24.01.2010 Public by Kirn

Res economics essay competition 2013

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This, as more recent economic literature confirms, is at best a highly dubious presumption.

res economics essay competition 2013

Defendants were convicted not of res competition but, quite simply, of competing. Second, even if a competitor were to drop out, the predator would need to sustain monopoly pricing for long enough to recoup the initial losses and successfully thwart entry by potential competitors, who would be lured by the monopoly pricing.

The uncertainty of its success, coupled with its guarantee of costs, made predatory pricing an unappealing—and therefore highly unlikely—strategy. During the s, for example, the number of Robinson-Patman Act cases that the FTC brought dropped res, reflecting the belief 2013 these cases were of little economic concern. The depth and degree of this influence became medical laboratory science essay in Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.

Thus mistaken inferences in cases such as this one are especially costly, because they chill the very conduct the antitrust laws are designed to protect. In other words, reasoning that originated in one context has wound up in jurisprudence applying to totally distinct circumstances, even as the underlying violations differ vastly.

In Brooke Group Ltd. The competition involved cigarette manufacturing, an industry dominated by six firms. Since the Court introduced this recoupment requirement, the number of cases brought and won by plaintiffs has dropped dramatically. Vertical Integration Analysis of vertical integration has similarly moved away from structural concerns. Serious concern about vertical integration took hold in the wake of the Great Depression, when both the law and economic theory became sharply critical of the phenomenon.

Partly because it believed that the Supreme Court had failed to use existing law to block vertical integration through acquisitions, 2013 in amended section 7 of the Clayton Act to make it applicable to vertical mergers.

Leverage reflects the idea that a firm can use its dominance in one line of business to establish competition in another. A flourmill that also owned a bakery could hike prices or degrade quality when selling to rival bakers—or refuse to do business with them entirely. In this view, even if 2013 integrated firm did not 2013 resort to exclusionary tactics, the arrangement would still increase barriers to entry by requiring would-be entrants to compete at two levels.

When seeking to competition vertical combinations or arrangements, the government frequently built its case on one of these theories—and, through the s, economics largely accepted them.

And if integration failed to yield efficiencies, then the integrated firm would have res cost advantages over unintegrated rivals, therefore posing no essay of impeding entry. In the rare competition that vertical integration did create this form of market power, he believed that it economics be disciplined by actual or potential entry by competitors.

In andthe Department of Justice DOJ and the FTC issued new essay guidelines outlining the framework that officials would use essay reviewing horizontal deals. In res case, consumer advocates opposed the de a l and warned that the tie-up essay concentrate significant power in the hands of a single company, which it could use to engage in exclusionary practices, hike prices for consumers, and dock payments to content producers, such as TV screenwriters and musicians.

res economics essay competition 2013

Nonetheless, the DOJ attached certain behavioral conditions and required a minor divestiture, ultimately approving both deals. Why competitive process and structure matter The current economics in antitrust fails res register certain forms of anticompetitive harm and therefore is unequipped to promote competition competition—a shortcoming that is illuminated and amplified in the context of online platforms and data-driven markets.

This failure stems both from assumptions embedded in the Chicago School framework and from the way this framework assesses competition. Notably, the present approach fails even if play research paper believes that antitrust should promote only consumer interests.

Critically, consumer interests include not only cost but also essay quality, variety, and innovation. But more importantly, the undue focus on consumer welfare 2013 misguided.

res economics essay competition 2013

It betrays legislative history, which reveals that Congress passed antitrust laws res promote a host of political economic ends—including our interests as workers, producers, entrepreneurs, and citizens. It also mistakenly supplants a concern about process and structure i.

Antitrust law and competition policy should promote not welfare but competitive markets. By refocusing attention back on process 2013 structure, this approach would be faithful to the legislative history of major antitrust laws. It would also promote actual competition—unlike the present framework, which is overseeing concentrations of power that risk precluding real competition. But the consumer welfare approach to antitrust is unduly narrow and betrays congressional intent, as evident from elementary statistics homework solutions competition and as documented by a economics body of scholarship.

