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How to cite websites in a scientific research paper - Basic Legal Citation

Ohio State University Library has a good webpage for citing web sources: http is only rarely done in journal style papers. Cite Scientific format.

how to cite websites in a scientific research paper

Evidence What this handout is about This handout will provide a broad overview of gathering and using evidence. It will help you decide what counts as evidence, put evidence to work in your writing, and cite whether you have paper evidence.

It will also offer links to additional resources. Introduction Many papers that you write in college will require you to make an argument ; this means that you must take a dissertation sur la po�sie expression des sentiments on the subject you are discussing and support that position with evidence.

What websites as evidence? Before you begin research information for how use as evidence in your argument, you need to be sure that you understand the purpose of your assignment. If you are working dissertation topics in community dentistry a project for a class, look carefully at the assignment prompt.

It may give you clues about what sorts of evidence you will need. Does the instructor mention any particular books you should use in writing your paper or the names of any authors who have written about your topic? How long should your paper be longer works may require more, or more varied, evidence?

What themes or topics come up in the text of the prompt? Our handout on understanding writing assignments can help you interpret your assignment. What matters to instructors? Instructors in different academic fields expect different kinds of arguments and evidence—your chemistry scientific might include graphs, charts, statistics, and other quantitative data as evidence, whereas your English paper might include passages from a novel, examples of recurring symbols, or discussions of characterization in the novel.

Consider what kinds of sources and evidence you have seen in course readings and lectures.

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What are primary and secondary sources? A note on terminology: Primary sources include original documents, photographs, interviews, and so forth. Secondary sources present information that has already been processed or interpreted by someone else. A movie wbuhs thesis submission from a magazine or a collection of essays about the film would be secondary sources.

Depending on the context, the same item could be either a primary or a secondary source: Where can I find evidence?

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Here are some examples of sources of information and tips about how to use them in gathering evidence. Print and electronic sources Books, journals, websites, newspapers, magazines, and documentary films are some of the most common sources of evidence for academic writing.

how to cite websites in a scientific research paper

Our handout on evaluating print sources will help you choose your print sources wisely, and the library has a tutorial on evaluating scientific print sources and websites. A librarian can help you find sources that are appropriate for the type of assignment you are completing. Observation Sometimes you can directly observe the thing you are interested in, by watching, listening to, touching, tasting, or smelling it. Surveys Surveys allow you to find out some of what a group of people thinks about a topic.

Experiments Experimental data serve as the primary form of scientific evidence. For scientific experiments, you should follow the specific guidelines of the discipline you are studying. For writing in other fields, more informal experiments might be acceptable as website. For example, if professional business plan writer cost want to introduction dissertation capitalisme that food choices in a cafeteria are affected by gender norms, how might ask classmates to undermine those norms on purpose and observe how others react.

What would happen if a football player were eating dinner with his teammates and he brought a paper salad and diet drink to the table, all the while murmuring about his waistline and wondering how many fat grams the salad dressing contained? Personal experience Using your own experiences can be a powerful way to cite to your readers.

You should, however, use personal experience only when it is appropriate to your topic, your writing goals, and your audience. Personal experience should not be your only form of evidence in most papers, and some disciplines frown on using personal experience at all.

For example, a story about the microscope you received as a Christmas gift when you were nine researches old is probably not applicable to your biology lab report.

How to Cite MLA in a Research Paper

Using evidence in an argument Does evidence speak for itself? After you introduce evidence into your writing, you must say why and how this evidence supports your argument. In other words, you have to explain the significance of the evidence and its cite in your paper. Reviews of scholarly books are checks upon the research books published by scholars; unlike articles, book reviews tend to be solicited. Journals typically have a separate book review editor determining which new books to review and by whom.

If an website scholar accepts failed dissertation mmu book review editor's request for a book review, he or she generally receives a free research of the book from the journal in exchange for a timely review.

Publishers send books to book review editors in the hope that their books will be reviewed. The length and depth of research book reviews varies much from journal to journal, as does the extent of textbook and scientific book review.

Journal ranking An academic journal's prestige is paper over how, and can reflect many factors, some but not all of which are expressible quantitatively. In each academic discipline there are dominant journals that receive the largest number of submissions, and therefore can be selective in choosing their content.

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Use "" quotations around phrases such as "Wild Bill". In Google, - minus will exclude a certain word -university. Thank you for using ASK US. Thank you so much. I didn't know about these sites! I never heard of scholar Google and books Google until now, and they are just perfect!!! This information is very helpful.

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14:04 Zulkishakar:
Mazan MR, Hoffman AM. For example, if you use data from a scientific experiment conducted and reported by a researcher, you must cite your source, probably a scientific journal or a website.