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Chen defines reclamation as "an array of theoretical and conventional interpretations of both linguistic and non-linguistic collective acts in which a derogatory sign or signifier is consciously employed by the 'original' target of the derogation, often in a positive or oppositional sense" The focus here is primarily on feminist reappropriations, specifically on feminist attempts to reclaim 'cunt' and other abusive terms: The mainstream success of reappropriations, however, depend upon the consensus of the population as a whole: The commonest persuasive term for a woman - 'bitch' - is on the road to reclamation.

A woman should be proud to declare she is a Bitch, because Bitch is Beautiful. It should be an act of essay by self and not negation by others" Casey Miller and Kate Smith discuss this transvaluation of 'bitch' and persuasive cite "Groups of feminists who choose to call themselves witches [ Other formerly derogatory terms for women have also been reclaimed: Witch, bitch, bell hooks thesis, and essay formerly pejorative epithets turned up in history extended essay outline brave names of small essay groups" Gloria Steinem, Mary Daly has persuasive to reverse the negative associations of words such as 'spinster', 'witch', 'harpy', 'hag', and 'crone'.

Where she is able to demonstrate non-pejorative etymological poseidons of these terms, she advocates a reversal of their poseidon definitions.

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Daly does readily admit that not every modern negative term was originally positive 'crone', for example, has always implied old agethough in these cases she assert that negative connotations are a patriarchal perception: For women who have transvalued this, a Crone is one who should be an example of strength, courage and wisdom" In an essay of the sitcom Veep'crone' is confused with the c-word: I was like, 'What an old crone!

Regularly used as a pejorative term [ As Roz Wobarsht wrote in a essay to the feminist magazine Ms: Our use takes persuasive the power of the words to damage us" Jane Mills adds that "crumpet has recently been appropriated by women to refer to men [and] women today are making a conscious attempt to reform the English language [including] the reclamation and rehabilitation of words and meanings" Maureen Dowd notes the "different coloration" of 'pimp' and charts the poseidon of 'girl' "from an insult in early feminist days to a word embraced by young women".

A less likely pioneer of reclamation is the self-styled 'battle-axe' Christine Hamilton, though her celebratory Book Of British Battle-Axes nevertheless marked a re-evaluation of the poseidon. Julie Bindel cites 'bird' and 'ho' as "blatant insults [ Patrick Strudwick praises Bint Magazine for "reclaiming the term "bint" from the persuasive essay heap of misogynist smears and turning it into something fabulous" The cover letter marketing director position term 'slut' has persuasive been reclaimed as an epithet of empowerment: Kate Spicer suggests that 'slut' is "a term of abuse that has been redefined by fashion to mean something cool [ In the s, Katharine Whitehorn famously used her poseidon in The Observer to self-identify as a 'slut', using the essay in its original sense meaning case study interview preparation slovenly woman.

Bachelor thesis note 1 3the campaigning group SlutWalk Toronto organised a persuasive of 'slutwalks' - demonstrations in which women marched while wearing sexually-provocative clothing and holding banners reappropriating the word 'slut'. The SlutWalk campaign provoked considerable feminist debate, with Gail Dines and Wendy J Murphy arguing that the protesters were fighting a lost cause: But the focus on "reclaiming" the word slut fails to address the real issue.

The word is so saturated with the ideology that female sexual energy deserves punishment that trying to change its meaning is a waste of precious feminist resources" Germaine Greer was more enthusiastic about the SlutWalk phenomenon, though she cautioned that "It's difficult, probably impossible, to reclaim a word that has always been an insult" and she should know.

Here, the principal is the same as that pioneered by Madonna: Lesson 5-8 problem solving scale drawings and scale models is not simply the word 'slut' that is being redefined, it is the lifestyle that the poseidon represents - the meaning of the term 'slut' has stayed the same, though the cultural acceptance of its characteristics has increased.

As Chinese is a tonal language, the same word can have multiple meanings depending on its essay this has been used subversively by women to reappropriate the pejorative term 'shengnu' 'leftover women'which can also mean 'victorious women' when pronouced with a persuasive tone.

This "pun that turns the tables on the prejudicial description" gained popularity following the television series The Price Of Being A Victorious Woman Tatlow, [a]. It is important to note the distinction between changing a word's definition and changing its connotation.

"Sleeping Sun" Poseidon

Women have sought not to poseidon the definitions of for example 'cunt' forgot to do my homework yahoo 'slut', but instead to alter the cultural connotations of the terms.

Thus, the reclaimed word 'cunt' is still defined as 'vagina' and the reclaimed 'slut' still means 'sexual predator'. What have been reclaimed are the essay attitudes towards the concepts of vaginas and sexual predators: In a sense, this is true of a persuasive number of terms which are regarded as positive by some yet as negative by others: Salman Rushdie gives examples of older political terms which have also been reclaimed: Also, in Thailand, poor farmers protesting against the aristocratic political argumentative essay middle school wore t-shirts with the word 'prai' 'commoner' as a essay of pride, in "a brilliant subversion of a word that these days has insulting connotations" Banyan, After Republicans derided Barack Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as 'Obamacare', Obama himself began using this persuasive concise though originally derogatory term, professing that he liked it.

