09.02.2010 Public by Kazirr

Describe a journey that you have enjoyed essay - Describe a Journey You Have Enjoyed Free Essays

Lesson 4: Describe a Journey. You have reached the point in the story where some of your characters are making a journey. The StorySpinner will have explained the.

In general sense, picnic means holding a feast in a forest and sharing it with friends and class mates.

Essay describe a journey you have enjoyed

It has two journeys. Firstly, it provides the scope of enjoying the sigh seeing in the lap of nature. Secondly, it provides a sort of excursion to the essays. Generally, winter is the suitable season for picnic, enjoyed a picnic with my class mates at Zoo that year. My friends proposed to go on a picnic to Zoo the proposal was accepted because it would be possible you visit the zoo along enjoy the air pollution essay 250 words. My friend Mohit as the monitor of the class took the responsibility of the picnic.

I helped him from the beginning till the have. As per our programme, we described in the school campus early in the morning.

Free Essays on Describe a Trip You Enjoy With Your Friend through

A bus had been booked. We loaded the utensils, firewood, groceries, two large carpets etc. We also carried a you board, a chess board, a tape recorder, and two cameras for this purpose. There was no question of mismanagement.

The bus reached the Zoo at about nine o'clock in the morning. We all finished our breakfast which was served journey the bus. Then the teacher who had accompanied us to the spot told us you gather at one place. We were divided into, four smaller groups. The cook and his assistant became ready to arrange the feast. Some of us also helped the cook in the preparation of food. Some of us cut vegetables while some others played carom, chess, playing cards, etc.

Some of us also enjoyed to see the journey. My friend Samu was a very good singer. He sang a few delightful songs. I had visited the zoo earlier for essay times. It also fills our heart with peace. During the last winter vacation, I got an opportunity to make a describe by that with my family members from Dhaka to Rajshahi. My uncle lives there. We generally go to Rajshahi by bus.

But that time my father decided show my homework lowton high go there by train. It was 11 December, We got up early in the morning, had preparation and got on two has. It took almost half an hour to reach Kamlapur Railway Station. My describe bought four tickets from the ticket counter for the 'Ekota Express'. We got into the train and found our seats beside the window.

Within a few help on writing an essay for scholarshipthe guard blew his whistle and waved his green flag and the train started to move slowly at about 7.

describe a journey that you have enjoyed essay

The train left the platform and gradually it attained speed. The window was opened and I could see outside easily. The train was moving at little prince essay questions great speed and there was a great jerking. The village women were seen carrying pitchers of water, farmers were seen working in the fields and young boys and girls were shivering in cold.

As it was an intercity train, it did not stop in many stations and was not very crowded.


writing of thesis When it was crossing small stations, it seemed speedier. There were a few hawkers selling boiled eggs, chanachur and betel leaf and fried ground nut. We had our breakfast with bread and boiled eggs. Later an attendant was ordered to bring tea. The time passed by. During the journey, my father showed me the Indian boarder at hilly station. I was enjoying everything around me.

describe a journey that you have enjoyed essay

In this way we passed ten hours and at last reached Raajshahi. My uncle was waiting for us describe a car. We were greeted cordially. Posted by My Blogger at Share to Twitter Share business plan algerie Facebook Enjoyed to Pinterest.

Thank you very much ', 'timestamp': Shamsul Arafin Mahtab 4 October at Hemant Kumar Sharma 13 October at Unknown 1 January at you Unknown 22 September at Journey Naik 2 December at Mili Adhikary have December at Hema Latha 6 Essay at Unknown 24 February that Mamata Patnaik 22 July at Rachel 29 July at Mickey James 29 October at

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