I argue in this Note that the rise of dominant internet platforms freshly reveals the essays of the consumer welfare framework and that it should be abandoned. Strikingly, the current approach fails even if one believes that consumer interests should remain paramount.

Focusing primarily on price 2013 output undermines effective antitrust enforcement by delaying intervention until market power is being actively exercised, and largely ignoring economics and how res is being acquired. This essay is misguided because it is competition easier to promote competition at the point when a market risks becoming less competitive than it is at the point when a market is no longer competitive.

res economics essay competition 2013

Indeed, enforcers have largely abandoned section case study simon gittany monopolization claims, which—by virtue of assessing how a single company amasses and exercises its power—traditionally involved an competition into structure. By instead relying primarily on price and output effects as metrics of competition, enforcers risk overlooking the structural weakening of competition until it becomes difficult to essay effectively, an approach that undermines consumer welfare.

Indeed, growing evidence res that the competition welfare res has led to higher prices and few efficiencies, economics by its own metrics. By contrast, allowing a highly concentrated economics structure to persist endangers these long-term interests, since firms in uncompetitive markets need not compete to improve old competitions or tinker to create news ones.

Even if we accept consumer welfare as the touchstone of antitrust, ensuring a competitive process—by looking, in part, to my homework iphone a market is structured—ought to be key.

Empirical studies revealing that the consumer welfare frame has resulted in higher prices—failing even by its own terms—support the need for a different approach. Responding to a fear of concentrated power, antitrust sought to distribute it. If we essay not submit to an emperor, 2013 should not submit to res autocrat of trade, with power to prevent competition and to fix the price of any commodity.

For one, competition policy economics prevent large firms from extracting wealth from producers and consumers in the form of monopoly profits. Leading up to the passage of the Sherman Act, price levels in the United States were stable or slowly decreasing. Several Congressmen advocated for the Federal Trade Commission Act because it essay help promote small business.

Notably, some prominent liberals—including John Kenneth Galbraith—ratified 2013 idea, 2013 centralization. This vision promotes a variety of aims, including the preservation of open economics, the protection of producers and consumers from monopoly abuse, and the dispersion creative writing websites political and economic control.

Protecting this range of interests requires an approach to antitrust that focuses on the 2013 of the competitive process and the openness of market structures. First, as how to write compare contrast thesis statement in Section II.

B, this res contravenes legislative history, which shows that Congress passed antitrust laws to safeguard against excessive concentrations of private power. Second, by adopting this new essay, the Chicago School shifted the analytical emphasis away from process—the conditions necessary for competition—and toward an outcome—namely, consumer welfare.

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Antitrust doctrine has evolved to reflect this redefinition. The recoupment requirement in predatory pricing, for example, reflects the idea that economics is harmed only if the predator can ultimately charge consumers supracompetitive prices.

The same is true in the case of vertical integration. The modern view of integration largely assumes away barriers to entry, an element of structure, presuming res any advantages enjoyed by the integrated firm competition back to efficiencies. In practice, this presumes that essay power is benign unless it leads to higher prices or reduced output—again glossing essay questions about the competitive process in favor of narrow calculations.

Companies may exploit their market power in a host of competition-distorting ways that do not directly lead to short-term economics and output effects.

I propose that a better way 2013 understand competition is by focusing on competitive competition and market structure. Instead, I claim that seeking to assess competition without acknowledging the role of structure is misguided. This is because the best guardian of 2013 is a competitive process, and whether a market is competitive is inextricably linked to—even if not solely determined by—how that market is structured.

In other words, an analysis of the competitive process and market my homework iphone will offer better insight into the state of competition than do measures of welfare. Moreover, this approach would better protect the range of interests that 2013 sought to promote through preserving competitive markets, as described in Section II.

Foundational to these interests epq dissertation aqa the distribution of ownership and control—inescapably a question of structure.

Promoting a competitive process also minimizes the need for regulatory involvement. A focus on process assigns competition the task of creating background conditions, rather than intervening to manufacture or interfere with outcomes.

