05.04.2010 Public by Kazirr

Alone on a deserted island essay

Free Essays on Being Alone One a Desert Island. Get help with your writing. 1 through 30.

alone on a deserted island essay

But no sooner did I see that beautiful spring, than I began to run towards it. Having reached its edge, I knelt down and drank as much of its water as I could.

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There was a rock beside the spring. It rose into a table -like hillock, under a huge shady tree.

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A view of the place form the top of the hill convinced me that the spring was not accessible from the forest side it was a nice safe place for me to pass my nights in. The top of the my first curriculum vitae would serve as my house and refuge if I did not find a better place.

Elijah's Life Experiences: Marooned on an island | Essay for 10 year olds | Elijah Wee | Singapore

As a boy scout, I had learnt how to make a fire by means of a bow. I had a knife and a good length of cord in my pocket.

alone on a deserted island essay

I cut a small branch from the tree and with this and the length of the cord in my pocket. I made a good, strong bow.

alone on a deserted island essay

Then I took a stick about a foot long, and sharpened it at each end. I wound the cord two or three times around this stick. One end of the stick was pressed against my chest protected with a piece of stone, while the other end rested' on a dry piece wood supported against the trunk of the tree. To avoid having to repeat this operation every time I wanted to make a fire.

Three Weeks On A Deserted Island Essay Example for Free

I buried some live coal under sweet sorghum thesis ashes, which were covered with dry earth and sand.

Returning to the beach once again I undressed and jumped into the sea for a swim. To my pleasant surprise I found that part of the sea was infested with fish.

alone on a deserted island essay

I caught some fish with my hands. Having returned to the spring I made a huge fire and roasted my fish over it. It was a very pleasant meal -my first on that island.

alone on a deserted island essay

I ate heavily and, soon after, I fell asleep. From time to time, afterwards, I went to explore the island and found some fruit trees, and a few caves and spring but I continued to stay at the fist spring I had discovered.

I lived on wild fruits and fish.

alone on a deserted island essay

Possible Persuasive Essay Topics. Wednesday, December 5, Alone on a Desert Island. If I were al single on a deserted island, the origin thing I would wish I had brought with me would be my two boys because they would essay me the strength to get alone each day.

Although, my children be non things without them I wouldnt want or motif anything else nor would I fix the strength to fight for excerpt. Having my boys would prevent me from fitting lonely they would offer curriculum vitae for students format a island of entertainment considering how fishy they both areand also help prevent me from deserted my sanity.

alone on a deserted island essay

My boys and I would not be up to p to maintain healthy diets if we ate further fish, therefore, the second thing I wish I would get to brought are seeds. We would plant the seeds to grow our favorite fruits and vegetables.

Deserted Island Description

We would be able to enjoy ingesting healthy, as well as, heighten our survival rate. The third thing I wish I would have brought, if I am able to count it as one item, would be a full size, solar powered sign boat. My house boat would be fully equipped with furniture, appliances, linens, and a water purification system.

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