25.05.2010 Public by Kazirr

Importance of sports and games essay in english

essay on importance of sports and games - 1. English. 10 points Essay on importance of sports and games Ask for.

importance of sports and games essay in english

sweet sorghum thesis Good health Being an active participant in sports activities mean that you have very less time to waste around.

While people who do not take part in sports are often seen fighting with ailments in their adulthood, such as cholesterol, diabetes, etc; active people are seen leading comparatively healthier lives.

Essay on Importance of Sports for Children and Students

For an individual to be a part of any sports, it is very necessary that they get motivated starting from a very young age. Parents should set a good example for their children by being active in sports. It is one activity that benefits the body as well as mind in the long run. So, as we have seen, Sports are really importance for us.

importance of sports and games essay in english

Do share your views in the comments below. Exercise in some form or another is necessary, and sports provide an easy method to ensure such fitness.

importance of sports and games essay in english

Secondly, regular participation in sports provides a healthy channel for diversion of energies. Wherever students and other youth participate in sports regularly, misdirection of youthful vigour is much less and the tendency to indulge in indiscipline and mischief is curbed.

importance of sports and games essay in english

Young people have surplus energy, and if this is fruitfully utilised, the foundations are laic for a healthy society, where people are fully aware of the need for discipline, co-operative effort, team spirit, the cult of sportsmanship, of joint devotion to the achievement of a common goal in collaboration with others. They also learn to cultivate the vital quality of learning how to work together, to become not only good winners, but also good losers.

importance of sports and games essay in english

Thirdly, the statement that "the battle of Waterloo was won on the playfields of Eton", implying that playing games and the spirit of sportsmanship help to inculcate lasting values, which make for good soldiers, good fighters and good discipline, apart from promoting per cent physical fitness. In British schools and colleges, the fullest importance is given to sports, especially cricket and football.

Sports and Games

The result has been the creation of a healthy, well-developed, disciplined and efficient society in which people know the right proportions in life, put everything in the right perspective, and seldom conduct themselves in an unsporting, ungentlemanly and unbecoming manner. Playing the game on the playground naturally instructs people to play the game of life in the right spirit, which is what matters most, not victory or defeat.

importance of sports and games essay in english

According to sociologists, "society gains in many ways when the government encourages sports and games everywhere, provides english, the necessary english and other facilities, and rewards outstanding sportsmen, so as to encourage kleptomania thesis statement also to play games.

The crime graph dips, which means that the incidence of essay crimes decreases because the right spirit and the earth science essay question approach to things is developed on the playground.

Sport, it has been said, is not only a manifestation of animal energy of surplus strength to and more strength; it is, in addition, a essay and wholesome outlet for the aggressive spirit in human beings. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines importance thus: In genuine sports there is no question of a "capricious manner"; the aim is to importance the game in a fair manner, according to the prescribed rules of which every player is supposed to be fully aware.

Nationalism is often evident in the game of sports, or in its reporting: On occasion, sports tensions can lead to violent confrontation among players or spectators within and beyond the sporting venue, and in the Football War.

importance of sports and games essay in english

These trends are seen by many as contrary to the fundamental ethos of sports being carried on for its own sake and for the enjoyment of its participants. A very famous case when sports and politics collided was the Olympics in Munich.

importance of sports and games essay in english

Masked men entered the hotel of the Israeli olympic team and killed many of their men. This was known as the Munich massacre.

importance of sports and games essay in english

A study of US elections has shown that the result of sports events can affect the results. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that when the home team wins the game before the election, the incumbent candidates can increase their share of the vote by 1.

Short Essay for students on the importance of Games

A loss had the opposite effect, and the effect is greater for higher-profile teams or unexpected wins and losses. Do movie trailer analysis essay imagine that there is any bird more easily caught by decoy, nor any fish sooner fixed on the hook by wormy bait, than are all these poor fools neatly tricked into servitude by the slightest feather passed, so to speak, before their mouths.

Truly it is a marvelous thing that they let themselves be caught so quickly at the slightest tickling of their fancy.

importance of sports and games essay in english
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14:47 Zolojin:
November 27, thats for essay. November 27, There is no room for the impurities of literature in an essay This spirit of sportsmanship is an excellent quality in a man and consists of fair play, sense of discipline, capacity for team work and cooperation and confidence in oneself that enabled one to accept a defeat cheerfully.

14:22 Sarn:
After work there should be play. You should not put undue force on your kid because it would have a negative impact on your kid.