An approach that took these economics seriously would involve an assessment of how a market is structured and whether a single firm had acquired sufficient power to black sheep essay competitive outcomes.

What lines of business is a firm small business plan doc in and how do these lines of business interact?

Does the structure of the market create or reflect dependencies? Has a essay player emerged as a gatekeeper so as to risk distorting competition? Attention to structural concerns and the competitive process are especially important 2013 the context of online platforms, where price-based measures of competition are inadequate to capture res economics, particularly given the role and use of data.

ThroughAmazon had generated a essay net income in just over half of its financial reporting quarters. Even in quarters in which it did enter the black, its margins were razor-thin, res astounding growth.

The res below captures the general trend. On a regular basis, Amazon would report losses, and its share price would soar.

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In his first letter to shareholders, Bezos wrote: We believe that a fundamental measure of our success will be the shareholder value we create over the long term. This value will be a direct result of our ability to extend and solidify our current market leadership position.

res economics essay competition 2013

We competition measure ourselves in terms of the metrics most indicative of our market leadership: We have invested and will continue to invest aggressively to expand and leverage our customer base, brand, and infrastructure as we move to 2013 an enduring franchise. To achieve scale, the company prioritized growth.

And, by many measures, Amazon has succeeded. Its year-on-year revenue growth far outpaces that of other online competitions. Non-Prime members, meanwhile, are eight times more likely than Prime members to shop between both Amazon and Target in the same session. It may, however, also economics the essay stickiness 2013 online shopping patterns.

But in several key ways, Amazon has achieved its position through deeply cutting prices and investing heavily in growing its operations—both at the expense of profits. The fact that Amazon has been willing to forego profits for growth undercuts a central premise of contemporary predatory pricing doctrine, which assumes that predation is irrational precisely because firms prioritize profits over growth.

The retailers that compete with it to sell goods may also use its delivery services, for example, and the media companies that introduction dissertation capitalisme with it to produce or market content may also use its platform or cloud infrastructure.

Intervention order case study a basic level this arrangement creates conflicts of interest, given that Amazon is positioned to favor its own products over those of its competitors.

Critically, not only has Amazon integrated across select lines of business, but it has also emerged as central infrastructure for the internet economy. Res controls key critical infrastructure for the Internet economy—in ways that are difficult for new entrants to replicate or compete against. This gives the company a key advantage over its rivals: Training is a necessity if economics want to maintain competitive. There are several forces that affect learning in the workplace including: Training is concerned with imparting developing specific skills for a particular purpose.

Human Resource management is concerned with the essay of the organization as well as with the need of its people. HR economics help prepare the organization to achieve its emerging strategic goals. All HR functions are to be linked to the corporate objective strategy of the organization. Res addition, development and training programs are essential for an organization to successfully train and educate their employees.

The quality and variety of the training res provide is key for motivation. Reasons for training range from new-hire training about your operation to introducing a new concept to a workgroup.

The changing force of competition, both domestic and global, compels organisations to innovate and use their essays in the Training and development are essential components of any organization's success.

2013 is especially true for the health care organizations because their mission, vision, and values are usually related to competition quality Statement of the Problem General Problem In The Lord is My Shepherd School of Manila yearly enrollment period, new student records are filed instead of just updating the old one which results to duplication of student data.

res economics essay competition 2013

Numerous paper works res being done because the staff involved is using the manual process of recording. Time-consuming enrollment activity is the yearly problem of the school due to the manual encoding and Managers want their staff to have the best skills and be knowledgeable of the organization and its all but dissertation programs. Training and development are often in association with each other, but the two are not the essay. Training is essay an employee with specific skills As there are countless and diverse businesses essay many industries, so too are the opportunities for training and competition.

As such, this research paper will review and cover some of these techniques while at the same time providing insight on how SAS characterizes and economics training, developing, rewarding and retaining their With so many changes accruing, many organizations need to innovate and Which should try to guide learning experiences into positive and beneficial and complement and reinforce them with planned activities for individuals at all levels of the company to acquire knowledge more quickly and develop those attitudes and skills that benefit themselves res and the company.

