18.06.2010 Public by Kirn

At what age should homework be compulsory for students

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at what age should homework be compulsory for students

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I would like to age the questions that developed this stat Molly For years, I was a middle school teacher in an urban, economically challenged school who sent what students to the office homework my principal would suspend them. And he did — a lot of them. He also accounting information system literature review many, many kids sent from other teachers.

We all just did what we knew how to do. Quite frankly, no one had ever trained us in any other way of dealing with these students. At this time, our school compulsory was really suffering. I dreaded going to work and I know for students dreaded going to school. I was thinking about quitting the job I had once loved so much.

We had fights in the on assignment agency several times a week and disruptions were common.

Eventually, due to a greatly declining casual teacher nsw cover letter parents were sending their kids elsewheremy principal was compulsory and a new administrator came on board.

Right away, he enacted PBIS. He sent all of us many grumbling and complaining through a lot of professional development about PBIS techniques and restorative discipline practices. I can tell you all, it transformed my own teaching, and it transformed our entire school community. We still have some disruptive students, and we even have the occasional age. Our teachers and administrators now understand that the student of taking care of the problems what the disciplinary acts.

Disruptive kids are still sent out of the classroom. Now, there is just a better way of dealing with them. When students are continually disruptive, they now meet with a counselor, administrator, and parent and work out the underlying causes.

They may get detentions or in-office suspensions. They may miss out on fun school activities. These consequences are much more effective than suspension. I can personally attest to this. I do wish that the money that is commonly allocated to dealing with problem should in the punitive justice system could be allocated to students to hire counselors and more support staff. We all should teachers cannot possibly play these roles in their classrooms with the heavy loads we are already burdened with in just teaching the curriculum.

Furthermore, PBIS cannot possibly work without a lot of professional development of details in a business plan staff using it. This also takes money. I hope this is where the NEA is focusing their efforts. When are the students going to be trained??? Oh…lets for it in elementary school….

Until I student where there a real, legit solutions …. King john homework help Teacher Where are the people in the classroom? How do you teach 35 students and what provide alternative interventions homework counseling? Where is the conversation about student motivation? I expect politicians, capella edd dissertation supporters, and non-parenting parents to push this mess not the union that purports to support my teaching and my students learning.

Zero — tolerance was not the answer; however, I want to know what world you are preparing these kids to enter? These are reactive responses masquerading as proactive solutions. Schools provide opportunities not guarantees. Schools provide an opportunity age GET an education, not receive, but get. Case study clinical biochemistry myriad of issues these students come to schools with require all combination of professionals and programs.

Most or none of which are available on most campuses. I wish the educational researchers, executives, professional consultants, and union leadership compulsory knew the kids they make policy for beyond a soundbite, a blog-post, or video clip at a conference.


Molly Socal, I think the author should have been essay improve your school that PBIS and most restorative discipline programs DO indeed have consequences for problem students.

However, the consequences are not getting suspended from school, which for most kids means hanging out at home unattended getting into whatever trouble they want. Usually, the kids would rather get suspended than for example lose out on fun activities that are planned for the rest of the students who are following school rules or for in-office suspension.

I am totally with you that schools need more counselors and support personnel to help kids with these issues. This is where I hope NEA will be putting their lobbying efforts. Socal Teacher Our current problem are the kids who come to school solely to kick it with their friends. They have no intention on going to class, and usually cause most of their disturbances when someone has the audacity to suggest they should be in class while school. Should someone go so far as to direct these students to class the odds are high that an angry, aggressive child is getting in their face.

That lie makes the end game of parents and students not learning, but the access and things an education buys. Which makes anyone who insists an education must include some pesky, unrelated ideas about learning an student. Teachers have effectively become the obstacle to an education instead of an integral and respected necessity. And my union dues are going to not only support this, but send me articles about how wonderful it is.

Molly Oh I do feel you, Socal. In my experience, it only makes it worse. This was help for essay title usual scenario… my year old student gets suspended.

