19.12.2010 Public by Kazirr

My 3rd year high school life essay

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Those, who fair badly in these tests and examinations, are severely admonished, and in some cases, their parents are called.

my 3rd year high school life essay

Additional classes are allotted for these students so that they get an opportunity to clarify their doubts. All co-curricular activities and celebrations are usually conducted outside school time and on Saturdays.

my 3rd year high school life essay

In fact, academic excellence has been the hallmark of my school. School is the nursery of life. What one learns in school remains with us for the rest of our life? Realising this basic truth, the authorities of my school try to instill in us, the basic values of life such as, discipline, honesty, punctuality, dutifulness, respect to elders, being good-mannered, personal cleanliness, etc.

Short Essay On My School | Essay On My School Life

A lot of emphasis is given to character formation, moral education and acquiring good principles of life. Providing social service to the neighbourhood is an integral part of this attempt.

my 3rd year high school life essay

A lot of importance is given to the acquisition of personal discipline. They try to make us self-propelled, self-controlled and self-guiding persons, who will be able to accept the challenges, of life without hesitation. All these have made my school life a very enriching experience for me.

Short Essay on My School Life

The way he waltzed as if like he was my prince. The time slowed down and I cares nothing but him and the dance. I told myself to indulge every second of it because as other people say, "It's once in a lifetime. I over came competitions. Luckily, I always see my name on the part where students been favored by fortune.

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Whenever my adviser hand out my card to me, I always got nervous. It caused me to shake. It gave me shivers, the so called "goosebumps". At serious times, I am not serious.

my 3rd year high school life essay

I just study and read my notes when needed. Sometimes, I don't give attention on my lessons.

my 3rd year high school life essay

Most of the time, I came to school just to see my friends and to have some quality time together. And I knew I was wrong. My parents work hard for me but I don't exerted such effort to do my best on anything.

my 3rd year high school life essay

But that was high school life is. To trip on, to be cracked, to be playful.

my 3rd year high school life essay

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my 3rd year high school life essay
My 3rd year high school life essay, review Rating: 82 of 100 based on 332 votes.

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21:59 Gazragore:
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20:11 Sajas:
Many things had changed, and I'm not used to those changes.

13:21 Nemuro:
There are jocks, musicians, bookworms, and others with interests outside the school, but no one is judged for that; people can be whoever they want to be. It all depends on how you make it out to be. The students are more relaxed and their responsibilities are not that complicated and heavy in a sense that there are fewer requirements and their due