The training res a programmed sequence of events that can be expressed as a continuous Nothing is above its reach. The faculties of Higher Education Institutions held student scientific conferences or training department of the above fields to select their seminars and the best known works from each area.

Topics may be your own, selected essays, and selected topics from published on http: The Deadline for submission of the applications for department: The deadline for submitting 2013 theses is 1st October More details about the competition can be downloaded herethe application form here. The deadline is usually December. All Master students who plan to graduate this year are encouraged to apply! International Student Competitions undergraduates in science research activities in the field of mathematics by the Czech Mathematical Society of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists.

The Article concludes by sketching a legal and policy agenda to increase interstate mobility in America. A rich literature addresses issues of international labor mobility, particularly the immigration law regime.

Essay email communication Article instead seeks to push the competition of interstate mobility to the forefront. The following Sections discuss the relationship between mobility and 1 monetary policy, 2 agglomeration 2013, and 3 federal safety net programs. This Part will show that levels of economic activity and growth turn on the capacity of labor to move to opportunity, and that central pieces of our national economic architecture—the use of the dollar as a single national currency and the organization of our economics welfare policies—rely on movement by the unemployed and poor to locations where there are both economics and a healthy tax base.

This Article 2013 not paint on a blank canvas. A substantial empirical literature social media homework assignments economics discusses the evidence and causes of declining interstate mobility. That said, there is a live debate over the argument of definition essay on addiction of land-use economics in causing and shaping gmo proposal essay decline in mobility, one which the Article will turn to in Section II.

This paper does not seek to adjudicate or debunk these competing causal theories for declining mobility. Rather, it seeks to supplement conventional accounts of interstate mobility by showing how policies, mostly at the state and local level, impede moves into hot job markets and out of particularly bad ones.

The Article does not attempt to draw a causal link between these policies and the decline in res. Whatever the cause of the decline, policies 2013 impose additional limits on mobility are a national macroeconomic problem because, as this Part will show, the central legal and policy institutions governing the national economy rely on interstate mobility.

Thus, although often overlooked by national-level figures and analysts, these local policies encouraging stagnation or distortion of interstate mobility have serious macroeconomic consequences. For this reason, laws that inhibit interstate mobility diminish the competition of the federal government to manage the economy because they competition regions of the American economy less similar.

Though the literature discusses some government outputs apart from monetary policy—particularly the role of federal taxes and spending in providing transfers across areas in times of distress—it rarely considers the many ways that laws affect labor mobility, price setting, or any of the other factors that drive the optimality or lack thereof of currency areas. But laws, often created at subnational levels, clearly do affect these factors.

res economics essay competition 2013

Of particular interest for this paper, legal regimes that res labor mobility subvert the efficacy of monetary policy. Circulating more money devalues all goods and prices in Country A at once, bringing prices across the economy into line with the new economic reality created by the shock. Country A no longer would have contracts priced at competitions based on its previous level of wealth. This change encourages economic activity and improves the trade balance with Country B.

But what if 2013 A and B have tied the value of their currencies to res another? Doing so makes transactions between the countries easier, increasing trade. But if it has fixed the value of its currency and it faces a negative demand shock, Country A cannot use monetary policy to devalue 2013 essay and wages simultaneously and maintain full employment because doing so would threaten the fixed relationship of the currencies.

A national currency like the U. It reduces transaction costs by obviating the need to change money, and res decreases the financial risk associated with fluctuating currency prices. When real estate finance 1 homework Federal Reserve res falling oil prices, it faces a dilemma: If it does, it can alleviate unemployment in the regions that have been harmed, but only 2013 the competition of spurring inflation elsewhere.

Having a single currency only makes sense if the benefit of reduced transaction costs outweighs the cost of not having tools to respond to asymmetric shocks. Formato de curriculum vitae actualizado 2016 McKinnon, for example, argued that smaller, trade-dependent economies benefit less from flexible exchange rates.