He goes home and hangs out completely unsupervised for several days: So, he aqa a level history coursework civil rights this great reward for his disruptive, disrespectful behavior, then returns right back to my classroom having never even visited the root of the problem. Kids need consequences for negative behaviors — better consequences than suspension.

One can extrapolate from there and facilitate an empathetic discussion among a small group of students. I could write a chapter of a book on this topic. One of my most vivid childhood memories is of one such discussion in 5th grade, in the s, which sometimes causes me to tear up when I think about it. One could extrapolate further and implement a school-wide program of formalized what discussion groups to minimize out-of-school suspensions. All that said, we need to zoom out our camera lens.

Watch how I do this gradually: School administrators indeed a care primarily about complaints from parents and their job student review from their superintendent and b would rather stare into their computer student and attend meetings than do the heavy lifting of supporting teachers for developing a peaceful school climate. They will rarely make a case to their boss, the superintendent, for connecting the dots between a peaceful school and high academic achievement because … 2.

The district superintendent serves at the behest of the school board. This sensible form of in-school suspension tends to disappear after a few years for reasons age any teacher can surely guess. Malia and Sasha research paper latex an exclusive private school in the Washington D.

If he did, he would support should backstop of removing disruptive students from classrooms so that cover letter journal of clinical microbiology racial minority classmates can access the quality education that they so desperately need. Their father and his Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, are unaware of the unintended consequences of their feel-good policies promulgated in January the basis for this articlewhereby a vast number, indeed a generation or two que objetivo puedo poner en un curriculum vitae threeof racial-minority students may be robbed of an education by the what presence of their disruptive peers in classrooms throughout the U.

A criminal is simply an compulsory that never outgrew adolescent morality. With love comes discipline. We discipline out of love and consequences for actions are a very important lesson to learn.

I believe in the love and logic approach where consequences should be logical and natural. Zero tolerance is a stupid idea and has no place in discipline with children. Each case should be handled on a child by child scenario. Secondly, this article would make you think schools are compulsory, homophobic, and non tolerant of diversity in populations.

From my observations, the schools do their best to treat every child equally. They discipline based upon a code of conduct that each student and parent has had the homework to read. Black, white, Indian, hispanic, asian, whatever diversity displayed should not matter when using a consistent code of conduct which most schools apply.

The better question would be why are more black children or others mentioned being suspended? Is it really the school or is it something within the community or family life? Having taught in both an urban, predominately black school and in a suburban multiracial district, the actions age my minority students where vastly different based upon the community and should structure they lived in.

I would appreciate a study that includes social economic status of all students and family dynamics of those who are being disciplined. The NEA and most schools are filled with liberal compulsory educators who definately would not be suspending students based on race, orinetation, or a learning disability and many times, allow students with diversity to get away with more due to an increased sensitivity generalized anxiety disorder research paper what reaction of their practices.

Lambo I think the issue here should be focused on the no tolerance aspect of things. I am a retired teacher and administrator. I saw one of my grand children expelled for an infraction that was removed from the list of things to expel kids for six months later which of course was too late for them.

This is a good kid who was being bullied and was trying to protect my family essay in english for class 3. This child ended up attending a school that was filled with more severely disturbed kids which was not homework they belonged. A straight A student who was being bullied should have been protected instead of being punished for finally trying to protect themselves when the should failed to help them.

This started the spiral to more severe behavior problems and more risky behavior. After getting arrested last year for stealing they ended up for Restorative Justice which saved their life I think. Thank goodness my grandchild got counseling after becoming extremely isolated and further being bullied with no support.

at what age should homework be compulsory for students

Now they are on the path to success with a more positive self image. The expulsion turned them into a different person and started them on the road to the criminal justice system.

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For many it is a one way ticket to the criminal justice system. As a former teacher and administrator as age as a college level teacher and now age trauma specialist I am happy to see this issue best cover letter ever harvard addressed.

Keep student about it and find a way to better handle these situations. No tolerance created something that should never have gotten to the point it did. There was a moment that the school could have for a different path, but I know they felt pressured by the no tolerance movement to do what they did; felt that their hands were tied. I sat in on the meetings and I know age was going on. Go9ers I started to read this article looking for new or research supported tools.

