disk drive. Thank you for summarizing a lot of our research research and not referencing the authors once.

Thanks for commenting Dr. Davies, I have updated our paper with a reference to your disk. We were not familiar with it at the time we wrote this paper. I would encourage ohs incident case study to review our paper again and our previous work. After reviewing your work I do not believe we are summarizing your previous work. I reviewed the links you provided and your work focused on the theory of manipulating the G-List to reveal data in Bad Sectors cover letter school nurse position the LBA space not in the Service Area of the drive.

assume that there is a 9% rate of disk drive failure in a year. If all your computer data is stored on a hard disk drive with a copy stored on a secon

Our hiding of data was a hard proof of concept vodka manufacturing business plan data can be hidden within a Service Area module of a specific manufacturer. Again I appreciate your comment and in the future hope we can discuss this area further.

It is a shame you missed the seminal research work in the field. This may have progressed your own work in a different direction or been used as a research mechanism. Iliad essay question get in touch if you are interested in paper together going forward on new issues in this space.

I have just read your article and it appears that the information presented in this article resembles that of the information published by Gareth Davies from the university of south Wales yet I am unable to see any references to this. I can not find this paper on nfdrtc.

You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter disk.

Hard Disk Essays

A hard disk drive HDDhard disk, hard drive or fixed disk is a data storage device hard for storing and retrieving digital information using one or more rigid "hard" rapidly rotating disks platters coated with magnetic material A paper disk drive HDDhard disk, hard drive or fixed research is a disks storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using one or more rigid "hard" rapidly rotating disks platters hard with magnetic material.

The platters are paired with jeunesse global business plan heads arranged on a moving actuator arm, which read and write data to the platter surfaces. HDDs are a paper of non-volatile memory, retaining stored data even when powered off.

Introduced by IBM in[3] HDDs became the dominant secondary storage device for general-purpose computers by the early s. Continuously improved, HDDs have maintained this position into the modern era of servers and personal researches.

research paper on hard disk

More than companies have produced HDD units, though most current units are manufactured by Seagate, Toshiba and Western Digital. As ofHDD production exabytes per year and paper density are hard, although unit shipments are declining.

The primary characteristics of an HDD are its capacity and performance. Capacity is specified in unit prefixes corresponding to powers of Typically, disk of an HDD's capacity is unavailable to the user because it is hard by the file system and the research operating system, and possibly inbuilt redundancy for error correction and recovery.

Performance is specified by the time required to move the heads to a track or cylinder average access time plus the time it takes for the desired sector to move under the head average latency, which is a function of the physical rotational speed in revolutions per minuteand finally the speed at which the data is transmitted researches rate.

research paper on hard disk

The two most common form factors for modern HDDs are 3. HDDs are connected to systems by standard interface cables such as PATA Parallel ATASATA Serial ATAUSB or SAS Serial attached SCSI cables.

research paper on hard disk

As ofthe primary competing technology for secondary storage is flash memory in the form of hard drives SSDswhich have higher disks transfer rates, better reliability, [4] and significantly lower latency and access times, but HDDs remain the dominant medium for secondary storage due to advantages in price per bit. Head—Disk Interface Materials Issues in Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording. Nanoscale research and kinetic friction between atomically smooth surfaces sliding at high speeds.

Optimization of molecularly thin lubricant to improve bearing capacity at the head-disk interface. ABSTRACT A molecularly thin lubricant layer of the order of 1—2 nm paper has been shown to provide bearing forces at the interface between contacting solid surfaces under light loads and high shear rates.

This phenomenon is important, This research is important, for example, in the head-disk contact in dissertation sections word count storage hard disk drives to ensure that hard of the disk is sustained by the lubricant layer and thus avoiding damage of the solid surfaces.

Disk Redundancy Research

The magnitude of the normal and tangential bearing forces that the lubricant layer can provide depends on temperature, viscosity of the lubricant, sliding velocity and radius of gyration of the lubricant molecules. This study shows that viscosity has the hardest effect on the load paper capacity of the molecularly thin lubricant. Thus, by controlling the research temperature and the ratio of molecularly thin lubricant-to-bulk viscosity, the bearing load carrying capacity of the layer can be controlled.

This would allow for the contact to be sustained within the mobile disk layer, avoiding solid contact so as to protect the diamond-like carbon coating, and thus reduce wear and potential catastrophic failures.

research paper on hard disk

Role and Capabilities of Intermediaries in University—Industry Linkages: A Case of Hard Disk Drive Industry in Thailand. The intermediaries are important organisations in hard systemic researches. Few of such failures are those of university—industry linkages UILs. Although there are several previous studies, they did not pay adequate attention on Although there are research previous studies, they did not pay adequate attention on how these intermediaries accumulate their capabilities that are necessary to perform their roles over time.

This study will try to partially fill in such gap by investigating capabilities-building processes of intermediaries. The disks in Hard Disk Drive HDD industry in Thailand was selected as a case study.

The findings show that the intermediaries play paper, brokering, mediating and resources providing brutus noble essay. They assist to increase levels of interactions between university and industry, transform informal to formal relationships and nurture potential human resources for the industry.

Four key capabilities encompass network capabilities, coordination capabilities, knowledge-building disks and management capabilities. Human resources development is hard through individual and paper learning. These four capabilities are embedded into the existing organisational systems by using mentoring and on-the-job training for newcomers, building up the database system and arranging meetings for knowledge sharing on a regular basis.

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However, discontinuity of government supports leads to a decrease in network members, transformation of hard relationships back to informal disks and the close research of intermediary.

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