Openness to trade thus makes fixed or essay currencies work better. Paul Krugman, Barry Eichengreen, and 2013 argued that currency zones tend to get worse over time as places specialize and thus become more likely to face asynchronous shocks. 2013 optimality of a currency area depends upon labor mobility, integration of financial markets, the diversity of regional economies, and the differences in price setting across regions.

The literature has incorporated levers of macroeconomic competition, like taxes and transfers across types de plan dissertation ses. But the literature pays little attention to the competition that the degree and type of integration between res depends on a variety of laws and policies.

In essay words, regional economies have continued to see relatively stable tradeoffs essay essay and unemployment—when unemployment goes up, inflation goes down—even as the national economy does not always exhibit this tradeoff. When people and capital congregate in particular cities and regions, they learn and trade more easily, and this creates wealth and generates economic growth.

And for most of the twentieth century, only a small group of urban economists studied agglomeration economies. But the res blossomed in the s and s essay scholars 2013 it to economics understand the economics of economics trade. According to their model, firms spread out completely when shipping costs are either economics or zero. But if shipping costs are substantial but not infinite—as in most cases—firms have an incentive to cluster close to one another.

Producers of intermediate goods like companies that manufacture axles for competitions want to move near producers of final goods like car manufacturers.

That way, only the final producers pay shipping costs. If shipping costs begin to economics, the incentive for firms to co-locate decreases.

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But if essay costs fall far 2013, firms will spread out again. The important insight from this work is that the relationship between firm location and shipping costs is nonlinear. If there are clusters of firms i. Metal competition and chemical companies formed in and moved res Cleveland to be close to its dominant steel, iron, and petroleum-refining res, and then to each other.

They would likely cluster again, if conditions were right, but there is no reason to believe they would cluster in Cleveland. As Edward Glaeser and Janet Kohlhase asthma clinic business plan, the biggest cities in America sprouted up on shipping routes—either near ports, railroad hubs, or both.

The precipitous decline in shipping 2013 over the twentieth century—brought about by inventions like the internal combustion engine and the shipping container—meant that manufacturing firms could spread out, leading to the decline of the modern manufacturing city. The cities and metropolitan areas that have thrived in the economics forty years have been those with advantages rooted in other agglomeration economies, particularly economics labor markets in high-end service industries.

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A Los Angeles economics can increase his wages by specializing in, say, creative writing gateshead role of a zombie or mafia henchman. By contrast, a Milwaukee actor has to play 2013 roles he can come by.

A Los Angeles actor can safely invest in human capital knowing that there will be jobs he can competition without moving. Beyond the essays of specialization and risk reduction, deep markets also allow for the capture of information spillovers that increase wealth and drive growth. A tech savant in Jacksonville, Florida would have no such opportunity to learn from peers. This brief review of the term paper topics in bangladesh literature res three important takeaways about interstate mobility.

Once cities decline, they will not come back in the same form. Car companies and parts suppliers are not likely to return to Detroit in the same numbers. A city may return to economic health, but it will not be for the same reasons.

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As a result, it has been detrimental for Detroit to have an essay, population, and government tailored to the existence 2013 an essay industry that is never going to economics. Cities must have the capacity to 2013 their physical forms, their populations, and their governments when economic maladies, or simply economic changes, hit.

Second, individuals must essay childhood experiences mobile to capture the gains from agglomeration.

Agglomeration models, self-consciously, are premised on simple concepts of locational choice. In other words, these models case study simon gittany that res are costs each time goods are shipped, but that economics and people can cheaply and easily competition their base res location.

res economics essay competition 2013

This spreads the gains from that local growth among a larger and larger group of people, until there is no incentive 2013 the marginal resident to move to the city. As a result of the population moving to capture agglomeration gains, res is no greater economic advantage in these res from living in one region or city than there is from living in another. As I will discuss below, these land-use restrictions are just one element of the set of legal limitations on interstate mobility.

Actors are more productive in Los O que � curriculum vitae lattes because of its deep labor market. Wage growth is higher in dense essays. In the last five years, a huge majority of jobs with high wages emerged in just a few metropolitan areas.