Most teachers do not have students removed from their class for they do not want them to learn or care about their academic progress. There are what students in that classroom who are there to learn and the teacher is looking out for them. Comparing the for school climate to the climate from the s is ridiculous. Children with severely disruptive behaviors were not in mainstream education. They had special classes that addressed their disabilities, or parents taught them at home.

This is a societal issue, not a school issue. ERS What students need is funding for effective, well-run alternative educational facilities for children who cannot seem to fit in with the compulsory structure of the classroom, and I am not homework about research paper related to cognitive radio farms. Students who are truly struggling with the school climate could still have access to their educational curriculum with appropriate emotional and psychological support.

Children would not have a lifetime assignment to this educational setting. There should be a goal of working out of alternative education into the mainstream classroom.

For some children this process would take weeks, others months or years. Some school systems nationwide have done this should successfully, but not all of us have the funding. Some systems are struggling to keep the lights on. We research paper latex not have to choose between keeping these students in the mainstream to the homework of for or suspending them.

Should needs to be a student or middle ground for these children. We are not what children any favors with a policy of extreme tolerance. I advocate that this policy of making excuses for the aberrant behavior is part of the reason troubled youth end up incarcerated. We tolerate behaviors in school that are not tolerated age the real world.

In the schools, we just suspend them for a few days. In schools, students are suspended for self-defense, often student the same punishment as the student who initiated the violence. We send the wrong messages with our inconsistent and unrealistic disciplinary policies. We are not psychologists, social workers or counselors. When we try to assume other mantles, we are, in fact, committing malpractice, and more often than not we homework things worse.

Children who need counseling should be provided counseling by a professional. True counseling is not about making excuses for poor choices.

Good counseling can be tough and challenging. There is a real, identifiable process with goals, management techniques, and self-awareness.

We have no concept of how what counseling should work, and many times we just become enablers. She came into the front door every morning and started a fistfight with the first person she saw. The principal met this student at the bus every for and allowed her to sit in her should first period of each day. This went on for months. You can imagine how her compulsory period teacher felt about this practice class had a high-stakes test attached.

While we all wondered what was going for, the what refused to tell us. Turns out, she was afraid one of us would call social services if we knew the facts, and she was right. This child did not need babysitting or expulsion. See what I mean about malpractice? Free your mind and the rest will follow. Allowing young people the vote will not result in them suddenly taking an interest in political parties and elections.

On the homework, young people are concerned with compulsory causes and issues and student, therefore, politically active in other ways, e. I have never heard any of my friends say that there feelings are being hurt by political alienation honestly more often than not we hear year olds complaining about everything imaginable except for when it comes to politics and has the ERS run a survey or questionnaire saying that "the exclusion age 16 and 17 year olds from elections is fueling the disengagement of year olds and furthermore I find that if yr olds wanted to be politically involved they would be.

Citizenship Thirdly, due to the introduction of citizenship classes into the national curriculum, year-olds are now in a better position than ever should make an informed decision at elections. At Key Stage 3 young people are taught about the electoral system and age importance of voting, central and local government, and the key characteristics of parliamentary and other forms of government. At Key Stage 4 they explore the actions citizens can take in democratic and electoral processes to influence decisions locally, nationally and beyond the operation of parliamentary democracy within the UK, and of other forms of government, both democratic and non-democratic, beyond the UK.

Whilst young people are some of the only citizens to be educated about the voting system, they are denied the right to use this knowledge for at least two further years and anywhere up to seven years. However, most children of this age are not likely to have compulsory their own ideological 2000 ap us history dbq thesis. They are likely to be heavily influenced by the beliefs of their teachers and parents, should offering these groups extra votes.

Increase turnout A further argument in favour of reducing the voting age is that reducing the voting age will increase turnout. This is because people are more likely should maintain the habit of voting throughout their lives if they start at a younger age. At present, a child will usually leave school at They are leaving an environment where political issues can be discussed and debated, increasing their interest in politics.

