21.03.2010 Public by Kazirr

Essay effects of smoking tobacco - The Effects of Smoking Tobacco Essay - Words | Bartleby

The Short and Long Term Effects of Smoking. Saved essays Smoking tobacco cigarettes should be made illegal because even though you are the.

Argumentative Essay on Cigarette Smoking

These are just a few of the chemicals that float into your lungs when you are exposed to secondhand smoke Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. Some of these harmful effects are immediate. Nicotine addiction is hard to beat because it changes your brain.

essay effects of smoking tobacco

The brain develops extra nicotine receptors to accommodate the large doses of nicotine from tobacco. A person may feel anxious, irritable, and have strong cravings for nicotine.

Smokers have more oral health problems than non-smokers, such as mouth sores, ulcers and gum disease. Smokers are also more likely to get cancers of the mouth and throat. Smoking can cause the skin to be dry and lose elasticity, leading to wrinkles and stretch marks. The skin tone may become dull and grayish.

Why is smoking bad for you?

Smoking raises your blood pressure and puts stress on your heart. Over time, stress on the heart can weaken it, making it less able to pump blood to other parts of the body.

Carbon moonbounce business plan from inhaled cigarette smoke also contributes to a lack of oxygen, making the heart work even harder. This increases the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks.

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Smoking effects the body by turning the skin color yellow, producing an odor, and making the skin age more. Smoking is considered as one of the most dangerous habits of an individual.

essay effects of smoking tobacco

There are numerous harmful as well as dangerous effects related to smoking. Carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarette smoke has been related to several adverse impacts on the lungs literature review headache heart.

essay effects of smoking tobacco

Smoking causes damage to the internal body, causing alterations to the quality of internal organs. For example, smoking affects the lung by damaging the air sac.

Damaging the air sac limits the passageway of air, and progressively leads to emphysema.

Harmful Effects Of Tobacco On The Human Body, Educational Video For Children

Smoking also leads to the increased probability of cancer, such as lung cancer and heart failure. Ultimately, reliance on smoking damages the human body, causing more susceptibility to diseases.

essay effects of smoking tobacco

Carbon monoxide and nicotine both put a strain on the heart by making it work faster. They also increase your risk of blood clots.

essay effects of smoking tobacco

Other chemicals in cigarette smoke damage the lining of your coronary arteries, leading to furring of the arteries. If you smoke, you increase your risk of developing heart disease.

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Smoking causes are obvious it will ruin your health and give you series of health issues. You can be also asked to come up with the research paper on the given topic.

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19:45 Brajind:
Withdrawal varies with time and intensity.

22:54 Vudoll:
Smoking can cause bad breath and stained teeth, as well as gum diseasetooth loss, and damage to the sense of taste.

13:02 Bazshura:
The inhaled substances trigger chemical reactions in nerve endings within our body.

15:56 Tygojin:
In fact, hundreds of thousands of people die every year, around the world, due to smoking.

12:50 Shashicage:
On the subject of this depression, there is an article written by William Styron which, in the course of describing his own dealings with the disease, he compares it to cancer. Though no one has identified genes for morality, there is circumstantial evidence they exist.