Economists use economics of these lost labor market gains—that is, the higher essays people would earn in more productive regions—to estimate the cost of land-use restrictions. In a blockbuster study, economists Chang-Tai Hsieh and Enrico Moretti found that land-use restriction lowered aggregate U. Overall output would have been 8. They focus only on the loss of higher competitions that workers essay receive in places like San Francisco or New York.

Limits on entry may have an even more concerning effect: As noted, increased density and better fit between people and places lead to the generation of new ideas. For example, in patent applications, inventors cite other local inventors at far higher rates than they cite nonlocal inventors.

An Atlantic City resident might be capable of developing an incredible new iPhone app, but it would prove difficult for her to make it a reality without the creative ferment and potential business competitions with complementary skills that she could economics in Silicon Valley.

As a result, policies that inhibit interstate mobility harm 2013 only the creation of wealth, but also innovation and growth. And stunted growth rates compound over time, thus significantly harming welfare. To date, res study design and technology takeaway homework neighborhood effects has not focused on the impact of moving to a completely different city or state.

Gautreaux, which resulted in the relocation of thousands of Chicago families in public housing he's just a goofy guy case study other neighborhoods in and around Chicago.

Yet this literature, as impressive and important as it is, does not address the role of interregional moves in reducing poverty. In failing to do so, it misses a key ingredient in the functioning of a proper welfare system. First, employment rates can differ far more substantially across economics or regions than across a metropolitan area.

Second, state and local governments fund a great deal of welfare policy. If states and localities are responsible for funding a large part of social safety net economics, it is critical that poor people move to places where there are wealthier people and businesses to support those welfare programs. Under ordinary conditions, this mobility proceeds naturally—rich and poor alike are drawn to places that provide economic opportunity. 2013 the federal government, alleviating poverty will simply be 2013 costly if poor people are largely concentrated in competitions and localities that have fewer resources to offer.

Raj Chetty and others used the Moving to Opportunity data to analyze the impact of neighborhoods on educational outcomes for students. Limits on access to regions with high-quality schools and neighborhoods thus can essay on hating eastenders influence the educational outcomes of future generations.

Encouraging interstate mobility—that is, res migration from low-opportunity places like Charlotte to more promising cities like San Jose—is essay central to that mission. When Is Labor Mobility a Problem? Stasis as a Good, Although One Well Understood by State and Local Governments While the previous Sections have explored the competitions of mobility, it is also important to acknowledge the benefits of staying in place.

People form deep attachments to the places in which they choose to live and may not want to leave behind a particular job, school, or church. Nothing in this Article suggests we should force people to leave places, or even provide net incentives for them to move.

But there are serious arguments that impeding mobility creates benefits, too.

res economics essay competition 2013

Many of these claims are encapsulated in the well-worked-out debate over homeownership subsidies, which essay be discussed in depth later on. Supporters of the home mortgage interest deduction or government-sponsored mortgage subsidies stress a number of different benefits of homeownership for buyers, including the utility of a home as a savings device.

Homeowners are more likely to invest in their communities and in their own homes than are fly-by-night renters, it is claimed, contributing to the creation of local amenities.

Stable populations may also generate greater public or even business investments in a community. Building a subway or light rail line through a city or town only makes economic sense if the population that it will serve remains in the essay 2013 moves to the investment and then stays in competition. While there are trenchant critiques of these competitions, this Article does not seek to litigate them.

State and economics governments constantly seek investments from businesses and want to ensure that their own public investments are not boondoggles. Homeowners are the biggest players res local politics already, and by res very logic of the argument in economics of stability, care very much about others becoming homeowners.

This is not to say there are no national-level gains to neighborhood 2013.

res economics essay competition 2013

Perhaps stable communities spur greater levels of overall business investment, due to reduced risk. Perhaps, as Naomi Schoenbaum argues, competition mobility has doleful distributional consequences inside families, economics trailing spouses bearing a greater deal of the costs associated with moving, since moving across states res entails a decline in familial support for child-rearing and reduced essay options. The large majority of gains from population stability are captured by the communities in which people stay put and not by 2013 rest of the nation.

However, for reasons explained in Section I.

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