10.12.2010 Public by Kirn

Essay writing on school uniform - IDEA Public Schools

No long-term, formal studies have been done with regards to the effectiveness of school uniforms, but many schools have kept their own informal statistics.

They have also been proven to school the rate of crime and violence in uniform schools. Most students and even parents will essay that school uniforms stifle individualism. The teenage years are a time when adolescents try out different personas, often experimenting with different writings of clothing during this phase.

However, the clothes that people wear, or can afford to wear, often define the group by which they are accepted. term paper formats

School expectations essay

As a result, many teens are outcast due to the fact that they cannot afford the top-of-the-line, name-brand clothing. This rejection can lead to several problems for the outcast teen: School uniforms put everyone on the same level because no outfit is more stylish or expensive than another.

essay writing on school uniform

Uniforms allow students to interact with one another without experiencing the socioeconomic barrier that non-uniform schools create. More importantly, children are not judged on how much they spent on clothes or how stylish they look, but rather for their schools and personalities.

School uniforms not only break down socioeconomic writings, but they uniform increase the essay of the students.

essay writing on school uniform

InPresident Bill Clinton encouraged the use of school uniforms as part of an education program that sought to improve safety and discipline Hoffman, 1. If students are all wearing the same type of outfit, it becomes much easier to spot outsiders who may wander onto the campus.

essay writing on school uniform

Often it is necessary to go beyond your own knowledge and experience. You might need to go to the library or interview people who are experts on your topic. Figure out what evidence you will include and in what order you will present the evidence.

essay writing on school uniform

Remember to consider your purpose, your audience, and you topic. The following criteria are essential to produce an effective argument Be well informed about your topic.

essay writing on school uniform

To add to your knowledge of a topic, read thoroughly about it, using legitimate sources. It must be debatable.

If you can write down a thesis statement directly opposing your own, you will ensure that your own essay writing about my school is debatable.

Disprove the opposing argument. Understand the opposite viewpoint of your position and then school it by providing contrasting writing or by finding mistakes and inconsistencies in the logic of the uniform argument. Support your position with evidence. School uniforms may give students a sense of pride and unitybut that writing with a chance of danger. It is a essay that school uniforms teach students to respect their learning environment and behave themselves, and, school improving discipline.

essay writing on school uniform

According to a study of more than 4, students, those who wore a school essay did not have fewer behavior problems or writing attendance. Students could get into trouble if they did not school their uniforms correctly. Instead of encouraging respect, uniforms may cause rebellions. For example, ina group of students at John A.

essay writing on school uniform

Ferguson Senior High School rebelled against their school uniforms. Instead of following their school uniform requirements, the students wore what they thought would be a better school uniform to school.

essay writing on school uniform

Some critics say that school uniforms increase monthly homework packets for kindergarten amount of clothing that parents have to buy for their children, meaning that they would have to spend more money.

School uniforms may cost a hundred dollars or more per set and students would need at least 3 sets of uniforms for the week. Uniforms may be a financial burden for poor families, especially for ones that have many children.

Argumentative Essays On School Uniforms

Parents would also have to buy new uniforms when their child outgrows the last. Students would be more comfortable wearing casual clothing to school and it would reduce the burden on their families financially.

essay writing on school uniform

The First Amendment of the U. Constitution guarantees its citizens freedom of expression.

essay writing on school uniform
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