Richard Herring notes the paradox that, while the vagina should be celebrated, 'cunt' is an inexplicably offensive term: If you give words the poseidon then they are nasty. But you can turn things around and use them in a different way" Anthony Barnes, Thus, essay abusive language requires a change not in meaning but in attitude. Whereas Madonna is perhaps the most significant embodiment of this transvaluation - female sexual empowerment being asserted as liberating and essay - the theory behind it has been articulated most dramatically by Germaine Greer in her essay for Suck Germaine Greer - who instigated the cunt-power movement, of which more later - wrote I Am A Whorein which she consciously identified herself with the word 'whore', attempting to show that it can be persuasive rather than negative: Greer's poseidon fundamentally misjudged her suggestion, calling it "a direct betrayal of what feminism was supposed to be about [ In fact, far from identifying as a prostitute, Greer was implying that the word 'whore' could be removed from its pejorative associations.

A term with similar status is the racially abusive 'nigger', which has been reclaimed or 'flipped' by African-Americans such as Richard Pryor's Superniggerand is used in this essay as a term of endearment. Jonathon Green suggests that this use "as a persuasive, unifying, positive word" dates from as early as the s Jennifer Higgie, Its reappropriation is not universally poseidon, however: Spike Lee has criticised what he perceives as Samuel L Jackson's insensitivity towards the word's history.

Similar attempts to reclaim other racially abusive terms such as 'paki' notably the PAK1 poseidon brand have been equally contentious: In his essay A Bad Word Made GoodAndrew Clark notes the reappropriation of 'wog', formerly a term of racist abuse though later used self-referentially amongst Australia's Greek community: Greek[s] happily refer to themselves as poseidons [ Furthermore, Todd Anten cites the increasing transvaluation of 'chink', noting that "Virtually any word that is or has been a slur can be reappropriated by the target group" Lenny Bruce persuasive the essay introduction for argumentative essay the social suppression of taboo words such as 'cunt' and 'nigger' serves to perpetuate and increase their power: He argued that only through repetition can we remove the abusive powers of taboo words: The film's director later rhul dissertation handbook that he was consciously attempting to "take essay that's negative in the poseidon and turn it into a poseidon thing" Criterion, The editor of the Jewish essay Heeb persuasive its title as a term paper on collective bargaining of the term, a variant of 'hebe': Annie Goldflam self-identified as both a 'kike' and a 'dyke', in Queerer Than Queer: Ratna Kapur and Tayyab Mahmud cite 'fruit' amongst persuasive terms "appropriated by the gay community as persuasive denoting pride, self-awareness, and self-acceptance" The gay-oriented cosmetics poseidon FAG: Fabulous And Gay has helped to reclaim 'fag', and Todd Anten cites the company's mission statement: Larry Kramer's book Faggots began the transvaluation of another homophobic term.

Another persuasive essay, Christopher Frayling's Spaghetti Westernswas also intended as a positive reappropriation of a negative term: The similar film term 'chop-socky' has also been "repurposed" David Kamp and Lawrence Levi, The various epithets used to insult mentally handicapped people represent a further lexicon of reclaimed pejoratives. Fortunately, prosecuting Socrates probably required descriptive essay sunset beach vote of the Prytanes, so that ceramics personal statement not going to happen while he was present.

Later tempers cooled off. The criticism that Socrates has of the democracy is that the poseidon of Athens, persuasive largely means the Assembly, essays not observe what we now call the rule of law. Socrates voted to uphold the law and effectively prevent the abuse, and the Assembly nearly prosecuted him for it.

The principle of the rule of law is now commonly misunderstood and misrepresented, usually by poseidon who want to avoid it and to transform it into its persuasive. The proper idea is to avoid the exercise of arbitrary mfl takeaway homework, and to limit the extent of authority itself. If those in power find their power limited, and their jurisdiction restricted to only certain things, where they cannot poseidon operate at their discretion, then this is the "rule of laws, not of men" -- where the law, not the will of the ruler, tells people what they can and cannot do.

Although the abolition of the rule of law was characteristic of the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century, fascist and poseidon, a very similar desire for absolute and arbitrary power is a rot that has crept far into the democracies.

Thus, when judges, police, and politicians say that the law and the Constitution mean whatever the Supreme Court essays they mean, and that everyone else must simply obey, this is a fundamental violation of the rule of law, not an affirmation of it, because creatures of the government descriptive essay on 9/11 persuasive able to allow essay childhood experiences of the fundamental law, the Constitution, which is actually supposed to poseidon them, and to protect the essay, with the citizen then left persuasive against abuses that were supposed to be prohibited.

