28.11.2010 Public by Kazirr

Homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

Video embedded · I can make common denominators by finding equivalent fractions. [3] I sometimes assign them as homework to Michael Tang on 5 Strategies for Comparing Fractions;.

This summer, while working with the teacher that is taking over my 5th grade course, I realized that more of that course exists only in my brain than I would like. My goal this year is to ensure that is not the case for my new courses.

11 Fractions

The presentation has been great in a few ways. The most significant way is that it has allowed me to build good computer drawn visual models ahead of time as I am planning.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

I can then adjust these after one class meeting so that they are better for the next. Another benefit is that, by screen-capturing the textbook, I can draw directly on top of the questions or diagrams.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

This has really literature review on good leadership our summary discussions at the end of 11-11. Of course, the presentation also finding I have a record of what I did in each class which I can share with the kids. These are equivalent models -- they are represented more appropriately and in greater homework in the student text -- and really help the students understand what is happening when fractions are added.

Despite this, we all see fractions who have poor conceptual understandings of what fractions represent.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

To help students understand what fractions represent, they must have a sense of their relative magnitude. When young students are first learning mathematics, they have to memorize the order of the whole numbers in order to count.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

As with counting numbers, developing a strong understanding of fractions also means being able to order them based on their value. It is as if our students need to relearn how to count.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

I have done it in two equivalent finding that I would like to share. Draw a random card Show it to the class Place it relative to the other cards on the board only order fractions, homework scale does not Justify your decision to your classmates One at a time, each student draws a card, places it on the board, and then explains 11-11 they think it goes there.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

Expecting students to justify the position of their card brings out lots of amazing strategies students develop for comparing the fractions. Sometimes the whole class will have to work together to try to figure out where a card goes and to explain why.

Here is a sample from mid-activity: I love this activity for a few reasons: To help, I am sharing essay outline for pride and prejudice strategies you and your students can use to compare fractions.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

Common Denominators Okay, let's get this one out of the way right off the bat. Finding common denominators works. And, I totally understand why so many people rely on it.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

You can almost turn your brain off while using this strategy because the steps are the same each time. Let's look at the example from the top of this essay ben carson. Since 13 and 11 are relatively prime, their product will be their LCM.

4 -- Math Homework 01.20.2014 -- 01.24.2014 Original & Modified

Multiplying by the opposite denominator will always get a common denominator, but it won't always be as small as it can be. Since both fractions now have as a denominator, each fraction represents partitioning the whole into the same sized pieces.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions

Many people would not feel comfortable doing those calculations without pencil and paper or calculator. The good news is, there is another way. Making equivalent fractions with common denominators can be a great strategy for some comparisons, but I want to share some other strategies you and hopefully your students too can use.

homework 11-11 finding equivalent fractions
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12:16 Gashura:
I can then adjust these after one class meeting so that they are better for the next. The presentation has been great in a few ways.

15:36 Fenrikazahn:
Here is a sample from mid-activity:

18:15 Yozil:
Another benefit is that, by screen-capturing the textbook, I can draw directly on top of the questions or diagrams.

16:47 Yoran:
To help students understand what fractions represent, they must have a sense of their relative magnitude. Determine which fraction represents a greater value: This really threw the kids.

11:17 Grobei:
Here is a sample from mid-activity: These ratios are equivalent because they have the same meaning - the amount of water is three times the amount of sugar crystals. To write a ratio in its simplest form, keep dividing both sides by the same number until you cannot go any further without going into decimals.