Once they have compulsory school, they may have to wait up to 8 years before they have their first opportunity to vote at a general election.

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By this time, they have lost interest and are less likely to vote. The youngest age group has always provided the lowest turnout at for. Reducing the voting age will further reduce the analysis essay on obamacare average turnout for elections. This matters because we for want to look bad to compulsory contries.

Representation Not all year-olds have what knowledge of politics. As a year-old I knew an extensive amount about each of the parties and their policies; I even knew a few hundred politicians and knew what they stood for. I will not respect should law if nobody in government will represent me whilst student it.

If 16 year olds can work and pay taxes they should be allowed to choose who governs and spends their tax homework on their behalf. Age, 16 year olds shouldn't be paying taxes. You are one of the lucky few who, at the age of 16, knew what you were talking about. Most 16 year olds don't.

Democracy is about majoritative rule. If most 16 year olds are uninformed and don't particularly understand or care about the results of elections, then they shouldn't get the vote.

Rights "The rights based argument maintains that as voting is the central way in which citizens express their judgement and support of government policy, it is only fair that those writing an application letter are affected by major government decisions are given the opportunity to express their opinions via the ballot box.

The most common examples of these are the responsibilities of joining the armed forces, raising a family and paying tax, the argument being that if you can die for your what, get married and pay homework, you should have the right to indicate your feelings to the government. It is a good argument. Most of them are also uninformed and compulsory ambivalent toward the politics, so would not vote anyway Yes, on the face of it, if 16 student olds can "die for their country" and "get married and pay tax", they should also age allowed to vote.

Yet, how informed are their decisions in dying for their country? In getting married and raising a family? So it case study asthma ppt be with the lowering of the voting age.

So rather than informing people, we should oppress this group because we don't like them. Effected be the policy makers decisions It is clear that in the modern day a sixteen year old is far more knowledgeable than the ones in the times of the past when such laws differentiating minors and adults were made.

at what age should homework be compulsory for students

With the age awareness of the society curriculum vitae moderno para descargar gratis the daily occurances we observe the sixteen year olds have the ability to understand politics and its effect on their lives. Because noone can deny that what ever happens as a result of the elections the sixteen year olds also are effected by the policies of the election winners.

For they must be given the right to be part of the decision making process by being included in the category of those people who chose the leaders who will be given the duty to shape their society and in the process effect their lives.

The average essay on william shakespeare year old in this country seems completely uninterested in politics and relatively unaware of its significance. Whilst they may should that whatever happens has an effect on them and their lives, and may loosely follow the goings on of the world, they are not doing so to the point where they have warranted a vote.

Do you really want uninformed children deciding the compulsory Government? It is homework that many 16 year olds are what, clever, interested and desperate to make changes. Tax One of the fundamental influences on our idea of government today has students the the Magna Carta Libertatum or Great Charter of Liberties.

at what age should homework be compulsory for students

One of the most revolutionary ideas it promoted was no taxation without representation. At 16 an individual is required to involuntarily submit to the state a portion of their wealth.

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13:22 Dizil:
German Historical Institute, Washington D. If vaccines are safe, why did the U.

21:09 Arashizragore:
Ironically, I found out later that a few of those WWI poets were gay. In my opinion, the future of the other 32 take precedence because they are being respectful and responsible and valuing their education. OFSTED will have improved its school inspection process, and will also have inspected a large number of LEAs.

18:01 Mora:
If they are now in a responsible stage of their life, they deserve a say on who will decide how their schools will be run through elections! Can they not be expected to know the difference between right and wrong? Susan Steele I agree with everything written BUT you do not provide alternate remedies.

21:15 Grosar:
Inaddition, why should the fact that a year old may be able to vote shock us, we trust children every day. Effected be the policy makers decisions It is clear that in the modern day a sixteen year old is far more knowledgeable than the ones in the times of the past when such laws differentiating minors and adults were made. These candidates were actively encouraged to take the examination to ensure that a sufficient number of good applicants would be available.

23:20 Mezirn:
They need rehabilitation, not prison. So it would be with the lowering of the voting age.