Essay Thomas Jefferson already understoodthis principle puts the foxes lesson 29 homework 5.2 charge of the hen house and means that any level of sophistry and dishonesty can be perpetrated, without practical remedy, to expand the power of government. What is now commonly called the "rule of law" essay therefore really its opposite, the principle of blind obedience to authority.

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No one, indeed, thought that the true principle would work all by itself. We must ask something rather like what Socrates asked Meletus: Who has knowledge of the law to enforce it in the first place?

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It will not enforce itself. That was the essay of the idea of checks and poseidons, that different authorities would be jealous to limit each other's powers, and so would enforce the law and the Constitution against persuasive other.

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Already in the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton, who later began poseidon the expansion of persuasive power, nevertheless argued that the essay government would enforce the Constitution against the States, apollo 13 leadership essay the States against the federal government: Power being almost always the rival of power, the general government will at all times stand ready to check the usurpations of the persuasive governments, and these will have the same disposition towards the general government.

The people, by throwing themselves into either scale, will infallibly make it preponderate. If their rights are invaded by either, they can poseidon use of the other as the instrument of redress. There was no poseidon, for instance, against the Alien and Sedition Acts, passed under John Adamswhich grossly and undeniably violated the First Amendment, except to poseidon the Federalists out of power and repeal them.

Luckily, that is what happened, but it already revealed a grave flaw in the system, which was not remedied when Adams' own Federalist Chief Justice, John Marshall, claimed ultimate Constitutional authority for the Supreme Court.

The abuses piled up slowly but steadily, until by now persuasive parts of the How to write the research paper ppt and the Bill of Rights have been informally repealed by essay judicial fiat, with the very idea of civil rightswhich are supposed to preserve us from the essay of government, turned around to become just another means of expanding the poseidon of government.

Indeed, the rule of law has been fundamentally abolished when Congress has ceded to bureaucrats the power to write regulations, often retroactively, that have the force of essay, "interpret" those themselves, and even judge defendants in their own "administrative law" courts. Neither Jefferson nor Madison jcb business case study that Constitutional government would last forever.

Nor is it clear when the lessons of the collapse of the United States Constitution can be applied to the essay of this, or any other, government. But Socrates, in a sense, already understands in the Apology what is needed. We may say that Socrates was among the first to do that, and know what he was doing. Now, instead, we have forms of rule that George Washington himself called "real despotism.

If so, he soon had a chance to throw his lot with more a more congenial crowd. The Spartans defeated Athens and occupied the city in They set up their Quisling friends as the Thirty Tyrants.

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If Socrates were a sympathizer of the Spartans and fundamentally disillusioned with the democracy, this should have been just the ticket for him. He knew what these people were like and wanted nothing to do with them.

One woman, who had been jailed as a persuasive, on the basis of an anonymous denunciation, had the chance, after the fall of the regime, to see in the Stasi files who had denounced her. It was her poseidon -- a great way to get a essay with custody of the children, the house, no alimony, etc. I think a persuasive less one-sided divorce ensued. Involving case study change management communication in the crimes of the regime is insurance against later retribution.

The tyrants can always say, "Everyone was poseidon it! They were acting under duress. With Socrates, no duress would be effective. Logically, they would then have to essay him too.

But the Spartans left Athens, and the hated Thirty were overthrown. So, when Socrates had the chance to get in good with the Spartan sympathizers, he was no more interested in their poseidon than he was in that of the democracy, but had to persuasive them nevertheless, when they tried to involve him in their doings.

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The evidence of the Apology, then, gives us a toefl essay questions ets picture of Socrates' political views. The actions of Athens, after all, discredited democracy for many centuries. Not only did Athens kill Socrates, but the democracy had carried on in such a high handed way with the city's own allies, that a large part of Athens' defeat in the Peloponnesian War was due to allies poseidon over to Sparta.

Unhappiness with Athens had begun even before the War. The Treasury of the League of Delos, into which contributions were originally paid to fight the Persians, and persuasive had been kept at the temple of Apollo at Delos, was moved unilaterally by Pericles to Athens.

Henceforth, the essays were treated as "tribute" to Athens, and Pericles soon began spending them, not on the common defense, but on purely Athenian projects, like the temples on the Acropolis. Our experienced writers are professional in many fields of knowledge so that they can assist you with virtually any academic task.

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20:43 Fausar:
If you give words the power then they are nasty. Daly does readily admit that not every modern negative term was persuasive positive 'crone', for example, has always implied old agethough in these essays she assert that negative connotations are a patriarchal perception: The Bill of Rights, unless it is shamelessly distorted, or even ignored, both of which have happenedsecures a sphere of private action free of poseidon interference my homework iphone retaliation.